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iOS SDK Changelog


Update Date: 2024-08-23

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Added support for setting theme mode when opening Mini-Program.
  2. Added the ignoreAppDelegateSupportedInterfaceOrientations field to FATUIConfig.


  1. Fixed the issue of a white screen appearing immediately after calling reLaunch or redirectTo following navigateTo.
  2. Fixed saveFileSync not validating whether filePath is empty.
  3. Fixed the issue where the image height is 1px less than the original after rotating the image 90 degrees in editImage.
  4. Fixed the non-scrolling issue of scrollview under specific scenarios on iOS 13 and below.
  5. Fixed the focus issue in the input component with fixed attribute when there are other scrolling views on the page.
  6. Fixed the issue on iOS 18 where video data could not be read correctly after selecting a video with chooseMedia.
  7. Fixed the crash issue caused by a non-string path parameter in navigateToMiniprogram.
  8. Fixed the problem where getFileInfo would return success when passing a network address on newer systems.
  9. Fixed the issue where the height of the textarea component was not updated after setting text through a button click in the Mini-Program.
  10. Fixed the crash issue when opening the Mini-Program using uni-app.


  1. Optimized APM statistics to include js_error type APM events.
  2. Enhanced the "reload" functionality on the failed loading interface when starting the Mini-Program.
  3. Optimized the memory cache clearing logic when closing the Mini-Program if the current page is white.
  4. Converted API documentation from Chinese to English.
  5. Optimized the effect of pull-to-refresh in the Mini-Program page.


Update Date: 2024-08-09

Update Content:


  1. Fixed the issue where immediately calling navigateTo after opendocument could not open the page properly.
  2. Fixed potential crashes in the host App using masonry layout.
  3. Fixed crashes in the Mini-Program during hot starts when calling previewMedia in onload.
  4. Fixed the crash issue caused by introducing a third-party UITextView library impacting the textarea component.
  5. Fixed occasional failures when selecting multiple videos in chooseMedia.
  6. Fixed the white screen issue when opening the Mini-Program on iOS versions below 11 after integrating the Umeng SDK.
  7. Rolled back logic from version 2.45.3 regarding the back button display when loading ( in web-view.
  8. Fixed issues in version 2.45.3 that caused fullscreen video components to malfunction under horizontal and vertical screen transitions.
  9. Fixed the issue where the placeholder of the textarea component did not support setting text-align.
  10. Fixed the issue of not triggering the timeupdate event after switching foreground and background while playing inneraudio.


  1. Optimized the logic of timers (removed unnecessary thread handling logic; stopped timers when destroying the Mini-Program and ensured to dereference timer objects).


Update Date: 2024-07-26

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Supported the disableBackForwardGesture configuration option in app.json, allowing Mini-Programs to disable side-swipe back.


  1. Fixed the memory leak issue caused by frequent network interface calls in the Mini-Program.
  2. Fixed the issue where pasting text from the clipboard in input/textarea did not trigger text change listening if the system dialog appeared.
  3. Fixed the problem where closing a Mini-Program during recording prevented re-recording after triggering reLaunch.
  4. Fixed the uploadFile interface allowing uploads to succeed even if the specified file does not exist in the Mini-Program package.
  5. Fixed the return duration of recordManager for PCM format audio being incorrect (0).
  6. Fixed the crash issue in request/uploadFile/downloadFile when setting non-string type data in headers.
  7. Fixed the disappearance of the navigation bar title and back button during the gesture back process in the settings page.
  8. Fixed the issue where the Mini-Program did not respond when swiping back and then clicking on a list item in the permissions list page.
  9. Fixed the crash issue occurring sporadically when viewDidDisappear resulted in the Mini-Program ID being nil.
  10. Fixed issues with scanCode on UEAN-13 and UPC-A type barcodes.
  11. Fixed the crash issue when calling chooseLocation on iOS versions below 13.0.


  1. Optimized APM event reporting for page_hide/applet_hide/page_load events.
  2. Enhanced the previewMedia interface to support the poster to be an image within the code package.
  3. Improved the judgment logic of canGoBack in the webView component, fixing the improper display of the back button when loading H5 on the Mini-Program's homepage.
  4. Enhanced the live-pusher component to support the mode parameter and optimized stream clarity (addressed the issue where setting clarity during streaming had no effect).
  5. Improved the logic of the view controller for orientation handling to avoid crashes when rotating to a non-supported direction.


Update Date: 2024-07-12

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Added the phone and channel configuration options in FATConfig.
  2. Added readCompressedFile and readCompressedFileSync APIs.


  1. Fixed the issue where reloading the page after a white screen in the Mini-Program resulted in an incorrect page stack number in the base library.
  2. Fixed the issue where closing Bluetooth did not trigger onBLEConnectionStateChange, nor did calling closeBLEConnection trigger it.
  3. Fixed the permission error when reading file paths for readFile from the code package.


  1. Optimized all backend interface request headers in the SDK by adding the mop-app-version field.
  2. Improved cookie storage for web-view components after iOS 17, isolating Mini-Program from both the host and between Mini-Programs.


Update Date: 2024-06-28

Update Content:


  1. Fixed the crash issue when setting the type configuration of the canvas component to webgl.
  2. Fixed the issue where recorded videos from the camera component might have no sound.
  3. Fixed the issue where the input component automatically closed the keyboard in certain situations after focusing.
  4. Fixed the incorrect frame data callback error for the camera component on lower version systems (IMPLEMENTA-8682).
  5. Fixed the error in the last frame data callback of recordManager during audio recording.
  6. Fixed the framesize not functioning issue for recordManager recordings.
  7. Fixed the potential for the last frame's data size to be zero in audio recording from recordManager.
  8. Fixed the crash issue of the picker component when the host project only supports landscape mode.
  9. Fixed the timing error of successfully/completing the openSetting callback.
  10. Fixed sporadic incorrect positioning issues after completing pull-to-refresh.
  11. Fixed the issue of no onplay event being triggered under two scenarios: after resuming playback and when switching between foreground and background.
  12. Fixed the issue where recordManager audio recording format extensions were not being .pcm.
  13. Fixed the problem where the actual format of audio recording in wav format was .caf.
  14. Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when opening the Mini-Program for the first time after updating the base library version.


  1. Improved the display effect of plain text Toast notifications.
  2. Optimized the LivePlayer stream for stutter issues during playback.


Update Date: 2024-06-14

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Added the configuration option authDescStrategy to support default descriptions for permission popups and prohibit calls to related permission APIs when not configured.
  2. Added API related to finfile paths (generateFinFilePath:pathType: and absolutePathWithAppletId:finFilePath:needFileExist:).


  1. Fixed the administrative region data error in region picker (Hubei - Xiantao City, Xinjiang - Baiyang City, Xinjiang - Xinxing City).
  2. Fixed the issue where the bottom cancel button border of the picker component did not display in light mode.
  3. Fixed the anomaly in image display when cropping with cropImage.
  4. Fixed the potential issue of the keyboard closing upon input in the input component.
  5. Fixed the issue where the input component could not delete characters again under specific circumstances after refocusing.
  6. Fixed the error where writing data to Bluetooth settings would throw error 10007 when writeType was write.
  7. Fixed the issue where the request interface would return without data if the success response lacked the data field (returned as data: "").
  8. Fixed the error message when the Mini-Game's chooseImage, chooseMedia, and chooseVideo APIs reported issues.
  9. Fixed the failure to open a Mini-Program using the widget method after previously being opened through the Mini-Program method.


  1. Optimized online Mini-Program loading logic to support specified base libraries (requires backend upgrade to cloud version).


Update Date: 2024-05-31

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Added the APIs editImage and cropImage.
  2. Enhanced H5 applications with support for triggering custom menu agent method through the more button.
  3. Added the encryptUserId configuration option in FATStoreConfig to encrypt the userId (requires backend service upgrade to 1.4.1 or above).
  4. H5 applications now support injecting custom APIs.
  5. Added support for configuring navigation bar styles for H5 applications.
  6. Added events for Mini-Programs transitioning between foreground and background states.
  7. Added full-screen mode support for H5 applications.
  8. Enabled the host APP to send the onCustomEvent event to H5 applications.


  1. Fixed the issue of being unable to start recording after opening debugging mode from the more menu during recording.
  2. Fixed the sporadic crashes when components received synchronization events.
  3. Fixed the abnormal display of the bubble view for marker in Tencent Maps.
  4. Fixed the issue where input text in the textarea component would scroll to the top in specific scenarios.
  5. Fixed the problem with the image sizes while reading part of the original images during chooseImage.


  1. Optimized the getAppletPrivacyInfoWithAppletId:apiServer:completion interface, adding the updateTime property to the returned object.
  2. Enhanced chooseImage to support image editing functions.
  3. Improved support for always property in marker bubble views for Gaode Maps.
  4. Updated administrative area data for picker components to the latest 2024 version.


Update Date: 2024-05-17

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Added the getBindAppletsWithRequest:completion method to retrieve the list of bound Mini-Programs.
  2. Introduced the themeStyle property to support configuration of Mini-Program themes.


  1. Fixed the issue where cover-view did not show under specific conditions.
  2. Fixed the error caused by opening files with openDocument if the file name contained a directory.
  3. Fixed the white screen issue caused by incorrectly reading sub-package pages.
  4. Fixed crashes when the picker component received custom data.
  5. Fixed the sporadic issue where pasting text in the input component resulted in incorrect cursor positioning.
  6. Adjusted the integration of some file management SDKs that caused Mini-Programs to fail to open.
  7. Fixed the issue where getSystemInfo returned incorrect safeArea parameters.


Update Date: 2024-04-26

Update Content:


  1. Fixed the issue where integrating the third-party library FDFullscreenPopGesture would display the system navigation bar and incorrect capsule position on the loading page.
  2. Fixed the failure of compressed package verification due to an external same-named SHA256 summarizing function (prefix added).
  3. Fixed the sporadic failure to read the cache for network requests in weak network environments.
  4. Fixed potential errors reported from receiving messages in TCPSocket.
  5. Fixed the APm event (applet_start) not being counted accurately when the Mini-Program is completed.
  6. Fixed the sporadic issues with parameters being infinity in the chooseLocation if setRegion was called.


  1. Optimized input component content input to restrict typed content limited to specified character types when type is set to number, idcard, or digit.


Update Date: 2024-04-12

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Added the applet:shouldChangePrivacyClickAction: agent method for customizing privacy protocol click events.
  2. Introduced new Mini-Program features.


  1. Fixed the issue where taking pictures with the camera component on some models resulted in unclear images.
  2. Fixed the issue where resource paths for offline H5 applications with Chinese characters would cause loading failures.
  3. Fixed the issue where the input/textarea components did not respond in iOS 12.
  4. Resolved memory leaks within Mini-Programs and Mini-Games.
  5. Corrected the orientation error for frame data in the camera component.


  1. Optimized the configuration of WKWebView in the SDK by standardizing the userAgent.
  2. Improved the clearing process of cover-view when the Mini-Program is cleared.
  3. Enhanced event response for same-layer rendering components to avoid conflicts between input and text area component focus and click gestures.
  4. Improved the privacy configuration of privacy info files by adding NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryDiskSpace and NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryFileTimestamp.
  5. Enhanced the live component to support the picture-in-picture-mode attribute.
  6. Improved the logic controlling the frequency of permission pop-ups for online Mini-Programs that manage the configuration on the backend.
  7. Enhanced the functionality for opening offline H5 applications, allowing configuration of query parameters.


Update Date: 2024-03-29

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Added the method registerWkWebViewURLSchemeHandler:forURLScheme: to support injecting custom scheme protocols in webView.


  1. Fixed the size error displayed by the markers in the native map when added using the mark function.
  2. Fixed the issue where the video component displayed with the navigation bars overlapping when the page did not display the capsule.
  3. Fixed the crash when the preceding Mini-Program information was not successfully requested for the experience version front page, clicking "Go to Experience Version".
  4. Fixed the issue where memory for Mini-Programs was not cleared when receiving exitMiniProgram event during Mini-Program shutdown.
  5. Fixed the non-scrolling issue on the webview while being displayed in page-container.
  6. Fixed the issue where markers in multiple-map were not centered correctly.
  7. Fixed the failure to resume定位 after a failure when calling startLocationUpdate.


  1. Improved the more panel by supporting the new menu style FATMoreViewStylePage, allowing backend configuration of embedded menu names and logos, as well as the order of built-in and custom menus.


Update Date: 2024-03-16

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Added agent methods to set custom privacy protocol names and link addresses for Mini-Programs.


  1. Fixed the keyboard failing to display on iOS 17.4 when using the input/textarea components.
  2. Corrected the abnormal filling of the live component after rotating the display.
  3. Fixed the issue where opening Mini-Program A and closing Mini-Program B would cause Mini-Program A to close if B called exitMiniProgram.
  4. Fixed the text offset when entering the complaint and feedback page in landscape mode.
  5. Resolved anomalous returns after successfully submitting feedback on the offline H5 page.
  6. Fixed the issue where location information displayed missing cities and districts when using the native map's choose location function.
  7. Fixed the missing city, district, and region information when using Gaode Maps' choose location.
  8. Corrected the missing province information when displaying location data in Baidu Maps' choose location.
  9. Fixed the issue where two innerAudio players could not play on the same Mini-Program page.
  10. Fixed the occasional failure of getSystemInfoSync on the Mini-Program page.


Update Date: 2024-03-01

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Added APIs to delete cookies for a specified URL (deleteCookiesWithURL:completionHandler:) and to delete all cookies (deleteAllCookiesWithCompletionHandler:).
  2. Introduced a privacy list file (PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy).


  1. Fixed compatibility issues with the complaint feedback page against older versions of backend service interfaces.
  2. Resolved the failure to apply offline package configurations in online Mini-Programs (resolved issues since version 2.43.1).
  3. Fixed the missing header in the success callback for downloadFile/uploadFile.
  4. Fixed the extreme low probability of getting stuck during pushing streams in live-pusher.
  5. Fixed the API calls failing when obtaining the Mini-Program's privacy protocol if it had not yet opened.
  6. Fixed the service loading timeout issue when there was a memory cache and a new version triggered a cold startup.


  1. Improved handling of one-dimensional barcode results for the scanCode API (removed leading zeros).
  2. Optimized the base library's reading of window width and height (Page layer supports getSystemInfo and getSystemInfoSync events).
  3. Enhanced timing of the onHeadersReceived, onChunkReceived, and success callbacks for request/downloadFile/uploadFile.
  4. Optimized the live-player component to support the orientation attribute.
  5. Improved reporting statistics for APM events (added network type information).


Update Date: 2024-02-04

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Added proxy classes related to network requests and corresponding comments.
  2. Included support for RequestTask.onChunkReceived.
  3. Enhanced the stat/statSync to support new compression libraries for processing directories within Mini-Program packages.


  1. Enhanced image loading by caching and merging requests within a short period for network images.
  2. Updated decryption and verification logic for SDKKey.
  3. Adjusted the Content-Type for complaints and feedback to JSON.
  4. Corrected the compatibility of tab bar icons with paths starting with "./".
  5. Improved the scenario when pop-up boxes for unavailable Mini-Programs are displayed during updates (error codes: 20000-20006, 20008-20010, 20024, 20025).


  1. Fixed the nonplayable video files from previewMedia that referenced paths in finfile.
  2. Corrected the absent cover images when displaying video files with previewMedia.
  3. Fixed the loading animation failure for previewMedia.
  4. Resolved issues with input components remaining on the page after editing in deeply nested scrollviews.
  5. Fixed sporadic issues with newline characters when entering text in the textarea component.
  6. Rectified abnormal pre-views when continuously opening the camera.
  7. Fixed the tab bar icons not displaying in the entry configuration of app.json.
  8. Corrected the issue of toggling the tab bar states from unselected back to the original state when clicking directly.
  9. Fixed the potential routing disorder from simultaneous side-swipe returns and enableAlertBeforeUnload.
  10. Fixed the uploadFile interface, returning an image/tiff content-type while uploading an mp3 file.
  11. Resolved the issue where pasting large texts in the textarea component resulted in partial visibility.
  12. Fixed the failure of showing covers when switching between multiple videos in previewmedia.
  13. Fixed issues related to images failing to show from independent packages transitioning to main packages during new compressed packages.
  14. Resolved the event penetration issue occurring in Mini-Programs on systems below iOS 13.
  15. Fixed the bindconfirm on textarea not being triggered in certain circumstances.
  16. Corrected issues with the confirmHold attributes' ineffectiveness in specific Mini-Program scenarios.
  17. Fixed the remote debug issues on iOS.


Update Date: 2024-01-19

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Added the getLocalIPAddress API.
  2. Included the getLatestUserKey API.
  3. Enhanced stat/statSync/fstat/fstatSync API to include isFile and isDirectory attributes.
  4. Incorporated SHA256 file summary information into getFileInfo.
  5. Added toDataURL API support for the native Canvas.


  1. Enhanced notifications regarding subpackage pre-downloads.


  1. Resolved the issue with fstat not supporting finfile://store and finfile://tmp addresses.
  2. Fixed issues where input components would not update placeholder text properly.
  3. Corrected the keyboard type-setting failure from ID card type to other types.
  4. Fixed occasional crashes in the service layer evaluateScript.
  5. Resolved the failure to release JSCoreService object and persistent threads post Mini-Program destruction.
  6. Fixed the inconsistencies after restarting capsules in some Mini-Programs.
  7. Resolved issues related to view hiding after showing custom permissions.
  8. Fixed the failure to return previously requested custom permissions for getAppletAuthSetting.
  9. Corrected the persistent loading issue with log uploads.
  10. Resolved errors resulting from missing logos during cache clearing.
  11. Fixed the empty appJsonInfo situation during hot starts in offline settings.
  12. Corrected errors in the version types saved after restarting a Mini-Program post opening a non-official Mini-Program.
  13. Fixed big data transmissions causing thread blocking and API delayed callbacks.
  14. Resolved crashes encountered when starting recording in the camera after IP issues.
  15. Fixed localization identifiers missing after locating.
  16. Resolved failure of navigateToMiniProgram after calling navigateBackMiniProgram.


Update Date: 2024-01-05

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Introduced the "clear cache" menu item in the more panel, supporting shutdown of the Mini-Program while clearing its cache.
  2. Added a series of APIs to CacheManager.
  3. Included the configuration option handleWebviewPreload and preloadWebView API.
  4. Enabled data pre-fetching and periodic updates along with relevant API support.


  1. Improved the TCPSocket connect interface to support timeout parameters.
  2. Upgraded the picker component to ensure the administrative region data source is the latest from 2023, adding pickerRegionPath for custom config.
  3. Optimized the logic for released caches when the Mini-Program count exceeds five, with prioritized release for the earliest opened while ensuring others continue playing background audio.
  4. Enhanced layout of about pages in Mini-Programs (adjusted for multi-internationalization).
  5. Optimized logging logic within the SDK (reducing unnecessary info-level logging, repetitive logs, and event print parameters).
  6. Improved Tencent Maps extension SDK compatibility for version 4.5.13 and beyond.
  7. Enhanced enableAlertBeforeUnload to trigger alert prompts even when swiping back.
  8. Cleaned up error messages during base library downloads where MD5 verification fails.


  1. Corrected the issue where SVG image formats were not supported starting from version 2.42.13.
  2. Fixed crashes triggered by using KVO to observe WebView.scrollView background colors due to third-party libraries.
  3. Resolved issues with the marker labels not being displayed correctly when the bubble in the Tencent Maps extension SDK was treated as a marker.
  4. Fixed issues with textarea height calculations under special circumstances when setting auto-adaptability.
  5. Resolved double triggers in audio playback due to mistakenly applying the onplay event multiple times.
  6. Corrected multi-image loading failures in Mini-Games regardless of either compatibility or jscore mode.
  7. Fixed UI configuration to ensure previewImage retains correct interaction points.
  8. Rectified errors caused during writeFile or writeFileSync due to incorrect base64 conversion leading to data inconsistencies.
  9. Fixed crashes in specific iOS models during first-time on-device debugging.
  10. Resolved potential streaming locks when playing background audio upon switching to H5.


Update Date: 2023-12-23

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Added the getVideoInfo and getAvailableAudioSources APIs.
  2. Introduced the restartMiniProgram API.
  3. Implemented onMemoryWarning and offMemoryWarning.


  1. Improved Mini-Program and base library compression formats for enhanced space efficiency.
  2. Enhanced API calls post the camera component is hidden or removed, adding failure callbacks.
  3. Improved the status information returned from getBluetoothAdapterState.
  4. Updated Picker component to handle unexpected variables when receiving custom parameters.
  5. Enhanced non-official version cold/hot implementations.
  6. Enhanced the API for opening Mini-Programs with a request to enable the reLaunch condition.


  1. Fixed correctness issues with the height parameters returned from events triggered by the video component.
  2. Resolved issues where pushing streams using third-party tools occasionally had sound dropouts.
  3. Fixed errors when reading empty files via
  4. Corrected sporadic closure click errors in component functionality.
  5. Fixed camera/component connection errors that resulted from uncertain permissions.
  6. Handled specific loading failures for inner audio playback.
  7. Resolved the positioning issues in the native maps on iOS14 and the results' accuracy when using the native maps.
  8. Fixed significant deviations in location coordinates returned from the native maps.


Update Date: 2023-12-08

Update Content:

[New Features]

  1. Introduced log upload functionality.
  2. Enhanced CameraContext.setZoom to return actual values when zoom adjustments are made.
  3. Added the configuration option webViewInspectable in FATConfig, enabling safari debug mode for iOS version 16.4 and above.


  1. Simplified user experience during complaint/repair submissions by adding smooth transition processes.
  2. Improved synchronization of language texts across all applications.
  3. Optimized memory management systems within the Mini-Program.


  1. Corrected header loss issues from network requests due to referer.
  2. Resolved cache variation issues where Mini-Program adjustments were not being localized.
  3. Corrected elements within iOS that reverted to Chinese settings in English environments during interactions.
  4. Resolved issues whereby swiping to close the Mini-Program occasionally caused locks in state.
  5. Addressed problems with opening the native maps inappropriately triggering unexpected results when conditional errors arose.
  6. Resolved crashing issues arising during video component interactions across iOS environments.
  7. Resolved mainstream issues related to background audio processing and allowed concurrency of contexts.
  8. Fixed optimization value retrieval processes reducing output occurrences in incorrect spans.


Release Date: 2023-11-25 Update Details:


  1. Optimize the keys in all internationalization files within the SDK.
  2. Optimize the size of output images after setting the resolution attribute in the camera component.
  3. Optimize the return value of language in getSystemInfo and getSystemInfoSync (return the language type from SDK initialization config).
  4. Optimize the referer implementation to support setting referer in app.json.
  5. Optimize the logic for offline Mini Program backend interface calls, no longer triggering pre-shelving of the base library, configuration info, etc.
  6. Optimize the interface interaction logic between the Mini Programs and the management backend (enhance multi-threading handling).
  7. Optimize the resource copying logic for Mini Program packages and base library packages (optimized to a fixed serial queue).
  8. Optimize the logic to prevent frequent re-opening of the same Mini Program within a short time (prevent re-opening if the Mini Program is running in the foreground).
  9. Optimize the way onAppRoute reads path and query to avoid errors caused by the transmitted path containing HTML.
  10. Optimize the callback type when closing the preview video by clicking the top left close button (change to success callback to avoid errors for unimplemented fail callbacks).


  1. Fix the occasional crash issue when checking for updates in the online release version Mini Program.
  2. Fix the issue where the onKeyboardShow event is triggered when some models hide the keyboard.
  3. Fix the issue where when starting a Mini Program from an independent subpackage with on-demand injection enabled, custom components on all subpackage interfaces do not display after successfully starting and switching to a non-independent subpackage.
  4. Fix the issue where after starting from an independent subpackage with on-demand injection, returning from a normal subpackage to relaunch to a non-first tab in the main package results in a white screen.
  5. Fix the issue where showLoading, followed by redirectTo, then executing hideLoading does not hide the loading view.
  6. Fix the issue where in special scenarios, editing an input box causes text changes in another input box.
  7. Fix the excessive upward or downward screen shift when switching between different input boxes.
  8. Fix the issue where when focusing on an input box, switching between app foreground and background causes the input position to change.
  9. Fix the issue where spacing is incorrect when focusing on input fields on a page with a tab bar.
  10. Fix the issue where playing background audio, followed by playing inner audio, prevents other app audio from resuming when inner audio is paused.
  11. Fix the problem where playing inner audio while background audio is playing stops the background audio.
  12. Fix the issue where the background audio of the Mini Program continues to play after re-entering the Mini Program.
  13. Fix the delayed triggering of navigateTo logic in Mini Program pages, causing crashes when navigating to the about page.
  14. Fix the occasional upload failure 504 issue in the uploadFile interface and the issue where data is missing when the returned data is too large after uploading.
  15. Fix the white screen issue when starting the Mini Program with the parameter "/", and then clicking the top left corner to return to the home page.
  16. Fix the issue of white screen on the target interface after continuously invoking redirectTo followed by navigateTo.
  17. Fix the issue where checking for updates in the Mini Program updates the new version's packageConfig to the currently running old version, causing errors.


Release Date: 2023-11-10

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New confirm and Prompt pop-ups in H5.
  2. New configuration file in the bundle that includes the version number.
  3. New info.json configuration file in the bundle.
  4. New method to obtain a long screenshot of the current page.
  5. New API for setting custom language packs.
  6. New support for setInnerAudioOption API.


  1. Optimize the content display of enableAlertBeforeUnload pop-up.
  2. Optimize the returned version in getAccountInfoSync (all versions return the current Mini Program version number).
  3. Optimize the issue of continuous loading due to exceptions when loading the Mini Program service.
  4. Optimize the complaint and feedback interface.
  5. Optimize the startup process of offline H5 Mini Programs (remove unnecessary API requests and resource downloads).
  6. Optimize the scrollbar display logic of the textarea component.


  1. Fix the issue of missing sdk fingerprint parameters in the header during the pre-download of the base library.
  2. Fix the problem where clicking cancel after opening the camera with scanCode does not execute the fail callback.
  3. Fix the onCanPlay event for innerAudio missing currentTime, duration, and buffered parameters.
  4. Fix the crash issue when selecting iCloud video files on low version systems.
  5. Fix the occasional crash issue when selecting multiple photos.
  6. Fix the issue of image selection failing for some files.
  7. Fix the issue requiring two clicks to focus on input and textarea after dismissing the keyboard.
  8. Fix the issue where audio continues playing in the absence of set requiredBackgroundModes.
  9. Fix the issue of confirm-type property in textarea not functioning.
  10. Fix the issue of dynamic modification of cursor = 0 or -1 not taking effect after re-focusing.
  11. Fix the issue where dynamic modifications of selection-start and selection-end do not take effect.
  12. Fix the issue of the capsule button not hiding on entering settings in an offline H5 Mini Program.
  13. Fix the issue of failing to check for updates when re-entering an offline H5 Mini Program.
  14. Fix the issue of incorrect width of the more menu when the Mini Program is in landscape orientation.
  15. Fix the issue where copying a large number of contents in the textarea component leaves a gap between the input box and the keyboard.
  16. Fix the issue that under special scenarios, focusing on the textarea and entering text causes it to scroll out of view.
  17. Fix the issue that it is difficult to focus on the right edge of the textarea.
  18. Fix the issue of refreshing the cursor position exceeding the text length being reset to the start position of the text.
  19. Fix the issue of abnormal camera previews on the first use of the camera component on iOS 16.


Release Date: 2023-10-28

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New support for setting poster (video cover) in previewMedia.
  2. New support for setting alertText in showActionSheet, with scrolling supported for many actions.
  3. New agent method for handling logic when clicking the capsule close button to allow executing logic before closure.
  4. New APIs chooseImage, chooseVideo, and chooseMedia support loading iCloud images and videos.
  5. New support for multiple present modes when opening Mini Programs on the iPad.


  1. Discontinue the agent method for local Mini Program's getAccountInfoSync (no longer triggers agents, now implemented internally).
  2. Optimize the validation logic of custom synchronous APIs (validate whether implemented before checking whether registered).
  3. Optimize the timing of callback triggers for the scanCode interface (trigger after closing the scan page).
  4. Optimize the parameters for the insert and update events of input and textArea.
  5. Optimize BLEPeripheralServer.startAdvertising, adding type checks for serviceUuids.
  6. Optimize the timing of audio onPlay events, changing to trigger after onCanPlay, seekEd, etc. sending events.
  7. Optimize the judgment logic for play, pause, stop, seek, etc. events when calling to ensure src is usable.
  8. Optimize the distance between the keyboard and input box after focusing on input/textarea.
  9. Optimize the triggering time of the initCompletion agent method (adjust to after serviceReady event and when the home page starts to load).
  10. Optimize the logic for downloading Mini Program packages or base libraries, adding specific error message parsing for download failures.
  11. Optimize the getMiniProgramDetail interface that does not write error types when there is no new version.
  12. Optimize the timing and prompting of SDK configuration validation.


  1. Fix the brightness issue of the first frame when recording video using the camera component.
  2. Fix the numerical error when frameSize of the camera component is set to small.
  3. Fix the distortion issue when recording video with the camera component.
  4. Fix the numerical error of maxZoom in the camera component.
  5. Fix the flickering issue of the flashlight during page switches that contain the camera component.
  6. Fix the repeated triggering of the proxy when authorization is refused before the camera component is used.
  7. Fix the abnormal returns of the cameraFrameListenerStop event when the camera component has no camera permissions.
  8. Fix the white screen issue caused by the base library update.
  9. Fix the occasional crash issue resulting from a type error.
  10. Fix the issue where the custom view height for Mini Program permission requests is set to 0.
  11. Fix the issue of all values being selected by default when switching the focus attribute in input and textarea.
  12. Fix the issue where createBLEConnection still receives timeout callback after a successful connection.
  13. Fix the absence of a callback for closeBLEConnection.
  14. Fix the issue of sending onTimeUpdate events even when audio is not playing.
  15. Fix the focus page not being pushed up correctly after opening the redirect page or vConsole in the Mini Program.
  16. Fix the issue of failing to create video views for WebRTC.


Release Date: 2023-10-13

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New support for compressedWidth and compressedHeight parameters in compressImage.
  2. New error messages for the camera.
  3. New support for image click previews in certain scenarios when opening H5 pages in Mini Programs.
  4. Added cursor field in the data returned from the bindblur event of textarea and input components.


  1. Optimize the preloading logs for subpackages.
  2. Optimize the UI of the more menu in landscape mode.
  3. Optimize the digest return value of getFileInfo (adjust to lowercase).
  4. Optimize previewMedia, allowing video playback to support caching.
  5. Optimize the implementation scheme for custom APIs and custom scope permission pop-ups.


  1. Fix the issue of how the compressed image is filled when using previewImage.
  2. Fix the issue where the returned value of whether accessibility features are enabled is a string.
  3. Fix the issue where there are indicator points even when previewing only one image in previewImage.
  4. Fix the issue of triggering two onPlay events during audio playback.
  5. Fix the issue of triggering the front agent class on every call despite permissions being granted.
  6. Fix the issue of loading images failing in the Mini Game.
  7. Fix the issue where uiConfig.appletText configuration does not take effect.
  8. Fix the issue of incorrect data conversion when writing Base64 data with writeFile and writeFileSync.
  9. Fix the crash issue that occurs on some iOS devices during the first real device debugging.
  10. Fix the stagnant issue with the online video playback limit in previewMedia.
  11. Fix the issue of animation position mismatch in landscape Mini Programs.
  12. Fix the inaccuracy of the offset when the map anchor is set to default.
  13. Fix the occasional connection abnormality in the live SDK.
  14. Fix the issue of default latitude and longitude being 0 in chooseLocation.
  15. Fix the issue where invoking UI API calls within the Mini Program's onLaunch method may fail.
  16. Fix the inability to open the more menu when the Mini Game's direction is set to landscapeLeft or landscapeRight.
  17. Fix the issue where openLocation and chooseLocation pages are not full-screen on native maps in iOS 14.
  18. Fix significant deviation in positioning when using the native map’s chooseLocation API.
  19. Fix the occasionally long startup time of SDK initialization.


Release Date: 2023-09-24

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New configuration option for the home button in Mini Programs.
  2. New level property for the picker component to support province, city, and district.
  3. New qrCode property in appletInfo (the original QR code value when opening the Mini Program with QR code).


  1. Optimize the logic of obtaining Bluetooth permissions in getSystemSetting (avoid issues of needing to declare Bluetooth permissions when Bluetooth extension SDK is not integrated).
  2. Optimize the data storage of some configuration info, removing the logic of using NSUserDefault in the SDK.
  3. Optimize the internationalization content of displayed text in Android and iOS SDK (aligning prompts on both ends).
  4. Optimize the selection effect of chooseImage/chooseMedia when the count is 1, also displaying the check button when count is 1.
  5. Optimize the live component, update the underlying streaming library logic.
  6. Optimize the prompt information in the routing events when the path passed in refers to a non-existing page (remove extraneous .html).
  7. Optimize the access to files in the code package for Mini Programs utilizing access, getFileInfo, and stat APIs.
  8. Optimize the error prompt information in the API fail callbacks for the camera component.


  1. Fix the issue where base64 and hex format data cannot be written with writeFile.
  2. Fix the overlap issue of the navigation bar and file title when opening files with openDocument.
  3. Fix the issue of not triggering the front agent class before applying for permissions in startLocationUpdateBackground.
  4. Fix the issue where setting InnerAudioContext.volume to null does not play successfully on iOS.
  5. Fix the issue where setting InnerAudioContext.startTime to 100 and directly clicking play after cold starting the Mini Program plays from 0.
  6. Fix the issue where the capsule button of the Mini Game appears too high.
  7. Fix the issue where after navigating from a Mini Program page to the host app page and swiping back, the capsule button is not hidden.
  8. Fix the issue with incorrect background color for the navigation bar when swiping back to the Mini Program page from the settings page.
  9. Fix the issue where while the Mini Program is open, RecorderManager.start does not call onError after directly invoking other APIs.
  10. Fix the issue of not checking permissions when resuming recording after turning off the microphone in settings.
  11. Fix the issue where the loading progress bar of offline H5 Mini Programs is not displayed.
  12. Fix the issue where forceUpdate does not take effect in offline Mini Programs.
  13. Fix the white screen issue caused by checking updates during hot-loading of non-release versions.
  14. Fix the issue where the camera component displays incorrectly when switching between landscape and portrait mode.
  15. Fix the issue of camera frame data size being incorrect when switching between landscape and portrait mode.
  16. Fix the issue of incorrect orientation when taking photos and recording videos in landscape and portrait mode.
  17. Fix the issue of missing frame data callbacks in the camera component's scanning mode.
  18. Fix the issue of missing maxZoom in the first bindinitdone event for the camera component.
  19. Fix the issue of missing maxZoom in the first triggering bindinitdone event.
  20. Fix the occasional issue where background music from H5 loaded into the Mini Program does not pause when the Mini Program is closed.
  21. Fix the occasional failure of the compression process when selecting images in chooseImage/chooseMedia.
  22. Fix the issue of startTime in innerAudio not taking effect.
  23. Fix the display error when pasting text exceeding maximum length into a textarea.
  24. Fix the incorrect height calculation when pasting text with line breaks into a textarea.
  25. Fix the immediate effect of automatic preview in the IDE preview version on iOS.


Release Date: 2023-09-08

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New configuration options for the logo control in the more panel of Mini Programs.
  2. New appletDebugMode configuration in FATConfig, enabling the vConsole for the production version of Mini Programs.
  3. New hideMiniProgramMoreButton configuration option in request, allowing the capsule's more button to be hidden.
  4. New IDE auto-preview feature support.


  1. Fix the issue where the keyboard height obtained when focusing on input/textarea for the first time is 0.
  2. Fix the disappearing navigation bar issue when reopening the Mini Program after displaying a landscape page.
  3. Fix the white screen issue when clicking the top-left return button to exit the Mini Program after opening H5 when using push animations.
  4. Fix the issue where the download progress of segmented packages does not pass on correctly in Mini Games.
  5. Fix the visibility issue of the status bar on offline H5-type application pages in dark mode.
  6. Fix the error when rendering HTTPS images using webview in Mini Games.


  1. Optimize default options for background location permission, selecting the second option (when using and after exiting the Mini Program) by default.
  2. Optimize the return values of getAppAuthorizeSetting and getSystemSetting, supporting the return of Bluetooth permission status after iOS 13.1.
  3. Optimize the prompt messages in the clipboard SDK's setClipboardData, supporting internationalization.
  4. Optimize the display logic for the logo and name of the Mini Program, prioritizing the display of logos and names configured in request.
  5. Optimize the prompt information for denied permissions in recorderManager.
  6. Optimize the scrollView component, supporting properties like bounces, showScrollbar, pagingEnabled, and fastDeceleration.
  7. Optimize the startup logic for non-official Mini Programs, supporting hot starts.
  8. Optimize the contents reported for apm events, adding from and userId (encrypted).
  9. Optimize the logic for loading subpackages in Mini Games.


Release Date: 2023-08-25

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New properties fileMd5 and packages in FATAppletInfo.
  2. New APIs related to device motion: startDeviceMotionListening and listening events.


  1. Fix the issue of incorrect layering when adding custom pop-ups in the loading page.
  2. Fix the issue where repeated calls to play from innerAudio trigger the onPlay event continuously.
  3. Fix the occasional crash issue on native components in iOS caused by nan in regions.
  4. Fix the incorrect path obtained during the onLaunch and onShow events when setting entryPagePath.
  5. Fix the issue where switching between front and back cameras during video recording causes incorrect video orientation.
  6. Fix the issue where clicking the close button at the top right corner does not pause the recording after starting the recording with RecordManager.start.
  7. Fix the issue where the fading effect for the recording icon at the top right corner fails after entering the main app while recording.
  8. Fix the issue where the recording state is incorrect at the top right corner and in the more panel after re-entering the Mini Program with it still recording.
  9. Fix the issue where audio will pause after navigating to another page when RecordManager.start is called.
  10. Fix the issue where calling APIs that update unrequested built-in permissions causes crashes.
  11. Fix the issue where error messages obstruct vConsole when opening non-existent pages.
  12. Fix the 5px gap below the navigation bar on iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max.
  13. Fix the issue where the pop-up page for choosePoi or chooseLocation is not displayed in full-screen.
  14. Fix the issue where directly nested calls to choosePoi or chooseLocation fail to open the target interface.
  15. Fix the issue of crashes caused by innerAudio having a timescale value of 0 when seeking.
  16. Fix the issue where displaying input/textarea in scrollView leads to scrolling content showing offsets between the input and textarea.


  1. Optimize returns of getSystemInfo interface, adding fontSizeSetting to return values.
  2. Optimize request parameters for the backend interface calls, adding a fingerprint parameter.
  3. Optimize the error display for Mini Program routing when downloading previously undeclared subpackage pages fails.
  4. Optimize the error prompts for failed downloads of Mini Program base library or packages.
  5. Optimize English content for Mini Programs when there is no network connection.
  6. Optimize the handling of error message titles within the Mini Program.


Release Date: 2023-08-12

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New flashlight feature in scanCode and updated scanCode page UI.
  2. New custom API registration function related to custom scope, including modifying custom scope permission states.
  3. New proxy for displaying custom views during the Mini Program loading state, allowing continuance post-show.
  4. New API information for custom APIs on Mini Program objects.
  5. New support for offline H5 Mini Programs.


  1. Optimize the XML parsing classes used in the DLNA module of Video, adding prefixes to avoid warnings or conflicts.
  2. Optimize prompts for failures in loading H5 in web-view components, adding binderror callbacks.
  3. Optimize the callbacks of startLocationUpdate and startLocationUpdateBackground.
  4. Optimize the data reporting mechanism in APM to avoid leaving data locally when exceeding the configured threshold.
  5. Optimize error codes.


  1. Fixing the issue where spaces in server addresses lead to errors when opening Mini Programs (service not initialized).
  2. Fix the issue of being interrupted by system events during inner audio playback, causing automatic resumption after ending interruption.
  3. Fix the playback problem with audio failing to start after returning to front stage from background without background audio permission.
  4. Fix the issue where offline Mini Programs with IDs containing underscores cannot play audio.
  5. Fix the issue of callbacks not triggering successfully when integrating the WeChat extension SDK with getPhoneNumber.
  6. Fix the issue wherein swiping to close the Mini Program does not stop BackgroundAudio playback.
  7. Fix the white screen issue caused by loading services during the launch routing event.
  8. Fix the issue in routing where triggering swipe-back events during the queue process leads to disorder in the queue.
  9. Fix the white screen issue caused by triggering excess navigateBack events when switching between portrait and landscape modes.
  10. Fix the timing of setting flags for navigateBack causing extra navigateBack triggers.
  11. Fix the issue where switchTab does not invoke subsequent routing events correctly.
  12. Fix the timing issue of when switchTab might prematurely trigger the next routing event.
  13. Fix the position issue of the capsule button in certain scenarios in Mini Programs.


Release Date: 2023-07-28

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New agent methods for adding to the home screen.
  2. New keyboard input events and callbacks support for Mini Games.
  3. New device orientation events and callbacks support for Mini Games.
  4. New audio interruption callbacks support for Mini Games.
  5. New API for obtaining privacy authorization content.
  6. New APIs and proxies for the offline store Mini Program scenario.


  1. Optimize calendar permission requests to avoid solely relying on the core SDK requiring to add calendar permissions.
  2. Optimize the logic for initializing the JSContext in Mini Games.
  3. Optimize app settings not to show feedback menus, highlighting logic for Complaints in the about page and permissions pop-up.
  4. Optimize event call sequence of the live component to prevent issues with simultaneous insertion and beginning events.
  5. Optimize the online version of the Mini Program’s base library download logic, initiating base library pre-download during initialization.
  6. Optimize the loading logic for rendering components on the same layer.
  7. Optimize the permission management page of the Mini Program, supporting configuration for title position and back button images.
  8. Optimize the display of privacy agreements in the authorization dialogue.
  9. Optimize the handling logic for the home page (entryPagePath) parameter.


  1. Fix the occasional crash issue when traversing and modifying Mini Program object arrays in sub-threads.
  2. Fix the issue of duplicate watermark additions.
  3. Fix the occasional crash issue with batchGetStorageSync and batchSetStorageSync.

Map Extension SDK

  1. New support for the lineBreak property in the map SDK.
  2. Fix the issue of inaccurate POI data when using the native map.
  3. Fix the incorrect display of the map SDK bubble content.


Release Date: 2023-07-15

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New batchSetStorage, batchSetStorageSync, batchGetStorage, and batchGetStorageSync APIs related to storage.


  1. Optimize the downloadFile interface to prohibit non-HTTP protocol URLs.
  2. Optimize the caching strategy of the SDK configuration info interface to avoid re-requesting within the local cache validity period.
  3. Optimize the toast classes in share SDK, adding prefixes.
  4. Optimize the threading handling in the Mini Program Service layer (one Mini Program to a fixed sub-thread).
  5. Optimize the logic of reading the startup parameters of the Mini Program and entry page path.
  6. Optimize the date picker component to support bilingual internationalization.
  7. Enhance FATAppletInfo with the addition of coreDescription (Mini Program description).


  1. Fix the issue where domain names configured with * in certificates do not take effect.
  2. Fix the issue where the vConsole in Mini Games does not display when clicked.
  3. Fix the occasional crash issue in Mini Games on iOS 10.
  4. Fix the incorrect sharing scheme in Mini Games.
  5. Fix the issue of red text in privacy agreement content.
  6. Fix the error issue when opening standalone subpackage pages with entryPagePath in offline Mini Programs.
  7. Fix the error issue when the value in entryPagePath does not match that in the Mini Program package leading to a crash.

Tencent Map Extension SDK (FinAppletTXMap): New Features

  1. New API for setting webSecret.


Release Date: 2023-07-01

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New error codes and error messages for empty SDK configuration info.
  2. New on-demand injection (lazyCodeLoading) feature and entryPagePath support.


  1. Optimize the loading prompt for sub-packages in a running Mini Program when triggered.
  2. Optimize the appDescription of the Mini Program, providing detailed descriptions for mobile.
  3. Optimize error messages for weboscket in different scenarios.
  4. Optimize the Chinese and English internationalization texts in the SDK.
  5. Optimize third-party authorization instructions.
  6. Optimize the implementation of accelerometer-related APIs.
  7. Optimize on-demand injection functionality, with base libraries directly calling loadJsFiles.
  8. Optimize the CustomCallout implementation for markers in Map components.
  9. Optimize permission pop-up for offline Mini Programs by hiding the button for privacy authorization instructions.
  10. Optimize the video component's gesture return functionality to trigger picture-in-picture (PIP).
  11. Optimize field deletion in chooseLocation.


  1. Fix the issue with setNavigationBarTitle not taking effect in jssdk.
  2. Fix the issue of remote debugging javascript breakpoints.
  3. Fix the issue with navigation bar positioning after triggering PIP on the native app and then opening a Mini Program.
  4. Fix the issue of the placeholder bouncing when focusing on the input component on some models.
  5. Fix the incorrect status of the Mini Game's status bar color and capsule style.
  6. Fix the display abnormalities of the previewMedia page when not playing video and rotating the device.
  7. Fix the issue of websocket sending certain arrayBuffer data incorrectly after encoding.
  8. Fix the issue where clicking shortcuts to open different Mini Programs only opens the first one.
  9. Fix the failure to open due to erroneously downloading the main package instead of the independent subpackage.
  10. Fix the downloading of the entire package when entryPagePath is set to a common subpackage page.
  11. Fix the incorrect path issue upon restarting the Mini Program leading to repeated downloads of subpackages.
  12. Fix the occasional crashes caused by KVO due to enabling crash-avoidance configurations.
  13. Fix the occasional crash issue with the chooseImage API.
  14. Fix the subpackage loading error caused by incorrect startup path in offline Mini Programs.
  15. Fix the crash issue of not passing url (required parameter) in the call to previewMedia.

Privacy Agreement SDK:Optimization

  1. Optimize the logic for permission checks for calendar APIs.

Share SDK:Optimization

  1. Optimize the image size during sharing in the share SDK (support for image compression).


Release Date: 2023-06-16

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New addPhoneCalendar and addPhoneRepeatCalendar features in Calendar Extension SDK.
  2. New ability to write logs from host apps to Mini Program vConsole.
  3. New startGyroscope, stopGyroscope, onGyroscopeChange, and offGyroscopeChange for gyroscope-related APIs and events.
  4. New method for setting multiple cookies via proxy.
  5. New pre-download feature for base libraries.
  6. New support for sms and mailto schemes in web-view components.


  1. Fix the failure issue of opening Mini Programs in H5.
  2. Fix the crash issue when switching tabs without a configured tab bar theme.
  3. Fix the bug where using both live player and recording does not trigger onFrameRecorded.
  4. Fix the issue where changing the custom LoadingView could invalidate the Mini Program’s icon.


  1. Optimize the display of Mini Program vConsole.
  2. Optimize permission strategies for Mini Programs to utilize user isolation.
  3. Optimize H5 page opening permissions to support configuration caching.
  4. Optimize domain name support for wildcard configuration.
  5. Optimize the startup process of Mini Programs (unpacking checks).
  6. Optimize the support for hiding the close button in local Mini Programs.
  7. Optimize the menu button code for Mini Programs.

Extended SDK:Fixes

  1. Fix the issue where the map does not move to the selected POI after selecting it.

Live Extension SDK:Fixes

  1. Fix the pop-up microphone permission bug for the live player component.
  2. Fix the noise issue during playback of the live player component on low-end devices.


Release Date: 2023-06-02

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New system interfaces for Mini Programs.
  2. New support for custom content in Mini Program permission pop-ups.


  1. Optimize the previewMedia/previewImage APIs, supporting GIF formats for image previews and saving GIFs to the photo album.
  2. Optimize the saveImageToPhotosAlbum API to support saving GIF images to the photo album.
  3. Optimize analysis SDK to add shareDepth and scene parameters, supporting configurable sharing links.
  4. Optimize batch updates for Mini Program interfaces, adding the option to download.
  5. Optimize the Mini Program info object to publicly expose the appTag property.


  1. Fix the issue where the orientation switch in previewMedia causes video to stop playing.
  2. Fix the inconsistent spacing between permission descriptions and bottom buttons in the permission pop-up.
  3. Fix the occasional failure to display the icon in the permission pop-up.
  4. Fix issues when opening Mini Programs with old APIs, missing the apiServer, leading to data reporting failures.
  5. Fix the issue with bilingual discrepancies in error messages.
  6. Fix the issue where the authorization information returned by getAppletAuthSetting does not include unrequested permissions.
  7. Fix the issue where the permission descriptions in the pop-up remain fixed as photo gallery information.
  8. Fix the issue of the frame parameter being nan, causing crashes in chooseLocation in special scenarios.
  9. Fix the issue where using native maps leads to defaulting to (0,0) after selecting locations.
  10. Fix the incorrect placement of the loading progress bar in the feedback interface when opened from a sideways screen.
  11. Fix the issue where the more menu may remain open after switching orientations in iOS 16.
  12. Fix the issue where pre-loading subpackages fails due to reuse of Mini Program objects.
  13. Fix the routing queue blockage when transitioning between two pages with picture-in-picture (PIP) instances.
  14. Fix the routing queue blockage when pushing further pages that contain the PIP view.
  15. Fix the routing event blockage when clicking the PIP view to return to corresponding pages.


Release Date: 2023-05-20

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New API for fetching the version number of the extended SDK.
  2. New API for obtaining the Mini Program loading view.
  3. New configuration item for version descriptions in local Mini Program requests.
  4. New support for pre-downloading subpackages in local Mini Programs.


  1. Optimize the button size and spacing in the more menu.
  2. Optimize the more view in the normal version, adding identification for Mini Program versions.
  3. Optimize the prompt message when loading links not on the whitelist or within the blacklist in web-view components.
  4. Optimize the privacy protocol page for compatibility with dark mode.
  5. Optimize the actionSheet component, changing to a controller to prevent hiding the navigation layout.
  6. Optimize vertical/horizontal viewing compatibility for various pages related to previewImage/previewMedia/previewVideo.
  7. Optimize the logic of switching the video component between front and back stages.


  1. Fix the issue where the returned array is empty after taking a photo with chooseImage.
  2. Fix the issue with incorrect height of the introduction and version description when switching between portrait and landscape modes on the about page.
  3. Fix the crash caused by calling callback on a thread of an entire package Mini Program within custom APIs.
  4. Fix the bug where tapping doesn’t display the keyboard in the input component.
  5. Fix the incorrect display of state for the game’s status bar color and capsule style.
  6. Fix the abnormal display when rotating the device with previewMedia’s playing video.
  7. Fix the incorrect encoding and decoding issue when sending specific arrayBuffer data via websocket.
  8. Fix the issue where only the first Mini Program is opened when using shortcuts to launch different Mini Programs.
  9. Fix the failure to load due to downloading the main package instead of the intended subpackage.
  10. Fix the incorrect behavior when setting entryPagePath to a common subpackage page, leading to opening the entire package.
  11. Fix the issue where incorrect paths upon restarting the Mini Program lead to repeated downloads of the same subpackage.
  12. Fix the occasional crashes with the recorderManager performing audio record tasks.
  13. Fix instances where the background playback for recordManager leads to audio not playing until tapped twice.
  14. Fix the situation where setting playbackRate for recordManager during smooth playback leads to automatic pauses.


Release Date: 2023-05-08

Update Details:

New Features

  1. Added API in WeChat extension SDK to support opening WeChat Mini Programs via navigateToWechatMiniProgram.


  1. Optimize the logic of removeAppletFromLocalCache, supporting the removal of non-official Mini Program cache.
  2. Optimize the character length of confirm and cancel buttons in showModal pop-ups.
  3. Optimize the display logic of the controls bar when the video component is full-screen.
  4. Optimize the request frequency of the config-info interface, avoiding calls when caching exists.
  5. Optimize the canvas component to support full-screen display while also hiding the capsule during full-screen.
  6. Optimize interfaces like Mini Program details and privacy permissions to only return English content when configured for English in SDK.
  7. Optimize error messages in scenarios like permissions being unavailable.
  8. Optimize ignoreWebviewCertAuth functionality for websockets.
  9. Optimize video component controls for automatic display hiding when triggering playback through APIs.


  1. Fix the abnormal display of menu bar button icons in dark mode.
  2. Fix the scrolling issue where setting autofocus in the input component triggers double scrolling.
  3. Fix the black screen issue in the live component after setting hide to true under same-layer rendering.
  4. Fix the issue where video playback occurs even after setting hide to true in live components.
  5. Fix the black screen issue under same-layer rendering when the top property is not set to zero.
  6. Fix the issue of automatic playback after updating properties while hide is true in live components.
  7. Fix the issue where the error view bounces when reporting in Mini Program loading pages.
  8. Fix the issue where multiple routing switches after a failure in downloading the main package leads to queue lockup.
  9. Fix the lack of the bottom bar display under weak network conditions when switching tabs.
  10. Fix the lack of English internationalization for the background location permission pop-up content.
  11. Fix the issue with the web-view component not supporting new schemes in FinClip Assistant.
  12. Fix the random freezing issues with the camera component when utilizing the flash.
  13. Fix the issue where the Mini Program can only launch after cold-starting due to encryption dependencies.
  14. Fix the incorrect offset issue for the anchor property in markers. (This involves three map extension SDKs)
  15. Fix the issue of GIF images being compressed to JPG format upon selection in chooseImage/chooseMedia.
  16. Fix the issue where clicking on blank areas in chooseImage/chooseVideo/chooseMedia does not trigger fail callbacks.


Release Date: 2023-04-23

Update Details:


  1. Fix the issue where the sharing SDK uses the short link when copying links.
  2. Fix the failure issue when only implementing the new fetching subpackage proxy methods in local Mini Programs.
  3. Fix the issue where navigationBarTitleFixed set to true does not take effect in H5 configurations.
  4. Fix the interaction issue where calling chooseImage in showActionSheet callback fails to trigger chooseImage.
  5. Fix the issue where selecting videos from the album in chooseVideo results in no callback.
  6. Fix the issue where immediate openings of Mini Programs after initializing the SDK lead to errors causing failures to open.
  7. Fix the slow return of the navigation bar on the location information page when returning to settings.
  8. Fix the type matching error in permission applications.
  9. Fix the issue where recorderManager.start() without parameters causes audio not to record.
  10. Fix the misplacement issue of cover-view after adjusting transformation properties.

New Features

  1. New Multi-language settings for Mini Program details and privacy configurations.
  2. New support for customized about pages.


  1. Optimize the keyboard-accessory component to support hidden state upon first insertion.
  2. Optimize menu button configurations to customize icon and title.
  3. Optimize the path parameter in onShareAppMessage, appending query parameters.
  4. Optimize layering for screenshot and watermark additions.
  5. Optimize custom APIs, replacing cancel callbacks to forwarding to fail, deprecating the cancel callback.
  6. Optimize the authorize process by adding support for scope.addPhoneContact and scope.userInfo.
  7. Modify parameters for permission applications to use enumerated values.
  8. Optimize the event and UI of routing queue errors upon subpackage download failures.
  9. Optimize the object information of launching Mini Programs FATAppletInfo, adding appJson information.
  10. Enhance logging in base libraries to capture exceptions from Mini Program service in the SDK log (highlight mistake in regular expressions).
  11. Adjust the display position for the confirm button in chooseFile for dark mode compatibility.


Release Date: 2023-04-08

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New proxy methods for intercepting Mini Program permission applications and authorization results.
  2. New proxy methods for authorization descriptions and titles.
  3. New proxy methods for opening custom settings pages.
  4. New methods for obtaining Mini Program permission lists and modifying Mini Program permission states.
  5. New additional server extension information parameter extInfo in FATAppletInfo.


  1. Optimize the visibility of the "Add to Favorites/Remove Favorites" and "Add to Home Screen" options in the more menu to be hidden by default.
  2. Optimize the fetching of subpackages in local Mini Programs, returning error messages and displaying them appropriately.
  3. Optimize the chooseFile API in Mini Programs to provide prompts during multi-selection.
  4. Optimize the handling of left and top parameters in update events for live components.
  5. Optimize support for the hidden attribute in native components (input/textarea/video/camera/map/live-player/live-pusher).
  6. Enhance implementations of the camera component.
  7. Fix the long execution time issue with readZipEntry in Mini Programs.


  1. Fix the white screen problem when launching the root tab page after initially opening the Mini Program.
  2. Fix the issue of not being able to re-trigger agent methods if the local Mini Program proxy returns a failed subpackage decompression.
  3. Fix the crash issue when calling closure API to close the Mini Program.
  4. Fix the crash issue caused by the current value being larger than count in the Picker component.
  5. Fix the lack of callback when switching to dark mode for the first time without triggering the onThemeChange event.
  6. Fix the malfunction issue where special characters in the Mini Program name prevent the Add to Home function from working.
  7. Fix the rendering issue of markers using native maps not displaying accurately.
  8. Fix the issue where polyline with larger amounts of points in Tencent Map does not render completely.
  9. Fix the unexpected crash issue caused by the wechatLoginInfo field.


Release Date: 2023-03-24

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New delegate FATAppletAppJsonDelegate for obtaining app.json and related proxy methods.
  2. New features added to the more panel including [Add to Home Screen] and [Add/Remove from Favorites].
  3. New language entry in FATConfig for setting SDK common UI language types.
  4. New support for the displayWithCallout property.
  5. New version type setting parameter for local Mini Programs.
  6. New support for picture-in-picture in the video component.
  7. New implementation of the live-player and live-pusher native components.
  8. New commonUISupportOrientaion option in UIConfig for setting the direction of common UIs.
  9. New support for the hide property in input, textarea, video, camera, map, and live-player components.


  1. Optimize the behavior of chooseLocation, openLocation, etc., ensuring appropriate visibility of buttons on notch screens.
  2. Optimize internal logic of loading and notifying in loading and toast components, encapsulating into a single class.
  3. Update the links corresponding to QR codes in the sharing SDK to be short links, optimizing QR codes for high definition.
  4. Improve the batch updating interface of Mini Programs, adding parameters for whether to download.
  5. Enhance the Mini Program info object to expose appTag for external access.


  1. Fix the crashing issue when loading H5 versions of WebRTC in Mini Programs when showing permission pop-ups.
  2. Fix the incorrect routing event types when clicking on the return button.
  3. Fix the dynamic maxLength value not being respected in the input component.
  4. Fix the failure of international translations when remote optimization fails.
  5. Fix the rendering issues in the bubble of native maps.
  6. Fix the ineffective setting of RGBA color with transparency in the native map bubble.
  7. Fix the erroneous behavior of chooseFile when count is equal to 1, ensuring no multi-selection occurs and that the multi-selection prompt is accurate.
  8. Fix the reaction time when opening and closing five consecutive other Mini Programs leading to the capsule button becoming unresponsive.
  9. Fix the issue where startTime in m3u8 audio does not trigger automatic playback.
  10. Fix the requirement of two clicks to resume playback on m3u8 audio.
  11. Fix the unexpected stopping of m3u8 audio when playbackRate is set to something other than 1.


Release Date: 2023-03-10

Update Details:

New Features

  1. New support for the hide property in the video component.
  2. New chooseFile interface introduced.
  3. New sharing item in the menu bar and corresponding click events.


  1. Fix the incorrect triggering of the onThemeChange event when the app moves to the background.
  2. Fix the loss of badge, hidden state, and style when relaunching from relauch and redirect events.
  3. Fix the occasional issue of the back button appearing incorrectly on the root tab page.
  4. Fix the white screen issue caused by modified UserAgent.
  5. Fix the potential invalidation of NSNull error handling when the host app rewrites the standard message forwarding method.
  6. Fix the volume reduction when audio is played during recording.
  7. Fix the missing reloadPage event in the routing queue.
  8. Fix the lack of query transmission when startup parameters are not supplied with a query.
  9. Fix the routing disorder caused by simultaneous calls to switchTab and navigateTo, triggering an extra navigateBack event.
  10. Fix the missing tab page causing routing issues when getting the stack of nodes.


  1. Optimize exitMiniProgram interface logic, releasing the Mini Program after execution.
  2. Optimize the effects of the hideHomeButton interface, which no longer causes the homeButton to flash during page loading.
  3. Optimize the length of the displayed badge if it exceeds the limit, ensuring it truncates correctly.
  4. Optimize the vibrateShort interface, supporting the type parameter.
  5. Change the default display status of the sharing menu to hidden.


Release Date: 2023-02-25

Update Contents:


  1. Optimized the execution order of Mini Program routing events (user operation routing events are now included in the routing queue).
  2. Enhanced the show and hide animations of the tabbar and resolved display issues with the top line.
  3. Improved the timing of the exitMiniProgram interface callback and the release timing of the Mini Program.
  4. Improved getAccountInfoSync to support the plugin parameter and changed the envVersion of the remote debugging version to develop.
  5. Enhanced the path and query returned by the onLaunch event of the Mini Program App, supporting parameter parsing of the launch parameter path into the query.
  6. Optimized the query returned by the onLoad event in the Mini Program Page, supporting scenarios where parameters can be added after the launch parameter path.
  7. Improved the previewMedia interface to support the current parameter, and fixed crashes caused by empty objects in the sources parameter.

[Bug Fixes]

  1. Fixed an issue where the more view would disappear upon rotating the phone upwards or downwards after opening it.
  2. Fixed the issue where the startup information query is empty when the tabbar Mini Program is hot-started.
  3. Fixed a crash issue caused by the dynamic color being nil due to color values being @bgColor in older versions of the Mini Program.
  4. Corrected the issue where the enableAlertBeforeUnload dialog triggered unexpectedly on the root page.
  5. Fixed the issue where the user-select property of the text component does not work.
  6. Fixed potential incorrect height updates of the input/textarea components.
  7. Addressed routing issues in jssdk when triggering routes due to unload timing.
  8. Fixed an issue where the page containing video would auto-play when transitioning to the next page with auto-pause-if-navigate set to true and returning afterward.


Release Date: 2023-02-10

Update Contents:


  1. Enhanced the prompt content and display position when there is no permission information on the settings page.
  2. Improved the display and hiding control of the status bar during page transitions, accommodating scenarios where View controller-based status bar appearance is set to YES.
  3. Improved failure handling scenarios for resource copy, separating them into copy of basic libraries, Mini Program sub-packages, and system file copy failures.
  4. Optimized the popup for chooseImage, chooseVideo, chooseMedia when opening the album, removing popups in that scenario.
  5. Enhanced identification for more panels during remote genuine machine debugging to show as development version.

[Bug Fixes]

  1. Fixed the vconsole being draggably set to the status bar but unable to drag it back to other places.
  2. Resolved sporadic resource copy failures when opening the Mini Program frequently in a short time.
  3. Fixed the issue where the side-swipe to close the Mini Program did not trigger closeCompletion.
  4. Fixed the disappearing issue of the more view when changing phone orientation after opening it.
  5. Corrected the incorrect positioning of cover-view when nested in the camera component.
  6. Fixed sporadic incorrect positioning of cover-view when nested in scrollview.


Release Date: 2023-01-20

Update Contents:

[Bug Fixes]

  1. Fixed the issue where the picker component's background color was not effective, adjusting the completion button text to "Confirm".
  2. Corrected the issue where transitioning to a native page in the custom API did not trigger onHide and onShow events.
  3. Resolved issues where the Mini Program would not display when the page was about to dismiss, causing subsequent attempts to open it to fail.
  4. Fixed camera component freezing issues after executing startRecord and saving to the album for the first time.
  5. Fixed stuttering issues caused by the map SDK failing to load marker images.
  6. Resolved crashes in iOS 12 when executing loadHTMLString with parameter nil.
  7. Fixed potential issues with the status bar color not restoring when returning to the previous page after a page transition.
  8. Corrected the open_time parameter being 0 for data reporting when the Mini Program was closed.
  9. Addressed issues with log levels displayed in the output logs being shown as [E].


  1. Optimized the high precision mode and timeout handling of the map SDK getLocation.
  2. Improved the choosePoi interface in the map SDK to include a city parameter in the return value when selecting a city.
  3. Enhanced click event handling in custom menus to include a query parameter in the return.
  4. Optimized the coordinate calculation for cover-view to resolve positioning issues caused by nesting.
  5. Improved logic for triggering microphone permissions for the camera component, only triggering upon executing startRecord.
  6. Enhanced the video component by adjusting full-screen rendering to the same layer.
  7. Improved custom loading pages, allowing subclasses to modify the Mini Program icon and title by overriding the layoutSubviews method.
  8. Optimized the reading method for the app name in complaint feedback.
  9. Improved how the animation event position for cover-view is modified.


Release Date: 2023-01-06

Update Contents:


  1. Enhanced the validation logic for setStorage and setStorageSync, returning failures when key and data are empty strings.
  2. Improved the picker component to set a minimum font size and adjusted the display width for the horizontal orientation to the screen width and the clicked blank area to retract the component.
  3. Optimized network link handling for markers in the map component, adding caching to avoid frequent network address loading causing stuttering.
  4. Adjusted the direction handling of the view controller within the SDK to adapt to scenarios where the app exclusively selects portrait or landscape.
  5. Improved permission judgment logic for positioning to prevent repeated API callbacks after modifying system location permissions manually in settings.

[Bug Fixes]

  1. Fixed incorrect upward offset for textarea position.
  2. Addressed issues where the maximum zoom level of the map component was lower than the minimum zoom level in the Baidu map extension SDK.
  3. Fixed color problems when setting polygons in the map component.
  4. Resolved issues where drawing shapes in the map component with abnormal data would result in incorrect shapes.
  5. Fixed the "operation could not be completed, no remaining space on the device" issue caused by excessive network requests within a short time.
  6. Fixed the issue where only iconPath was effective when setting iconPath and selectedIconPath for setTabbarItem.


Release Date: 2022-12-24

Update Contents:

[New Features]

  1. Added the authViewConfig configuration item to set the UI style of the authorization popup.
  2. Introduced the utility class FATPublicToolHeader.h, providing some category utility classes.


  1. Enhanced the file suffix naming rules for downloadFile, accommodating cases where Content-Disposition contains spaces.
  2. Improved enableAppletDebug flag, adding FATBOOLStateForbidden enumeration to prevent launching vconsole and hide debug button for the more panel.
  3. Enhanced request interface to support data-type arraybuffer.
  4. Improved color handling logic in the SDK to support 8-byte hexadecimal colors.
  5. Adjusted the map extension SDK images to be included within the extension SDK.
  6. Improved logic for storing and displaying positioning permissions and background positioning permissions.
  7. Moved logic for triggering positioning permissions from the core SDK to the extension SDK.

[Bug Fixes]

  1. Fixed layout issues in the permission popup view when the Mini Program page orientation is auto during horizontal and vertical screen rotations.
  2. Resolved UI display issues on the privacy agreement page when transitioning from gesture-based permissions to horizontal orientation.
  3. Fixed an issue where the overlay would not disappear when switching the app to the background and returning while the more view panel was open.
  4. Fixed abnormal display of the video component on full screen in iOS 16.
  5. Addressed the issue where the video component content was not adjusted to portrait when automatically going full screen on landscape devices.
  6. Fixed the issue where an empty path value in startup parameters would lead to a non-existent page error on hot start.
  7. Resolved the issue where error prompt messages obscured the navigation bar when the SDK was not initialized while opening the Mini Program.
  8. Fixed a memory surge issue caused by setting a title for UIBarButtonItem.
  9. Corrected issues where removing markers in the update event for the map component did not take effect.


Release Date: 2022-12-09

Update Contents:

[New Features]

  1. Added the hideMiniProgramCloseButton property in the request object that starts the Mini Program to support hiding all close buttons.


  1. Improved side-swipe and light swipe closure effects of the Mini Program.
  2. Enhanced logic for judging the threshold of the number of concurrently running Mini Programs, adjusting to evaluate each time a Mini Program is opened.
  3. Addressed white screen issues occurring when clicking to return to the homepage before the homepage has finished loading when launching a non-homepage Mini Program.

[Bug Fixes]

  1. Fixed the issue where the error view would not disappear after displaying it for a secondary page URL in H5 loaded within the Mini Program when not registered.
  2. Resolved unadapted authorization issues for privacy permissions in the map SDK.
  3. Fixed an issue where closing the recording permission in settings after calling startRecord did not restore the recording status.


Release Date: 2022-11-27

Update Contents:

[New Features]

  1. Added noConflict property support for hideToast, hideLoading.


  1. Improved prompt information when custom asynchronous APIs return nil.
  2. Enhanced the navigation bar title for the Mini Program permissions list, ensuring it fully displays on smaller devices such as iPhone 6.
  3. Improved detailed description information for displaying popup requests for phone number permissions, adjusting displayed user information fields.
  4. Optimized custom schemes' setting field when launching the Mini Program.
  5. Enhanced Mini Program subpackage pre-downloading, resolving issues where resources in the pre-download subpackage could not be accessed.
  6. Improved domain whitelist validation when loading H5 links in remote debugging Mini Programs.
  7. Enhanced compatibility for older versions of Baidu Map.
  8. Improved getSetting and openSetting to add getPhoneNumber permission and uniformly return only previously requested permissions.

[Bug Fixes]

  1. Fixed the issue where the error message would not display when opening the Mini Program transition page with no internet connection.
  2. Fixed the non-responsive reading of the privacy agreement in the permission popup.
  3. Corrected the issue where the status bar color was incorrect after returning from a Mini Program about page.
  4. Fixed issues with the incorrect language value returned in getSystemInfo (now returns the phone's system language).
  5. Fixed the Mini Program dark and light configurations which did not take effect during device dark mode switching.
  6. Resolved issues where stopPullDownRefresh was ineffective in the onPullDownRefresh listener event of the Mini Program.
  7. Fixed crashes that occurred when the path in the startup parameters pointed to a non-existent page.
  8. Addressed issues where markers set in the Tencent Map extension SDK would not display popups when only the title was set.
  9. Fixed issues where not agreeing to the privacy agreement would lead to crashes.
  10. Resolved sporadic crashes that occurred when sliding choosePoi.
  11. Fixed issues where the recording state in the capsule and more menus did not restore when ending recording.


Release Date: 2022-11-11

Update Contents:

[New Features]

  1. Added pull-to-load more functionality for choosePoi in Baidu Map.
  2. Introduced new privacy protocol methods for the map extension SDK.


  1. Improved the creation of JSVirtualMachine, resolving memory not being released in the JavaScript Virtual Machine after the Mini Program is released.
  2. Enhanced prompt information for interface failure callbacks in the Baidu Map API.
  3. Optimized moveAlone by adding a failure callback.
  4. Improved handling returns for custom API responses, ensuring compatibility with non-JSON objects that may cause crashes.
  5. Enhanced display of the Open Debug button for local Mini Programs and indicators for the Mini Program.
  6. Improved previewImage to support images within the Mini Program package.
  7. Optimized rules for generating file suffix names returned by the downloadFile interface.

[Bug Fixes]

  1. Fixed issues where redirectTo allowed H5 to trigger goBack to pages before redirectTo.
  2. Resolved issues in iOS 13 where background audio playback operations did not take effect.
  3. Fixed transparent background issues for tabbar Mini Programs when the homepage is an H5 page and navigationBarStyle is set to custom.
  4. Fixed failures when playing local audio using the audio component (response missing Content-Type, Content-Length).
  5. Corrected display issues for the return to homepage button.
  6. Resolved crashes when entering a Mini Program after the account experience qualification expires, which initially allows entry but fails on the second attempt.
  7. Fixed issues with the canvas2d in webview for putImageData and getImageData.
  8. Corrected position update issues for the video component.
  9. Fixed style updating problems in the update event of the map component.
  10. Resolved issues where previously added data was not deleted when re-searching choosePoi in the map.
  11. Fixed layout errors after triggering input box loss of focus in the map component.


Release Date: 2022-10-28

Update Contents:

[New Features]

  1. Introduced APIs for generating and decrypting tokens.
  2. Added an error field in interface request exceptions.
  3. Added onResize event for Mini Program pages (aligning with WeChat).
  4. Injected genuine Mini Program debugging identifiers.
  5. New configuration item for navigational title colors and back button colors.


  1. Improved file directory creation timing to ensure usr directory exists after the Mini Program starts.
  2. Enhanced the timeout message for websocket, download, upload, request connections.
  3. Improved loading images at the bottom of pages.
  4. Enhanced background audio and inner audio events.
  5. Improved video support for enable-danmu fields, allowing real-time updates to display and hide of bullet comments.
  6. Enhanced authorization denial prompts for getUserProfile and getPhoneNumber.
  7. Improved audio playback timing.
  8. Enhanced the content of errMsg for custom asynchronous APIs.
  9. Restricted horizontal orientation on chooseLocation and openLocation pages (aligning with WeChat).
  10. Improved callback for open-type events in the button component.

[Bug Fixes]

  1. Fixed timeout setting errors for websocket, download, upload, request requests.
  2. Fixed issues with opening native pages in the Mini Program which failed to open when reopening it in the native page.
  3. Fixed incorrect id type issue in the event handling of input components.
  4. Fixed sporadic white screen issues caused by sub-packages loading before the main package.
  5. Resolved display issues for capsules when opening external pages from the Mini Program.
  6. Fixed incorrect prompt messages when no permissions are displayed for the experience version.
  7. Fixed video component showing a black screen after finishing playback.
  8. Fixed issues where viewing multiple videos on one page could cause unexpected full-screen sizing issues.
  9. Addressed layering issues for cover-view components with parent view id being null.
  10. Fixed ineffective backgroundColorTop pull-down background color.
  11. Resolved crashes when the points format was incorrect for setting polylines in native maps.
  12. Fixed inaccurate temporary file path storage issues when setting product identification in the expansion SDK.
  13. Resolved issues where dynamically set startTime caused audio to play from the beginning instead of jumping to startTime.
  14. Fixed issues where button-share would trigger the agent method twice.
  15. Fixed sporadic crashes of cover-view components.


Release Date: 2022-10-14

Update Contents:

[New Features]

  1. Added appVersion field in getSystemInfo interface responses.
  2. Added font-weight support for textarea/input components.
  3. New UIConfig configuration item navigationHeight allows customization of Mini Program navigation bar height.
  4. Added support for Baidu map SDK for Baidu coordinate systems.


  1. Improved the full-screen implementation of the video component.
  2. Enhanced the display of screen switches for video component projection popup.
  3. Enhanced custom synchronous APIs to support additional information in custom errMsg returns.
  4. Improved interaction views for showModal, showToast, showActionSheet, etc.
  5. Enhanced recognition of the mode for iPhone 14 in getSystemInfo interface.
  6. Improved location API in the map SDK.
  7. Enhanced implementations of chooseLocation, openLocation, and choosePoi in the map SDK.

[Bug Fixes]

  1. Fixed issues where cover view added to video components would not display.
  2. Fixed cursor-spacing not updating correctly when reducing line numbers in the textarea component during editing.
  3. Resolved incorrect title display issues in web-view pages when switching from app background to foreground.
  4. Fixed problems where added marker latitude and longitude coordinates were not positioned correctly at the bottom.
  5. Resolved crashes in iOS 11 when frame data callbacks occur in the camera.
  6. Fixed white screen issues that occurred when opening a non-tabbar root page in the Mini Program and then calling switchTab.
  7. Resolved compatibility issues with forced changes in device orientation in iOS 16.


Release Date: 2022-09-24

Update Contents:

[New Features]

  1. Added deviceIde field to headers for batch updates and Mini Program compilation details.
  2. Introduced hideCapsuleCloseButton configuration item.
  3. Added technical support identifiers for Mini Program loading pages.
  4. New custom schemes support.
  5. Introduced Agora SDK stream-removed event for notifying native view removal when another end leaves.
  6. New feature for changing cameras in Agora SDK.
  7. The wx.config interface in JSSDK is now supported.
  8. Added product identifier configuration items, allowing replacements for FinClip and others.
  9. Added support for compressVideo interface.
  10. Introduced Mini Program privacy configurations and displays.
  11. Added callouttap, anchorpointtap, tap events for Baidu Map.
  12. Introduced width, height, zIndex properties for Baidu Map markers.
  13. Added support for callout and customCallout in Baidu Map.
  14. Added initial configuration item parameters that ignore certificate validation for HTTPS in webview components.
  15. Introduced proxy methods for injecting Cookies during loading of webview components.
  16. Added configuration items for setting the navigation bar back icon.
  17. Added license control for setting limits.
  18. Introduced WeChat expansion SDK, supporting WeChat Login, WeChat Pay, and obtaining WeChat account information.
  19. Added performance statistics functionality.
  20. Introduced video projection functionality.


  1. Improved default selection for first poi data in native maps' chooseLocation.
  2. Aligned tabbar styles with WeChat.
  3. Enhanced camera support for setZoom API.
  4. Improved remote debugging connection mechanism.
  5. Enhanced vConsole implementation to independently control log display in webView.
  6. Optimized video handling strategies for chooseVideo and chooseMedia.
  7. Enhanced routing event queue processing.
  8. Used non-serialized methods for canvas data transmission.
  9. Enhanced getLocation interface to support isHighAccuracy parameter and adjust return values for accuracy, verticalAccuracy, horizontalAccuracy.
  10. Log optimization: removed some duplicate logs and added a single log length limit of 5000 characters.
  11. Improved the proxy method for getUserInfo to return results asynchronously.
  12. Enhanced error prompts for permission issues related to getPhoneNumber in the button component.
  13. Improved the capsule button's functionality.

[Bug Fixes]

  1. Fixed cursor blocking issues when focusing on input/textarea in specific scenarios.
  2. Resolved multiple triggers for bindfocus events in input/textarea components.
  3. Fixed incorrect cursor-spacing in textarea components in specific scenarios.
  4. Corrected issues with textarea behavior when auto-height and maxHeight were set.
  5. Fixed a series of issues with BackgroundAudioManager and InnerAudioContext.
  6. Resolved connection issues showing success when websocket URL was empty.
  7. Fixed display issues when video components go full screen in certain scenarios.
  8. Corrected capsule positioning issues when in landscape on iPad.
  9. Resolved incorrect status bar height calculations in iOS 11.
  10. Fixed incorrect custom tabbar configuration display issues after calling hideTabbar.
  11. Resolved parsing errors for window parameters in config.
  12. Fixed image display issues in showToast when using the finfile:// protocol.
  13. Fixed cases where empty string passed for image argument in showToast wouldn't display a success icon.
  14. Addressed issues with API cancellation events not aligning with WeChat in contact SDK.
  15. Resolved negative values for progress and totalBytesExpectedToWrite in DownloadTask.onProgressUpdate when the server lacks Content-Length headers.
  16. Fixed potential color display errors for Mini Program backgroundColorTop and backgroundColorBottom.
  17. Corrected issues where UDPSocket.send API reported inconsistent error messages when port was empty.
  18. Resolved issues where tabbar top line was missing and incorrectly colored.
  19. Fixed release issues with FATWeakJSCore and FATWeakScriptMessageDelegate.
  20. Ventured in consistency between error reporting for cancel upload/download APIs and WeChat.
  21. Resolved potential ineffectiveness of backgroundColor in app.json configuration.
  22. Fixed layering issues where nativeView overlapped coverView.
  23. Addressed routing failure issues caused by navigating to the same page.
  24. Resolved background color issues in permission management pages for devices in dark mode when autoAdaptDarkMode is disabled.
  25. Fixed issues where page orientation could become unresponsive on iOS 16.
  26. Resolved click event issues where capsules were invisible but still responsive.
  27. Fixed websocket connection failure issues.
  28. Addressed errors occurring due to chooseLocation latitude and longitude being string types causing toFixed issues.
  29. Resolved issues where setting coordinate system types for Baidu Map did not take effect.
  30. Fixed issues where setting rotation angle and skew during Baidu Map positioning would be reset.
  31. Resolved errors occurring during Baidu Map moveAlong interactions.
  32. Fixed issues where setting only title in Baidu Map markers did not prompt.
  33. Resolved issues where the compass would not display in Baidu Map.
  34. Fixed cases where default values would not take effect when settings were empty in the map.
  35. Resolved missing type field from returned bindregionchange events in the native map component.
  36. Fixed potential vConsole button visibility issues in preview version Mini Programs.
  37. Fixed injection issues where userAgent would not show contents in vConsole.
  38. Fixed circular reference issues in root pages of tabbar type Mini Programs.
  39. Resolved crashes caused by object alterations in the Mini Program canvas.
  40. Fixed UI display issues for video component toolbars when going full screen and exiting full screen.
  41. Fixed white screen issues in tabbar Mini Programs.


Updated: 2022-09-09 Updates:

  1. New configuration type for the animation method when the applet is opened in UIConfig (set default animation for scheme, universal link, navigateToMiniProgram scenes). [Optimisation].
  2. WeChat extension SDK optimization and FATAppletDelegate splitting.
  3. Optimize Gaode map, remove limited Gaode sdk version. [Restoration].
  4. Fix the problem of abnormal display when going to the setting page in landscape screen.
  5. Fix the problem that the webSocket setting code and reason do not take effect.
  6. Fix the problem that page-meta does not support background-text-style, pageorientation and background-color-top attributes.
  7. Fix the problem that the height of the window of a page with tabbar is calculated incorrectly when navigationStyle is custom and customV2.
  8. Fix the problem that the path and query parameters in the onShow and onAppShow of the applet are incorrect.
  9. Fix the problem of abnormal display of Modal when navigateToMiniProgram to the horizontal page of the vertical screen of the applet.
  10. fix the problem that requests containing Chinese language in the url parameter of request interface failed.
  11. Fix the problem that the path file returned by FileSystemManager saveFileSync does not exist after saving.
  12. Fix to fix the problem of incorrect field name returned by the FileSystemManager fstat interface.
  13. Fix webSocket close interface code and reason not taking effect.
  14. Fix the problem that the top toolbar is not displayed after the video component is full screen.
  15. Fix the layout error caused by the timing of getSystemInfoSync after navigateTo to the landscape page of the applet's vertical screen page.


Updated: 2022-08-28 Updates:

  1. Added customV2 type support for navigationStyle. [Optimisation].
  2. Optimize the AlertBeforeUnload event.
  3. Optimize the camera component to remove the custom error reporting for detecting hardware.
  4. optimise uploadFile to support uploading resources within applet packages. [Restoration].
  5. Fix checkMenus flashback issue on whole package mini programs.
  6. fix possible memory leaks in network api such as applet request.
  7. Fix a network anomaly in network requests caused by locally cached cookies.
  8. Fix the issue that checking for updates does not update the applet groupname.
  9. Fix the problem of switching to background style error when TabBar is top.
  10. fix the problem that the canvas putImageData and getImageData data are in wrong format.
  11. fix the flickering problem caused by missing parameters when camera video compression does not require steering processing.
  12. Fix the problem that the applet cannot slide back sideways after jumping to the about page from the horizontal page of the applet.
  13. Fix the problem of abnormal layout of the return page after jumping from the vertical page to the horizontal page of the applet.
  14. Fix an issue on iOS 14 where the return navigation bar was shifted after jumping to the photo page.
  15. Fix the problem that after setting resizable:true for the applet, the page layout of iPad is wrong after rotating from vertical screen to horizontal screen.
  16. Fix the problem that more views do not show up when the screen is in landscape on iPad.
  17. Fix an occasional misplaced status bar display on iPad.
  18. input/textarea component limits the length of the emoji emoji that can be entered to align with WeChat.
  19. Fix an issue with the textarea component where the page scrolled up when text was entered in the visible area in a line feed.
  20. Fix the problem that only the Confirm-Bar is displayed when the keyboardAccessoryView and Confirm-Bar are both present in the textarea component on the landscape of the page.
  21. Fix the problem that the input/textarea component does not display the keyboardAccessoryView in some scenarios.
  22. Fix the problem that the focused input is not in the right position when there are multiple auto-aggregated input components on the page.
  23. Fix an issue with multiple input components on a page switching between each other before focusing on page jumping.
  24. Fix cursor-spaicng incorrectly when input components are not rendered on the same layer.
  25. Fix the problem that innerAudio does not trigger onCanplay.
  26. Fix an issue where innerAudio would flicker when it stopped playing after switching src.
  27. Fix an occasional crash with background audio.
  28. Fix Bluetooth onBLECharacteristicValueChange with no content.


Updated: 2022-08-12 Updates:

  1. New api to get the status of the applet implementation of the custom share panel button function. [Optimisation].
  2. Optimize the problem of high cpu usage of camera component.
  3. Optimize the return parameter of getSystemInfo interface, add new parameter of enableDebug.
  4. Optimize the QR code to open the applet and the error message when the QR code expires.
  5. Optimize bindInput callbacks for input and texterea components, and add keyCode support for backspace.
  6. Optimize the problem of scancode iOS11 new api recognition QR code image verification.
  7. Optimise the logic for the video component to trigger fullscreen manually and turn on automatic fullscreen.
  8. Optimize the check logic of the return address when opening the applet with QR code, and remove the redundant check operation. [Restoration].
  9. Fix menu display issue on iOS 12.5.5 phones.
  10. fix the problem of navigateView being blocked when the tabbar is top
  11. Fix the capsule and back button being too far up when in landscape on iPad.
  12. Fix the pop-up box for permission application, which would pop up twice.
  13. Fix addPhoneContact adding to an existing contact with some fields overwritten instead of appended.
  14. Fix the problem that the status of the more menu forwarding button does not change after calling showShareMenu and hideShareMenu.
  15. Fixed a crash caused by an alert popping up even after closing the applet.
  16. Fix the problem that the input component is displayed incorrectly after updating its position.
  17. Fix the problem that the input/textarea component could not trigger the bindinput event after the input box exceeded the maximum length allowed.
  18. Fix the problem that the adaptive height textarea component displays 2 lines of height when only one line of text is entered.
  19. Fix the problem that modifying the updatetextarea event without the placeholder parameter would set the placeholder to empty.
  20. Fix the issue that the value of the direction property of the video component was not behaving correctly.
  21. Fix the issue that the exit fullscreen button may not be clicked after the video component goes fullscreen.


Updated: 2022-07-29 Updated to include [New]

  1. New initialization SDK configuration item hideWebViewProgressBar to support hiding the progress bar when H5 is loaded.
  2. New Clipboard extension SDK, support setClipboardData, getClipboardData.
  3. New [Re-enter applet] menu item and hidden menu configuration item. [Restoration].
  4. Fix an abnormal display of the navigation bar on H5 pages when navigateStyle is custom.
  5. Fix the problem that the onResize event is not triggered when the tabbar root page is rotated horizontally or vertically.
  6. Fix the problem of occasional abnormal display position of showToast and showModel when jumping from one applet page to another.
  7. Fix the problem that input input box swallows words too fast.
  8. Fix the problem that closing the applet would cause QQ Music to pause.
  9. Fix an issue where the onTimeUpdate event is triggered even after the background audio stops playing on iOS13.
  10. Fix the problem that the onStop event is not triggered when the audioManager and backgroundAudioManager are stopped after pausing.
  11. Fix an issue where the Add Contact Api would crash when displaying the Alert pop-up in a sub-thread when the phone related parameters were missing.
  12. Fix the problem that the incoming controller page cannot be released when the applet is not released after opening the applet.
  13. Fix the problem that when adding marker to native, Baidu and Gaode maps, the image path is wrong and the marker is not displayed.
  14. Fix the problem that Baidu Maps openLocation has an offset in opening the map.
  15. Fix the problem that when Baidu Maps locates the current location, the location fails due to the privacy agreement not being updated.
  16. Fix the problem that part of the text in the textarea component is not visible after multiple lines of text have been entered and edited. [Optimisation].
  17. Optimize Log logs to reduce some duplicate or redundant logs.
  18. optimize downloadFile, add support for filePath and timeout parameters.
  19. optimize uploadFile, add timeout parameter support.
  20. Optimize the error message of stat, writeFile, openFile, truncate file operation methods, etc.
  21. Optimization of scanCode: support for scanType parameter; new parameters for scanType, charSet, rawData, etc. for return values.
  22. optimize the setLocMarkerIcon function which is not supported by the native map.
  23. Optimize the tabbar's underline effect when the item is selected at the top.
  24. optimize writeBLECharacteristicValue, add writeType parameter support.


Updated: 2022-07-18 Updated to include [Restoration].

  1. Fix the camera frame data callback issue on some models.
  2. fix the problem that the stat and statSync interfaces do not traverse subdirectories.
  3. Fix the problem of request failure due to Chinese language in the request url.
  4. fix the problem that the background transparent colour of canvas exported image becomes black.
  5. Fix the problem that the background colour of canvas watermark is white.
  6. Fix the problem that only one image can be previewed when the previewImage interface accesses the network image interface.
  7. fix the problem of incorrect display due to change of position after input focus
  8. fix the occasional flicker of frame data callback in camera component in some models [Optimisation].
  9. Optimize the initialization parameter enableAppletDebug to support not showing debug menu items by default.
  10. remove the text of the video component when the resource fails to load


Updated: 2022-07-02 Updates:

  1. new getAccountInfoSync interface
  2. the addition of backgoundAudioManager.
  3. New proxy events for screenshots and screen recordings.
  4. New applet network request header configuration and priority control.
  5. Add a configuration item for whether to show the watermark or not and a priority control.
  6. offline mini programs support sub-parcel loading
  7. offline mini programs support navigateToMiniprogram interface
  8. new log management function, you can control the output log level and write file
  9. New ChooseMedia applet api.
  10. New support for CustomeCallout for Gauteng Maps.
  11. Offline mini programs support configuration of custom api whitelist lists
  12. Add a new configuration item to hide the Back to Home button, which can be configured independently for each applet.
  13. added three new screen recording related api: onScreenRecordingStateChanged, offScreenRecordingStateChanged, getScreenRecordingState.
  14. new ID keyboard for input component.
  15. New contact extension SDK, support addPhoneContact interface. [Optimisation].
  16. Optimize the logging of the SDK, merge and delete some unnecessary logs.
  17. optimise the implementation logic of some old api's and unify them to dynamic creation.
  18. Optimize more button proxy events
  19. optimize navigateToMiniProgram implementation.
  20. optimize a series of api in jssdk and unify it to dynamic creation.
  21. Optimize the file storage path generated by the applet, user (currentUserId) isolated.
  22. Optimize the image selector and solve the problem that the style of the navigation bar set by the host app affects the display of the image selector button.
  23. Optimise the applet logo field and adjust it to the full path. [Restoration].
  24. Fix the problem that the plug-in page cannot be opened because the path of the plug-in page is converted too early
  25. fix a series of bugs in the file system management
  26. Fix the bug that the cancellation callback is not triggered by selecting an image
  27. Fix the problem that background audio playback with empty coverImgUrl causes lag
  28. fixed the bug that innerAudio rate and volume changes did not take effect
  29. fix the problem that the camera component occasionally renders successfully but does not display
  30. Fix a series of issues with applet lifecycle events and incorrect parameters.
  31. Fix a circular reference problem in the expansion sdk.
  32. Fix the problem that the tabbar is not displayed after going back to the detail page.
  33. fix shareAppMessage data incorrect issue.
  34. Fix an issue with iOS 15.5 getting the wrong carrier network type.
  35. fix the issue of didActive proxy events causing crashes.
  36. Fix the problem that system version control does not take effect due to iSysVer in grayscale control.
  37. fix shareAppMessage sharing applet image not showing up


Updated: 2022-06-18 Updates:

  1. new duration support for playVoice [Optimisation].
  2. optimizing camera: optimizing frame data transfer method; optimizing frame data transfer efficiency; optimizing frame data callback code logic
  3. Optimize the length of communication between the core SDK and the extension SDK.
  4. remove bitcode support. [Restoration].
  5. fixed the problem that downloadFile recognized the wrong file format
  6. Fix tabBar borderStyle colour problem and dark mode adaptation problem.
  7. Fix the problem that the custom tabbar disappears when the drop-down refresh component is pulled down and refreshed.
  8. Fix the occasional flickering of the input component.
  9. Fix the problem that the content is obscured when the rounded corners of the input component are set too large.
  10. Fix the problem that the startup parameters do not take effect during hot start.
  11. Fix the onShow error triggering issue when relaunch is triggered by hot launch.
  12. Fix the problem that the navigateBack event is not sent when the app goes back to the foreground and then returns to the foreground without setting the lifeCycle
  13. fix showModal display error (showModal takes the top of the stack display and changes it to take the current page display)
  14. fix the problem of not showing alert pop-ups on h5 pages.
  15. Fix camera-related bugs: frame callback data cannot be converted into images; frame data is occasionally called back only once
  16. Fix the problem that the cache is not released after the applet is cleared.
  17. Fix the problem that the tabbar controller was not released after the tabbar type applet was destroyed.
  18. Fix the problem that the video component's up/down swipe gesture conflicts with page scrolling.


Updated: 2022-06-02 Updates:

  1. New statistics events for base library download failure and applet download failure. [Optimisation].
  2. applet lifecycle agent event optimization, applet id adjusted to applet object.
  3. zip decompression library optimization, some missing C structures, functions add prefix.
  4. Optimize the storage of applet permission information to avoid the problem of needing to re-authorize after switching users. [Restoration].
  5. Fix the problem of incorrect page height after returning to the root page from the secondary page when customizing the tabbar
  6. Fix the problem that if the apm event is reported when the applet fails to open, it will cause the report to fail.
  7. Fix the problem of unresponsive page close button in case of failure to open the applet by sweeping the code.
  8. Fix the problem of inaccurate calculation of input and textarea content height (sizeWithAttributes is not calculated correctly).
  9. fix hideHomeButton return api name error
  10. Fix the occasional white screen on the page of the subcontracting applet.
  11. Fix the issue that the transition page is not adapted to dark mode.


Updated: 2022-05-20 [New]

  1. New configuration item for the number of page stack limits.
  2. The offline applet supports configuration of logo images.
  3. More views of the applet support customization.
  4. New swipe to close applet and back function.
  5. the width, height and zIndex properties of the marker of the Gaode Map Extension SDK, and the padding property of the callout are supported.
  6. Added support for WeChat authorized login scenarios. [Optimisation].
  7. Optimize showModel, showToast, showLoading.
  8. optimize the appendFile implementation.
  9. Optimize subcontracting applet subcontracting (copying) loading issues.
  10. Optimize the handling of white screens on applet pages.
  11. Optimise the default effect of the loading page and the parameters when customising it.
  12. Remove the MJRefresh library dependency from the Gaudet Extension SDK. [Restoration].
  13. Fix an exception in the More menu display in landscape.
  14. Fix the problem of shifting navigation bar when launching mini programs in landscape.
  15. Fix the problem that the launch parameters are not updated when the applet is hotlaunched.
  16. fix the issue that cover-view does not support ellipsis style.
  17. Fix the problem of blocking when there is too much content in the textarea.
  18. Fix the problem of loading animation not stopping on the loading transition page.
  19. Fix the Back to Home button which occasionally displays an error.
  20. Fix the occasional SDKKey decryption problem that causes checksum failure.
  21. Fix the problem that the video component does not fill up the full screen when it is full screen on tabbar type mini programs.
  22. Fix the problem that the camera component does not render successfully after switching between tabbar pages.
  23. Fix the issue that the onError event of innerAudio is not triggered.


Updated: 2022-05-05 [New]

  1. innerAudio has a new bufferedTime property.
  2. textarea has a new disableDefaultPadding property.
  3. FinAppletGDMap extension SDK adds support for callouttap events, anchorpointtap events and callout. [Restoration].
  4. Fix an issue that caused playback to reset after innerAudio was paused and continued to play.
  5. Fix the problem that innerAudio's startTime does not take effect when it is set to a noninteger number.
  6. Fix the inconsistency between the effect of autoHeight property of textarea component and WeChat applet component.
  7. Fix the problem that the focus effect is inconsistent with WeChat when the selection-end of textarea and input components pass an illegal value of null.
  8. Fix an issue where the onPlay event of innerAudio would call back multiple times.
  9. Fix the issue of cold start not triggering the didOpenApplet callback when the applet has local cache.
  10. Fix the routing problem that the execution of redirectTo causes the tabbar to be unclickable when the home page of the applet is loaded.
  11. Fix the abnormal height problem of some models when the tabbar of the applet is in landscape.
  12. Fix the problem that the applet type logo is not shown on the More menu page when the applet is in landscape.
  13. Fix the problem of offsetting the position of page title and capsule when the applet is in landscape.
  14. Fix an incorrect call to stopPullDownloadRefresh causing page scrolling.
  15. Fix the problem that audio in aac format does not play properly.
  16. Fix the problem that the cursor-spacing property of textarea/input was not behaving correctly. [Optimisation].
  17. optimize the page display of chooseImage/chooseVideo when only one option is available.
  18. optimize custom api, add appletInfo parameter.
  19. Optimize the custom sync api and add appletInfo parameters (the old sync api method is no longer available).
  20. optimize the UI of chooseLocation and openLocation.


Updated: 2022-04-20 [New]

  1. New button component open-type property.
  2. add api for sendCustomEvent to specify applet id. [Optimisation].
  3. Optimize SDK error messages.
  4. Optimize the getSetting api to align with WeChat.
  5. Optimization of WebRTC MediaRecorder.
  6. optimize the sendCustomEvent function.
  7. Optimize the process of checking and updating the applet
  8. Optimize component release logic.
  9. Optimisation of WebGL code.
  10. Optimize the download of applet/base library interface request header by adding organization id [Restoration].
  11. Fix camera flashing issue in low iOS versions.
  12. Fix the problem that readFileSync cannot fetch a file when both position and length are empty.
  13. Fix navigateTo and redirectTo jumping to tabbar pages.
  14. fixed the problem that the recording of createAudioContext, return and exit to the background will not stop playing.
  15. Fix the issue that the logo is not displayed on the loading page and the more menu occasionally.
  16. Fix the problem that the cache of the applet does not take effect occasionally after optimizing the process of starting the applet.


Updated: 2022-04-02 [New]

  1. New support for custom sync api.
  2. setEnableDebug has been added.
  3. More menu controls have been added to turn debugging on and off.
  4. New off-screen canvas support.
  5. A new series of Api has been added to TCPSocket.
  6. Added support for same-layer rendering of camera components.
  7. add frame data callback to camera component. [Optimisation].
  8. Optimisation of the applet runtime flow (applet state machine)
  9. Remove the Back to Home button from the More menu.
  10. Optimize the logic of adding components, and fix the occasional problem of adding components to the wrong page.
  11. Optimize UI tips when applying for applet permissions.
  12. Optimise the Back to Home button function (updated to the navigation bar, remove Back to Home from the More menu).
  13. RecorderManager supports recording audio in aac format. [Restoration].
  14. Fix the problem that the occasional page of the applet navigateToMiniProgram does not exist.
  15. Fix a crash caused by the camera's low end not supporting high resolution.
  16. Fix the problem that the "applet" is occasionally displayed as null.
  17. Fix the occasional white screen when tabbar is switched.
  18. Fix the connection failure caused by switching network mode during TCPSocket connection.
  19. Fixed an issue with the UI displaying abnormally when the showmodal is in landscape.
  20. Fix an occasional abnormal display of the page UI when the applet is opened in landscape.
  21. Fix the page adaptation for error reporting in dark mode.
  22. Fix the white screen and wrong page loading problem caused by switching tabbar when loading external web pages.
  23. Fix the problem that the audio and video in the H5 webpage are not paused when the applet is closed.
  24. Fix the issue that the onResize event returns incorrect width and height.
  25. Fix an issue with the getSystenInfoSync interface returning an incorrect width and height.
  26. Fix an issue where repeated drop-down refreshing would disappear.
  27. Fix the problem that universalLink cannot open the applet.
  28. Fix the problem that input autofocus occasionally causes obscuration when the content is not moved up.
  29. Fix the problem that the logo of [Developer] etc. in the More menu could not be clicked.
  30. Fix a bug in the response event flow of the Custom [Applet Type] menu.


Updated: 2022-03-19 [New]

  1. the addition of new applet lifecycle events.
  2. support for custom api overriding the implementation of the built-in api.
  3. an indication that the applet has been disabled. [Optimisation].
  4. compatibility with old and new QR code formats.
  5. optimization of applet page lifecycle events. [Restoration].
  6. fixing the crashing problem of opening the applet by sweeping the QR code.
  7. fixing bugs related to udp sockets.
  8. fixing the problem with the limit on the number of applet caches.
  9. fixing a crash when Bluetooth feature values are updated with empty content.


Updated: 2022-03-04 [Optimisation].

  1. optimization of the loading page in dark mode, the front page of the Experience, and the configuration of the applet.
  2. remove the clipboard-related api.
  3. optimise the speaker Bluetooth headset configuration for the recorder. [Restoration].
  4. fixing the issue of the status bar of the video component being hidden.
  5. fixing the problem that the pageOnUnload event is not triggered correctly when adding H5 pages.
  6. fixing the tabbar applet custom navigation bar background colour issue.
  7. fixing the problem that the api for setNaigationBarColor does not take effect.
  8. fixing the display problem when the input/textArea component gets focus.
  9. fixing the problem of the Bluetooth service not recognising 128-bit UUIDs.
  10. Fix a bug that getConnectedBluetoothDevices does not return the device correctly.


Updated: 2022-02-19 [New]

  1. input/textarea hold-keyboard attribute support.
  2. New Bluetooth extension SDK (a new extension SDK split from the original SDK) [Optimisation].
  3. Optimize handleOpenURL and handleOpenUniversalLinkURL annotations
  4. Optimise Categoray in the SDK by adding prefixes to methods and properties. [Restoration].
  5. Fix the offline applet launch parameter issue.
  6. Fix the problem that canvasToTempFilePath cannot draw drawImge images and blurred images when saving images.
  7. Fix the problem that the base64ToTempFilePath file is too large.
  8. Fix the problem that the image is not displayed when the src of the image refers to the image of the path finFile://urs.
  9. Fixed a flashback issue caused by an unassigned block when Bluetooth service was called to remove a Bluetooth peripheral.
  10. Fix the flashback caused by longitude anomaly.
  11. Fixes an issue where there is no destination when Apple Maps is opened for navigation.
  12. Add support for network path/local path/code package path for marker icons in native and Baidu maps.
  13. Fix the problem that moveAlong has no animation effect.
  14. Fix the problem that enable-zoom=false, IOS Baidu Map, also supports gesture zoom and double-click to zoom.
  15. Fix the problem of inaccurate positioning of the centre point in longitude/latitude pass blanks ["",""].
  16. Fix the problem of switching between horizontal and vertical full screen display of video component.
  17. Distinguish between handling horizontal and vertical screen switching in different cases of pageOrientation.


Updated: 2022-01-28 [New]

  1. ShowModal adds editable, placeholderText support.
  2. Horizontal and vertical screen switching adaptations for permission pop-up boxes.
  3. previewMedia's type-tolerant handling. [Optimisation].
  4. when there is a permission pop-up box, the focus of the page being edited is removed


Updated: 2022-01-14 [Optimisation].

  1. Optimize getAppletsFromLocalCache to return full applet objects.
  2. Optimise the strokePath of the native Cavans component to support state.
  3. Optimize the logic of the SDK to obtain configuration information from the server side. [Restoration].
  4. fix an occasional incorrect display of canvas shadows
  5. Fix the problem of incorrect start parameters when opening the offline applet for the second time.
  6. Fix the problem that the whitelist list and logo of offline applet domain names do not take effect.
  7. Fix the problem that the iPhone 13 model name is not displayed in getSystemInfo.


Updated: 2022-01-07 [New]

  1. New webRTC, Map and pageContainer components.
  2. New compass related to the program api.
  3. New custom loading function.
  4. new-keyboard-accessory.
  5. New permission authorization function in the applet.
  6. New offline applet support function.
  7. New applet theme configuration function.
  8. Add map component Baidu map and Gaode map support.
  9. add openLocation, choosePoi applet api support.
  10. New FileSystemManager readZipEntry api.
  11. New checkIsOpenAccessibility api.
  12. New native canvas component. [Optimisation].
  13. Optimize the process of opening the applet by scanning the code.
  14. API performance optimization for mini programs.
  15. location related api interface adaptations for dark mode scenes.
  16. Optimization of the interaction logic of the chooseLocation search box.
  17. https cookies isolation between mini programs.
  18. tabbar class applet preload optimization.
  19. Optimize the interface prompt message of the applet involving permissions. [Restoration].
  20. Fix an issue with the map component where adding polyLine lines failed.
  21. fix the problem that reluanch loses query under tabbar page.
  22. Fix the occasional misalignment of the navigation bar.
  23. Fix the problem that setTabbarItem does not support local images.
  24. Fix the white screen when scheme opens the sub-package applet path does not exist.
  25. Fix the problem that the capsule is displayed in the wrong place in some models when customising the navigation bar.
  26. Fix the issue that the vibrateLong/vibrateShort interface does not have callbacks.
  27. Fix the problem that the whole package of mini programs occasionally fails to move files.
  28. Fix the occasional UI misalignment problem after switching between horizontal and vertical tabbar mini programs.


Updated: 2021-12-18 [New] None [Optimisation].

  1. Replace the webSubscribeCallBackHandler method in the JSSDK [Restoration].
  2. Fix the white screen on the first page load
  3. Fix an issue that may crash when converting json.
  4. Fix the problem that the tabbar style does not work under iOS15.


Updated: 2021-12-04 [New] None [Optimisation].

  1. Optimize the information on the expiry of the applet.
  2. Optimize the display of the Video component cover.
  3. Optimisation of the Modal UI.
  4. Optimize the responsiveness of keyboard pop-ups.
  5. Optimised MD5 encryption method.
  6. Optimize the function of deleting applet cache. [Restoration].
  7. Fix the bug that the SDK triggers the DOMContentLoaded event several times.
  8. Fix the bug that UDPSocket cannot bind port automatically when port number is not passed.
  9. Fix the red dot alert exception bug.
  10. Fix the bug in the horizontal handling of the applet.
  11. Fix the Video component full screen bug.


Updated: 2021-11-19 [New]

  1. getSuperviseInfo and getSystemInfo, with the bundleId field added to the return value.
  2. JSSDK adds request interface. [Optimisation].
  3. api runtime is created with a type check to prevent crashes.
  4. NSJSONSerialization serialization crashes when encountering custom objects.
  5. Solve the problem of iOS extension SDK not being initialized automatically. [Restoration].
  6. Fix the issue that the log library did not write files automatically.


Updated: 2021-11-05 [New]

  1. Add an alert when an account is frozen.
  2. previewImage New growth of the press to save function.
  3. add bitcode support. [Optimisation].
  4. Default colour optimisation for native components.
  5. Optimize the error message page of the applet.
  6. getImageInfo New orientation, type.
  7. optimization of the currentApp logic within the SDK. [Restoration].
  8. Fix the bug that some models display abnormally when the tabbar is displayed horizontally.
  9. Fix the bug of keyboard pop-up caused by showModal.
  10. Fix the occasional crash of the compression library under some models.
  11. Fix the issue that the applet closes after the camera gallery pops up in DBS on iOS10.
  12. fix the problem that the audio player needs to play twice.


Updated: 2021-10-22 [New]

  1. new header parameter support for the webview component. [Optimisation].
  2. Optimize the interface fail hint messages involving permissions.
  3. Optimize the callbacks of the vibrateLong/vibrateShort interface. [Restoration].
  4. Fix the occasional failure of the openDocument interface.
  5. Fix the occasional crash of input input box in iOS 15.
  6. fix the occasional lagging of the camera component.


Updated: 2021-9-28 [New]

  1. New video component.
  2. New Api for Bluetooth Universal, Low Power Central Device, Beacon, etc.
  3. New applet plugin support.
  4. Add a new series of Api for FileSystemManager. [Optimisation].
  5. Subcontracted applet loading speed optimisation.
  6. iOS 15 compatible adaptations.
  7. Optimize the deletion of the applet cache Api.
  8. optimise the apiPrefix parameter of the initialisation SDK.
  9. optimise the canvas implementation of subcontracted mini programs. [Restoration].
  10. Fix the recording problem when recordManager, camera and innerAudio are used together.


Updated: 2021-9-10 [New]

  1. New field for encrypted string information for applet objects.
  2. Added support for jumping to appStore protocols itms and itms-appss. [Restoration].
  3. cover-view line break problem.
  4. Modification of the text colour of the album navigation bar.
  5. Fixed the issue of cryptographically verifying the appKey during initialization.
  6. Fix the issue with the TabBar controller root page loading H5 jump to secondary page back button display and logic.


Updated: 2021-8-27 [New]

  1. New configuration parameters for hiding the transition page close button and disabling the side-swipe close applet.
  2. The experience version of the applet QR code supports configuration of launch parameters. [Optimisation].
  3. Optimise classes and functions not used in the SDK. [Restoration].
  4. Fix the problem of conflict between userAgent and webrtc, now support the use of webrtc function in H5.
  5. Fix the problem of error reported in the search applet interface when the server is configured with md5 encryption.


Updated: 2021-8-13 [New]

  1. New initialisation configuration item to support encryption of data returned from the backend.
  2. A new logo has been added for the version of the applet (experience, development, etc.). [Optimisation].
  3. Optimize the applet error message.
  4. Optimise the toast view display area and icons. [Restoration].
  5. Fix the problem that input and textarea will become English when exceeding the maximum length in Chinese input method.
  6. Fix the problem of loading failure caused by the system cancelling request when loading H5 for mini programs.
  7. Fix the problem of resource copy failure when the applet is repeatedly overwritten with installation scenarios.


Updated: 2021-7-31 [New]

  1. Support for subcontracting support for mini progmini.
  2. Support for webSocket native implementation and black and white list restrictions.
  3. support cursor/selectedStart/selectedEnd properties of input, textarea [Optimisation].
  4. Optimize the logic of Experience, Temporary and Development versions as well as caching issues under different versions.
  5. Optimize the delete applet interface to improve the speed of deletion.
  6. Optimize the parameter verification logic in hot launch applet scenarios.
  7. Optimise the SDK packaging, which is packaged as a dynamic library by default.
  8. Optimize the data reporting, remove the statistical information of non-official mini programs. [Restoration].
  9. Fix the problem that the upload time of the Experience version of the applet was displayed incorrectly.
  10. Fix the problem of slow opening of mini programs due to apm statistics configuration.
  11. fix a problem with the display of cover-view and custom native-view.


Updated: 2021-7-16 [New]

  1. new readFile/readFileSyncApi interface
  2. add exitMiniProgram to exit the applet Api
  3. support scheme and universallink to open multi-server configuration mini programs [Optimisation].
  4. input input scheme adjustment
  5. Optimised video compression
  6. Optimisation of management applet Api [Restoration].
  7. fix apm data reporting bug
  8. Fix the bug of opening the applet
  9. cover-view adjusts view hierarchy by z-index, fixes event response issue
  10. Fix the inaccurate method of listening to progress when audio is played, resulting in events where playback is not completed.
  11. . Fix the problem that when recording is finished, pcm transcoding to mp3 format may crash.
  12. fix static library decompression crash


Updated: 2021-7-5 [New]

  1. Manage mini programs 2.0.
  2. One Code Pass.
  3. New writeFile/writeFileSync interface. [Optimisation].
  4. Optimise data reporting.
  5. Optimisation of the cover-view hierarchy.
  6. Optimize the drop-down refresh control.
  7. Optimization of innerAudio default parameter issues.
  8. Optimise the environment error message text.
  9. Compatible array crash issue. [Restoration].
  10. Fix several bugs in the cover-view component.
  11. Fix several bugs in keyBoard.


Updated: 2021-6-21 [New]

  1. textarea components support same-level rendering.
  2. New experience version and QR code security control feature. [Optimisation].
  3. the SDK was adapted from a dynamic library to a static library to reduce app size growth.
  4. Optimize the mini programlandscape direction compatibility issue.
  5. Optimize the message of failure to open the applet.
  6. Optimise the size of the video recorded out of the video.
  7. Optimize the text spacing of the cover-view component. [Restoration].
  8. Fix several bugs in the camera component.
  9. Fix the bug of apm event statistics failure.


Updated: 2021-6-5 [New]

  1. New camera component. [Optimisation].
  2. Optimize the processing logic related to certificate validation.
  3. Optimise the address returned by the downloadFile interface and other path formats. [Restoration].
  4. Fix the problem that scheme and universal link cannot be closed occasionally when an applet is opened.
  5. Fix the side-swipe back crash issue when the applet fails to open.


Updated: 2021-6-1 [New]

  1. New FileSystemManager, support saveFile, getFileInfo, removeSavedFile, getSavedFileList, getSavedFileInfo.
  2. New initialization configuration item to disable the getSuperviseInfo interface. [Optimisation].
  3. optimize the old interfaces for saveFile, getFileInfo, removeSavedFile, getSavedFileList, getSavedFileInfo.
  4. Optimize the drop-down refresh to distinguish between gesture drop-down and transfer api drop-down end scenarios.
  5. Optimise path handling in the start-up parameters.
  6. Optimize chooseVideo and chooseImage to select image exceptions in icloud.
  7. Optimize the handling of applet horizontal and vertical screens in case of incorrect configuration of app horizontal and vertical screens.
  8. Optimise the image resources and merge them into one bundle. [Restoration].
  9. Fix the exception of userAgent reading when the webView component loads H5.
  10. Fix an exception in the logic of the Back to Home button.


Updated: 2021-5-25 [New]

  1. New configuration item for apm event reporting compression.
  2. New api for searching mini programs.
  3. New api with close callback.
  4. input components support same-level rendering. [Optimisation].
  5. add hashcode to the applet grey interface to optimize the return information.
  6. Optimize the Utils tool class to prevent renaming.
  7. Optimize the message that the applet has not been compiled.
  8. Optimize the processing logic when the applet has a white screen.
  9. Optimise caching of files and storage etc. [Restoration].
  10. Fix the problem that the default colour of the custom tabbar is displayed in white when it is at the top.
  11. Fix the problem that actionsheet is not displayed in projects of type scenesDelegate.
  12. Fix the problem that openDocument reports an error when opening a file.
  13. Fix tabbar property setting issue on iOS 13+.


Updated: 2021-4-30 [New]

  1. New domainains configuration item, you can set the domain names that the applet needs to force https certificate verification.
  2. New cover-image component.
  3. New domain name blacklist restrictions and whitelisting in . * support. [Restoration].
  4. Fix a problem with some property settings of the cover-view component.
  5. Fix the input password input box keyboard blocking issue. [Optimisation].
  6. Optimize SDK network image loading.
  7. optimize the downloadFile interface file suffix reading policy.
  8. Optimise the data storage in the SDK and reduce the size of the SDK.
  9. Optimize the https certificate verification function in the applet webView.
  10. Optimize the default values when the initialization SDK is not configured with uiConfig.
  11. Optimise the size of the image resources in the SDK.


Updated: 2021-4-21 [New]

  1. Add https certificate security verification.
  2. New custom api call restrictions.
  3. New cover-view component.
  4. New custom tabBar support.
  5. A new fault tolerance mechanism for interfaces returning parameters of type null has been added.
  6. New mechanism to reload H5 pages after loading failure. [Restoration].
  7. Fix a base64 parsing error in query parameters.
  8. Fix the problem that the title setting is invalid when the tabbar is switched.
  9. Fix the bug that the startRecord recording function fails. [Optimisation].
  10. Optimize the apm event reporting policy.
  11. Optimisation of UIColor conversion.
  12. Optimize the caching policy when loading H5.
  13. Optimize the prompt for accidental exit of mini programs.
  14. Remove the sdk-config interface.


Updated: 2021-3-19 [New]

  1. add storage and a series of api such as jssdk storage.
  2. New base library md5 checksum and password decompression.
  3. add support for page-meta related api.
  4. Added support for opening Alipay, WeChat and appStore in the webview component.
  5. New database encryption.
  6. New fileToBase64 api.
  7. New apmServer configuration item.
  8. Added support for previewing IDE QR code mini programs.
  9. New [Applet] text configuration item.
  10. Added support for universal link.
  11. add a series of api such as innerAudio
  12. add a series of api such as recoderManager. [Restoration].
  13. Fix a bug that caused the tabbar to display abnormally when it was on top.
  14. Fix the bug that textarea cannot be clicked on the finish button on iPhone 6.
  15. Fix a bug that causes the close button and the more button to be unresponsive when clicked due to right swipe.
  16. Fix the bug that when the version number remains the same, sweeping the code cannot pull the latest version of the applet.
  17. Fix the bug that the webview cannot be scrolled after disableScroll is set on the page where the webview component is located.
  18. Fix the bug that getSystemInfoSync returns the wrong version of the base library.
  19. Fix the bug that some scenes open completion callbacks and delegete do not trigger.
  20. Fix the bug that opening the applet will repeatedly download the applet package.
  21. Fix the bug that the display of multiple drop-down refreshes is abnormal. [Optimisation].
  22. Optimize the previewVideo api to support playback while downloading.
  23. Optimised custom menus, controlled by backend and mini programs.
  24. Optimized Get SDK configuration information interface call.
  25. Optimize the link address of the applet logo when forwarding.
  26. optimize native-view, camera, live-player, and live-pusher protocols.
  27. Optimise apm statistics events and reporting logic.
  28. Optimised multi-threaded concurrent initialisation of the SDK.


Updated: 2021-1-18 Updated to include

  1. Add a new configuration item for the number of mini programs to be updated in bulk.
  2. add requestTask, downloadTask, uploadTask and the corresponding api.
  3. add udpSocket and related api.
  4. New configuration for hiding the forward button and more view effects.
  5. Add an api to get the URL of the current webView.
  6. New api to get the current userAgent.
  7. New applet screenshot event api.
  8. New configuration for capsule style modification in the top right corner.
  9. New api for getSelectedTextRange.
  10. add canGoBack/canNavigateBack/setNavigationBarTitle in jssdk.
  11. New api for previewMedia.
  12. Fix Crash caused by iOS 14.0-14.2 5G network judgment.
  13. Fix the problem caused by the empty parameter of getSystemInfo.
  14. Fix the wrong order of input comfirm and blur events.
  15. fix the problem that setTabBarItem causes the badge corner to disappear.
  16. Fix the problem that the applet logo is not displayed on the more view, about page and non-business domain page.
  17. Fix the problem of tabbar display when it is hidden.
  18. Fix an issue with the input control jittering during page jumps.
  19. Optimize startPullDownRefresh, stopPullDownRefresh.
  20. optimize the hideToast/hideloading api.
  21. optimize navigateToMiniProgram to jump to its own scenario.
  22. Optimize the drop-down refresh effect and function.
  23. Optimise apm event reporting timing and compress data.
  24. Optimize the loading timing of the home page of the applet.
  25. Optimize the rendering logic of applet pages.
  26. Optimize the logic of showing and hiding more views when switching between horizontal and vertical screens.
  27. Optimize the white screen issue on the applet page.
  28. Optimize the alert message when the applet fails to load.
  29. Optimize the log management in the applet SDK.
  30. The SDK supports multi-server configurations.
  31. Remove the location-related functions from the core SDK and move getLocation to the extension SDK.
  32. support for live-player, live-pusher, camera components.


Updated on: 2020-11-27 Updated to include

  1. add showTabBarRedDot, hideTabBarRedDot, showTabBar, hideTabBar, setTabBarStyle, setTabBarItem.
  2. Add the identification of 5G network types in interfaces such as getNetworkType.
  3. Add pageonunload event before the H5 page disappears.
  4. add getLocalImgDataapi in JSSDK.
  5. New textarea native component.
  6. Fix base64ToTempFilePath failure in some cases.
  7. Fix Crash caused by empty placeholder in updateInput event.
  8. Fix the problem that the page layout is wrong in some scenes when the screen is in landscape.
  9. Fix the bug of abnormal style when taking photos in H5 and returning to the applet.
  10. Fix the lagging problem caused by opening the applet api.
  11. Fix Crash caused by iOS 14.0-14.2 5G network judgment.
  12. fix the problem caused by some parameters of getSystemInfo being empty
  13. optimise unimplemented api to return failed callbacks.
  14. Optimize iPhoneX judgement, macros to functions.
  15. Optimize the loading page animation on low-end emulators.
  16. Optimize the information returned in interfaces such as getSystemInfo for models such as iPhone 12.
  17. Optimize the loading and display of the applet logo and title.
  18. Optimize the network request in the applet SDK, add new SDK version parameter and change the request to a short connection.
  19. Optimise the injected JSSDK to avoid error reporting on pages not using the JSSDK.
  20. Remove the Get WebView api from the core SDK and move it to the extension SDK.


Updated on: 2020-10-23 Updated to include

  1. New parameter for animation switch when opening mini programs.
  2. Optimize the apm event escalation processing mechanism.
  3. New hideKeyboard event.
  4. Optimise support for switching between horizontal and vertical screens on iPad.
  5. Fix the situation that the domain name verification fails for network requests after the app cuts the background.
  6. New compressImage interface.
  7. Add support for pageScrollTo.
  8. add saveVideoToPhotosAlbum, saveImageToPhotosAlbum interfaces.
  9. Support for webPublishHandler events.
  10. New api for configuring the colour of the page loading progress bar.
  11. Fix a bug that caused a crash when pushing a native page within a custom api and then opening the applet again.
  12. Fix a bug in plist that crashes due to non-existent language setting items.
  13. Fix the bug that switchTab onShow event is not triggered after redirectto of tabbar applet.
  14. rewrite to optimize the input native component implementation.
  15. New SDK fingerprint configuration item.
  16. Optimize the side-swipe close applet response area.
  17. Fix the bug that the tabbar applet back button is displayed abnormally.
  18. Optimize the animation effect of the loading page of the applet.
  19. Added handling of hint when applet page does not exist.
  20. Fix the bug of api call failure due to server switching.
  21. New api for closing specified mini programs and clearing memory cache of specified mini programs.
  22. Optimize getImageBase64, base64ToTempFilePath interfaces.
  23. New api for setting the WebView UserAgent of the applet.


Updated on: 2020-09-11 Updated to include

  1. Permission class api split to extension SDK.
  2. Fix the bug of maxLength setting of input component.
  3. Update the relaunch event in tabbar mode.
  4. Optimize the input updateInput event.
  5. Fix the display bug of drop-down refresh.
  6. Fix updateInput event update style bug.
  7. Fix the bug that the system's own Pinyin input method cannot input Chinese.
  8. The input component supports rounded corner settings.
  9. The applet SDK supports in H5 to open links.
  10. getImageBase64 supports reading images from applet packages.
  11. Fix a bug in the screenshot display when loading H5 links.
  12. Fix the bug that the H5 link cannot be gobacked when loaded in special scenarios.
  13. Update the parameters in the forwarding agent event.
  14. Optimize server address and prefix compatibility issues.


Updated on: 2020-08-13 Updated to include

  1. The compatible SDK loads web addresses with Chinese characters, special symbols, etc.
  2. Support for hiding the navigation bar when the SDK loads a page.
  3. optimise apm reporting conditions.
  4. Support for api calls to close mini programs in web pages.
  5. New configuration parameter to control whether the SDK can apply for permission on its own.
  6. Optimize WKWebView cookie sharing and userAgent reading.
  7. SDK support for applet configuration Top right corner More, Close buttons show and hide.
  8. Support the api of opening mini programs and returning mini programs in web pages.
  9. New configuration parameter to support navigation bar title font modification.
  10. Fix tabbar style applet page layout bug.
  11. Compatible with SDK loading web pages with empty url
  12. Update the hideKeyboard event and invalidate the updateInput event in the custom input component.
  13. Support for phone calls in H5 web pages.
  14. The SDK supports landscape and portrait switching, forced landscape and forced portrait.
  15. New applet expiry and app expiry alerts have been added.


Updated on: 2020-07-16 Updated to include

  1. Support for native input components.
  2. New monitoring data fetching api.
  3. Optimize the logic of loading H5 web pages by the applet.
  4. Update the getSystemInfo interface.
  5. Optimize the callbacks of the jssdk api.
  6. Optimize the navigation bar style when loading H5 pages.
  7. Add anti-crash handling logic for common crashes.
  8. The query applet information interface is exceptionally compatible.
  9. update the apm statistics event field to add new events.
  10. Optimize the size of the applet SDK.
  11. Optimize the pop-up box prompt in the applet SDK.
  12. New applet SDK to detect new versions of recently used mini programs at regular intervals.
  13. New update applet callback, and reapplet api.
  14. Add a new applet SDK api domain legitimacy check.


Updated on: 2020-06-18 Updated to include

  1. Supports dark mode adaptive configuration.
  2. shorten the interval between the reporting of apm statistical events.
  3. Add events such as crash and interface access failure.
  4. Delete the code related to UIWebView.
  5. Support for the chooseImage api in jssdk.
  6. Optimize the interfaces chooseImage, chooseVideo, previewVideo, etc.
  7. Fix the issue of side-sliding not working on the about and feedback pages.
  8. New grayscale related apm events and parameters.
  9. The applet navigateToMiniProgram supports opening the applet version of the specified index.
  10. Fix the problem of repeated download of applet zip caused by md5 judgment under old data.
  11. Fix the request interface parameter issue.
  12. Fix incorrect parameters of the reportApmMonitor api.


Updated on: 2020-05-22 Updated to include

  1. Optimise the timing of apm statistical events.
  2. optimize the request interface and the returned data.
  3. update the applet api interface format to hyphenated paths.
  4. New data reporting interface for mini programs.
  5. New window parameter of Service, optimize the synchronization interface of the applet part.
  6. Optimisation of safeArea data.
  7. Fix a bug that prevents the applet from forwarding when it loads a web link.
  8. Add the configuration items of whether to show [Back to Home] and [Complaint Feedback].
  9. Optimize the callbacks when launching mini programs.
  10. Optimize the information returned when the webView fails to load.
  11. The applet SDK supports national secrets.
  12. New callback when closing the applet.


Updated on: 2020-04-22 Updated to include

  1. Fix the problem that album images cannot be selected after syncing from icloud.
  2. Fix compatibility issues with download addresses, icon addresses, etc.
  3. Update the applet information, base library and other interfaces.
  4. Update the information returned by the getLocation interface.
  5. Fix the switchTab causing the applet event error.
  6. More menu UI updates for the applet.
  7. Support for more menus in the applet to inject custom menus.
  8. Optimize the judgment logic of applet package updates.
  9. Support for feedback and complaints global hiding.
  10. New applet chooseLocation, chooseMessageFile interfaces


Updated on: 2020-03-27 Updated to include

  1. About page optimization
  2. other bug-fixes
  3. New API: setTabBarBadge
  4. New API: removeTabBarBadge
  5. New API: getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect


Updated on: 2020-02-28 Updated to include

  1. Optimize the alert when the applet fails to open.
  2. Support for customising the navigation bar and hiding the navigation bar.
  3. Optimize applet lifecycle events.
  4. Fix the caching bug caused by the startup parameter.
  5. Support for applet jssdk.
  6. Optimize the callbacks for applet api calls.
  7. Optimisation of timer-related modules.
  8. Support for customising more menus.


Updated on: 2020-01-17 Updated to include

  1. Add security signature check parameters to improve interface security.
  2. update the apm statistics interface.
  3. onShareAppMessage event has a new type parameter.
  4. Remove the redundant page api.
  5. Updates such as return control when mini programs load web H5.
  6. Handling of exceptions in obtaining applet information, etc.
  7. New control Api for the display of SDK Log information.
  8. New automatic update function for the base library.
  9. Update the getSystemInfo return parameter.
  10. New feedback and complaints.