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1. Introduction to JSSDK

JSSDK is a web development toolkit provided by FinClip for web developers.

By using JSSDK, web developers can use FinClip to efficiently use the capabilities of mobile systems such as photo, map selection, voice, location, etc., while directly using the unique capabilities of FinClip to provide users with a better web experience.

Please configure the domain address you need to access in "Development Management-Domain Settings" before using the JSSDK.

2. How to use

2.1 Introduction of script tags in web pages

<script src="path/to/jssdk.min.js">

JSSDK 1.4.20

JSSDK 1.4.20(ESM)

2.2 Introducing via npm

  1. Install
npm install finclip-js-sdk


import ft from 'finclip-js-sdk'

  url: '/pages/index/index'

3. web-view component properties

PropertiesTypeDefaultRequiredDescriptionMinimum Version
srcstringfalsewebview The link to the web page.
timeoutnumberfalseSpecifies the timeout event that will be triggered if the webpage does not receive a call to ft.complete() within the specified time.
bindmessageeventhandlerfalseWhen a web page postsMessage to an Mini-Program, it will be triggered and receive a message at a specific time (Mini-Program rewind, component destruction, sharing). e.detail = { data }, data is an array of multiple postMessage parameters
bindloadeventhandlerfalseThis event is triggered when the page loads successfully. e.detail = { src }
binderroreventhandlerfalseTriggered when the page fails to load. e.detail = { src }
bindeventeventhandlerfalseReceive data from the web page via JSSDK
bindtimeouteventhandlerfalseTriggered only when timeout is configured, when the page times out, and when ft.complete is not called.