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API Overview

The framework provides the developers with more API capabilities so that they can launch diversified convenient services to the users.

1. Basics

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.envEnvironmental variables1.0.0
ft.canIUseDetermine whether the Mini Program's APIs, callbacks, parameters, components, etc are available in the current version1.0.0
ft.base64ToArrayBufferwill Base64 String ArrayBuffer object1.0.0
ft.arrayBufferToBase64will ArrayBuffer Object converted to Base64 Character string1.0.0
ft.base64ToTempFilePathSave the base64 data of the image to the local sandbox and return the local cache path1.0.0
ft.fileToBase64will file converted to Base64 Character string1.0.0

1.1 system

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.getSystemInfoSyncft.getSystemInfo The synchronous version of1.0.0
ft.getSystemInfoAsyncAsynchronous access system information1.0.0
ft.getSystemInfoAccess to system information1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.openAppAuthorizeSettingJump to the wechat authorization management page
ft.openSystemBluetoothSettingJump to the Bluetooth Settings page of the system
ft.getWindowInfoGet window information
ft.getSystemSettingGet device Settings
ft.getSkylineInfoSyncThe synchronous version of wx.getSkylineInfo
ft.getSkylineInfoGets the current runtime's support for the Skyline rendering engine
ft.getDeviceInfoGet basic device information

1.2 To update

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.getUpdateManagerObtainGlobally uniqueVersion Update Manager for managing Mini Program updates1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.updateWeChatAppUpdate the client version

1.2.1 UpdateManager

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
UpdateManager.applyUpdateForce the Mini Program to restart and use the new version.1.0.0
UpdateManager.onCheckForUpdateMonitor the WeChat background request to check the update results event.1.0.0
UpdateManager.onUpdateFailedListen for Mini Programs to update failed events1.0.0
UpdateManager.onUpdateReadyListening Mini Program has a version update event.1.0.0

1.3 Mini Program

1.3.1 Life cycle

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.getLaunchOptionsSyncGet the parameters of the Mini Program startup1.0.0
ft.getEnterOptionsSyncGet the parameters at the start of the Mini Program1.0.0

1.3.2 Application-level event

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.onPageNotFoundThere are no events on the page to be opened by the listening Mini Program1.0.0
ft.onErrorListening for Mini Program error events1.0.0
ft.onAppShowListen to Mini Program cut foreground event1.0.0
ft.onAppHideListen to Mini Program cut background event1.0.0
ft.offPageNotFoundThe page to be opened by the unlisten Mini Program does not have an event1.0.0
ft.offErrorCancel listening Mini Program error event1.0.0
ft.offAppShowCancel the monitor Mini Program to cut the foreground event1.0.0
ft.offAppHideCancel listening Mini Program to cut background event1.0.0
ft.onThemeChangeListen for system theme change events.1.0.0
ft.onUnhandledRejectionListening for unhandled Promise Reject event.1.0.0
ft.offUnhandledRejectionUnlisten unprocessed Promise Reject event1.0.0
ft.offThemeChangeUnlisten System Theme Change Event1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.onAudioInterruptionEndListen to Audio Interrupt End Event
ft.onAudioInterruptionBeginListen for audio was interrupted due to system occupancy
ft.offAudioInterruptionEndCancel Listening Audio Interrupt End Event
ft.offAudioInterruptionBeginCancel listening audio is interrupted due to system occupation Start event
ft.onLazyLoadErrorListen for application asynchronous component load failure callback
ft.offLazyLoadErrorCancels the callback to listen for application asynchronous component loading failure

1.4 debugging

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.setEnableDebugSet whether to turn on the debug switch1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.getRealtimeLogManagerGet the real-time log manager object
ft.getLogManagerGet the log manager object

1.4.1 console

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
console.debugPrint debug logs to the debug panel1.0.0
console.errorPrints an error log to the debug panel1.0.0
console.groupCreate a new group in the debug panel1.0.0
console.groupEndEnd The group created by console.group1.0.0
console.infoPrints the info log to the debug panel1.0.0
console.logPrint log logs to the debug panel1.0.0
console.warnPrint a warn log to the debug panel1.0.0

1.4.2 LogManager

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
LogManager.debugwrite debug journalYes, but the log is only on the local console3.0.36
LogManager.infowrite info journalYes, but the log is only on the local console3.0.36
LogManager.logwrite log journalYes, but the log is only on the local console3.0.36
LogManager.warnwrite warn journalYes, but the log is only on the local console3.0.36

1.4.3 RealtimeLogManager

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
RealtimeLogManager.errorwrite error LogYes, but the log is only on the local console3.0.36
RealtimeLogManager.infowrite info LogYes, but the log is only on the local console3.0.36
RealtimeLogManager.warnwrite warn LogYes, but the log is only on the local console3.0.36
RealtimeLogManager.setFilterMsgSet filter keywordsYes, but the log is only on the local console3.0.36
RealtimeLogManager.addFilterMsgAdd filter keywordsYes, but the log is only on the local console3.0.36

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
RealtimeLogManager.getCurrentStateReal-time logs aggregate cached logs for a certain time interval, and if the cached content exceeds the limit, it is discarded.
RealtimeLogManager.inSet the page where the real-time log page parameter is located
RealtimeLogManager.tagGets an instance of the log manager for the given tag

1.4.4 RealtimeTagLogManager

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
RealtimeTagLogManager.infowrite info Log
RealtimeTagLogManager.warnwrite warn Log
RealtimeTagLogManager.errorwrite error Log
RealtimeTagLogManager.insetFilterMsgfoSet filter keywords
RealtimeTagLogManager.addFilterMsgAdd filter keywords

1.5 performance

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.getPerformanceGet information about the current Mini Program performance
ft.reportPerformanceMini Program speed reporting
ft.preloadWebviewPreload the WebView for the next page
ft.preloadSkylineViewPreload the Skyline runtime environment required for the next page
ft.preloadAssetsPreload the media resource files for the view layer

1.5.1 EntryList

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
EntryList.getEntriesThis method returns all performance data in the current list
EntryList.getEntriesByTypeGets all the types in the current list [entryType] Performance data
EntryList.getEntriesByNameGets all the names in the current list [name] And the type is [entryType] Performance data

1.5.2 Performance

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
Performance.getEntriesThis method returns all the performance data in the current buffer
Performance.getEntriesByTypeGets all of the types in the current buffer [entryType] Performance data
Performance.getEntriesByNameGets all names in the current buffer as [name] And the type is [entryType] Performance data
Performance.createObserverCreate a global performance event listener
Performance.setBufferSizeSet the buffer size, Default buffer 30 Bar Performance Data
PerformanceEntrySingle piece of performance data

1.5.3 PerformanceObserver

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
PerformanceObserver.disconnectStop listening.
PerformanceObserver.observeStart listening

1.6 Subcontract loading

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.preDownloadSubpackageTrigger subcontract pre-download

1.6.1 PreDownloadSubpackageTask

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
PreDownloadSubpackageTask.onProgressUpdateListen for subcontract load schedule change events

1.7 encryption

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.getUserCryptoManagerGet user encryption module

1.7.1 UserCryptoManager

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
UserCryptoManager.getLatestUserKeyGet the latest user encryption key
UserCryptoManager.getRandomValuesGets a cryptographic secure random number

2. routing

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.switchTabJump to tabBar Page, and close all other non - tabBar page1.0.0
ft.reLaunchClose all pages and open to a page in the app1.0.0
ft.redirectToClose the current page and jump to a page in the app1.0.0
ft.navigateToKeep the current page and jump to a page within the app1.0.0
ft.navigateBackClose the current page and return to the previous page or multilevel page1.0.0

2.1 EventChannel

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
EventChannel.emitTrigger an event1.0.0
EventChannel.offCancel listening for an event1.0.0
EventChannel.onContinue to monitor an event1.0.0
EventChannel.oncelisten for an event at a time, when triggered1.0.0

3. Jump

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.navigateToMiniProgramOpen another little program1.0.0
ft.navigateBackMiniProgramReturn to previous Mini Program1.0.0
ft.exitMiniProgramExit current Mini Program1.0.0
ft.navigateToWechatMiniProgramOpen wechat mini program1.0.0
ft.restartMiniProgramrestart mini program3.1.17

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.openEmbeddedMiniProgramOpen the half screen Mini Program

4. Forward

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.showShareMenuDisplay the forward on for the current page1.0.0
ft.hideShareMenuHide the forward on for the current page1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.updateShareMenuUpdate Forwarding Properties
ft.showShareImageMenuOpen the pop-up window to share pictures, you can send pictures to friends, collection or download
ft.shareVideoMessageForward video to chat
ft.shareFileMessageForward file to chat
ft.onCopyUrlListen to the user click on the upper right menuCopy linkEvent triggered when on
ft.offCopyUrlUnlisten to the user click on the upper right menuCopy linkEvent triggered when on
ft.getShareInfoGet forwarding details
ft.authPrivateMessageAuthenticate Private Messages

5. interface

5.1 interactive

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.showToastDisplay Message Prompt Box1.0.0
ft.showModalDisplay modal dialog box1.0.0
ft.showLoadingdisplay loading Prompt box1.0.0
ft.showActionSheetDisplay Action Menu1.0.0
ft.hideToastHide message prompt box1.0.0
ft.hideLoadinghide loading Prompt box1.0.0
ft.enableAlertBeforeUnloadOpen the Mini Program page to return to the inquiry dialog2.11.5
ft.disableAlertBeforeUnloadClose the Mini Program page and return to the query dialog2.11.5

5.2 Navigation bar

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.showNavigationBarLoadingShow navigation bar loading animation on current page1.0.0
ft.setNavigationBarTitleDynamically set the title of the current page1.0.0
ft.setNavigationBarColorSet the page navigation bar color1.0.0
ft.hideNavigationBarLoadingHide navigation bar on current page Load animation1.0.0
ft.hideHomeButtonHide back home on1.0.0

5.3 background

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.setBackgroundTextStyleDynamically set drop-down background font, loading Style of Graph1.0.0
ft.setBackgroundColorDynamically set the background color of the window1.0.0

5.4 Tab Bar

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.showTabBarRedDotdisplay tabBar The red dot in the upper right corner of an item1.0.0
ft.showTabBardisplay tabBar1.0.0
ft.setTabBarStyleDynamic settings tabBar Overall style1.0.0
ft.setTabBarItemDynamic settings tabBar The content of an item,2.7.0 Image support temporary files and network files1.0.0
ft.setTabBarBadgefor tabBar Add text to the top right corner of an item1.0.0
ft.removeTabBarBadgeto remove tabBar Text in the upper-right corner of an item1.0.0
ft.hideTabBarRedDothide tabBar The red dot in the upper right corner of an item1.0.0
ft.hideTabBarhide tabBar1.0.0

5.5 Typeface

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.loadFontFaceDynamic loading network font, file address needs to be download type1.0.0

5.6 Dropdown refresh

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.stopPullDownRefreshStop current page drop-down refresh1.0.0
ft.startPullDownRefreshStart Drop Down Refresh1.0.0

5.7 Roll

5.7.1 ft.pageScrollTo

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.pageScrollToScroll the page to the target location, support selection and scrolling distance positioning in two ways1.0.0

5.7.2 ScrollViewContext

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ScrollViewContextThe ScrollView operation instance can be obtained through the NodeRef.node method of ft.createSelectorQuery.3.0.45
ScrollViewContext.scrollIntoViewScroll to specified position3.0.45
ScrollViewContext.scrollToScroll to specified position3.0.45

5.8 animation

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.createAnimationCreate an animation instance animation1.0.0

5.8.1 Animation

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
Animation.exportExport the animation queue.1.0.0
Animation.stepIndicates that a set of animations is complete.1.0.0
Animation.matrixwith transform-function matrix1.0.0
Animation.matrix3dwith transform-function matrix3d1.0.0
Animation.rotateRotate one angle clockwise from the origin1.0.0
Animation.rotate3dfrom fixed The axis rotates one angle clockwise1.0.0
Animation.rotateXfrom X The axis rotates one angle clockwise1.0.0
Animation.rotateYfrom And The axis rotates one angle clockwise1.0.0
Animation.rotateZfrom With The axis rotates one angle clockwise1.0.0
Animation.scaleXscaling X axis1.0.0
Animation.scaleYscaling Y axis1.0.0
Animation.scaleZscaling Z axis1.0.0
Animation.skewtilt the X-axis and Y-axis1.0.0
Animation.skewXtilt the X-axis1.0.0
Animation.skewYtilt the Y-axis1.0.0
Animation.translateTranslation transformation1.0.0
Animation.translate3dxyz Coordinate translation1.0.0
Animation.translateXshift the X-axis1.0.0
Animation.translateYshift the Y-axis1.0.0
Animation.translateZshift the Z-axis1.0.0
Animation.opacitySet Transparency1.0.0
Animation.backgroundColorSet the background color1.0.0
Animation.widthSet width1.0.0
Animation.heightSet Height1.0.0
Animation.leftSet up left value1.0.0
Animation.rightSet up right value1.0.0
Animation.topSet up top value1.0.0
Animation.bottomSet up bottom value1.0.0

5.9 to sticky

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.setTopBarTextDynamically set the top column text content

5.10 Custom components

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.nextTickDelay a part of an operation to the next time slice1.0.0

5.11 Menu

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRectGet layout location information for the menu on (capsule on in the upper right corner)1.0.0

5.12 window

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.onWindowResizeListen for window size changes1.0.0
ft.offWindowResizeCancel listening window size change event1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.setWindowSizeTo set the window size, this interface applies only to PC Platform, please refer to the guide for details

5.13 worklet animation

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.workletThe mini progmini programrams gets the worklet object

5.13.1 worklet

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
worklet.cancelAnimationCancels SharedValue driven animations
worklet.derivedDerivedValue derivative values, generate other Shared variables based on the existing SharedValue
worklet.sharedShared variables SharedValue for animation across threads share data and drive
worklet.decayanimation based on rolling
worklet.springanimation based on physics
worklet.timinganimation based on time
worklet.delaydelay the animation
worklet.repeatrepeat animation
worklet.sequencecombination animation sequence, perform incoming animation in turn
worklet.runOnJSworklet function operation in the UI thread, the capture of the outer function may be worklet type or ordinary functions, in order to more clearly distinguish, to its request must use runOnJS JS thread back normal function
worklet.runOnUIthe UI thread execution worklet function

6. network

6.1 network

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.requestinitiate HTTPS Network request1.0.0

6.2 RequestTask

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
RequestTask.abortInterrupt request task1.0.0
RequestTask.offHeadersReceivedCancel the wiretap HTTP Response Header event1.0.0
RequestTask.onHeadersReceivedto monitor HTTP Response Header Events.1.0.0
RequestTask.onChunkReceivedto monitor Transfer-Encoding Chunk Received Events.3.2.3
RequestTask.offChunkReceivedCancel the wiretap HTTP Response Header Transfer-Encoding Chunk Received Events.3.2.3

6.3 to download

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.downloadFileDownload file resources locally1.0.0

6.3.1 DownloadTask

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
DownloadTask.abortInterrupt Download Task1.0.0
DownloadTask.offHeadersReceivedCancel the wiretap. HTTP Response Header event1.0.0
DownloadTask.onHeadersReceivedto monitor HTTP Response Header Events. Will be earlier than the request to complete the event1.0.0
DownloadTask.offProgressUpdateCancel listening for download schedule change events1.0.0
DownloadTask.onProgressUpdateListen for changes in download progress1.0.0

6.4 upload

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.uploadFileUpload local resources to the server1.0.0

6.4.1 UploadTask

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
UploadTask.abortInterrupt upload task1.0.0
UploadTask.offHeadersReceivedCancel listening upload progress change event1.0.0
UploadTask.onHeadersReceivedto monitor HTTP Response Header Events. Will be earlier than the request to complete the event1.0.0
UploadTask.offProgressUpdateCancel listening upload progress change event1.0.0
UploadTask.onProgressUpdateMonitor upload progress changes1.0.0

6.5 WebSocket

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.sendSocketMessageadopt WebSocket Connect to send data1.0.0
ft.onSocketOpento monitor WebSocket Connection Open Event1.0.0
ft.onSocketMessageto monitor WebSocket Message event received from server1.0.0
ft.onSocketErrorto monitor WebSocket Error event1.0.0
ft.onSocketCloseto monitor WebSocket Connection Closure Event1.0.0
ft.connectSocketCreate a WebSocket Connect1.0.0
ft.closeSocketStop WebSocket Connect1.0.0

6.5.1 SocketTask

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
SocketTask.closeStop WebSocket Connect1.0.0
SocketTask.onCloseto monitor WebSocket Connection Closure Event1.0.0
SocketTask.onErrorto monitor WebSocket Error event1.0.0
SocketTask.onMessageto monitor WebSocket Message event received from server1.0.0
SocketTask.onOpento monitor WebSocket Connection Open Event1.0.0
SocketTask.sendadopt WebSocket Connect to send data1.0.0

6.6 mDNS

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.stopLocalServiceDiscoveryStop searching. mDNS service
ft.startLocalServiceDiscoveryStart searching the LAN. mDNS service
ft.onLocalServiceResolveFailto monitor mDNS Event of service resolution failure
ft.onLocalServiceLostto monitor mDNS Event of service departure
ft.onLocalServiceFoundto monitor mDNS Events discovered by services
ft.onLocalServiceDiscoveryStopto monitor mDNS Event where the service stopped searching
ft.offLocalServiceResolveFailCancel the wiretap. mDNS Event of service resolution failure
ft.offLocalServiceLostCancel the wiretap. mDNS Event of service departure
ft.offLocalServiceFoundCancel the wiretap. mDNS Events discovered by services
ft.offLocalServiceDiscoveryStopCancel the wiretap. mDNS Event where the service stopped searching

6.7 TCP Signal communication

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.createTCPSocketCreate a TCP Socket Example1.0.0

6.7.1 TCPSocket

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
TCPSocket.onMessageMonitor triggers the event when data is received1.0.0
TCPSocket.writein socket Send data on1.0.0
TCPSocket.closeClose the connection1.0.0
TCPSocket.connectStart a connection on the given socket1.0.0
TCPSocket.offConnectCancel the wiretap when a socket The event is triggered when the connection is successfully established1.0.0
TCPSocket.offCloseOnce we cancel the wiretap socket Full shutdown sends out the event1.0.0
TCPSocket.offErrorCancel Listen Triggered when an error occurs1.0.0
TCPSocket.offMessageCancels listening to trigger this event when data is received1.0.0
TCPSocket.onCloseOnce the wire is tapped, socket Full shutdown sends out the event1.0.0
TCPSocket.onConnectListen in when a socket The event is triggered when the connection is successfully established1.0.0
TCPSocket.onErrorListen is triggered when an error occurs1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

| Name | Function explaination | | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | | TCPSocket.bindWifi | Bind the TCP Socket to the current wifi network, onBindWifi event will be triggered after success | | TCPSocket.offBindWifi | Removed when a socket binding the wifi network success | trigger the event monitoring function | | TCPSocket.onBindWifi | TCPSocket onBindWifi | listen when a socket binding the wifi network success | trigger this event |

6.8 UDP Signal communication

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.createUDPSocketCreate a UDP Socket Example1.0.0

6.8.1 UDPSocket

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
UDPSocket.bindBind a system randomly assigned available port or bind a specified port number1.0.0
UDPSocket.closeClosing the UDP Socket instance is equivalent to destroying it1.0.0
UDPSocket.offCloseUnlisten Close Event1.0.0
UDPSocket.offErrorUnlisten Error Event1.0.0
UDPSocket.offListeningThe event that starts listening for packet messages1.0.0
UDPSocket.offMessageUnlisten for events that receive messages1.0.0
UDPSocket.onCloseListen Close Event1.0.0
UDPSocket.onErrorListen for error events1.0.0
UDPSocket.onListeningListen to start listening for packet messages1.0.0
UDPSocket.onMessageListen to events that receive messages1.0.0
UDPSocket.connectPreconnect to the specified IP and Port, you need to cooperate. write Methods used together1.0.0
UDPSocket.writeUsage and send Method is the same if the connect With send No difference (note that even if the connect You also need to fill in the address and port parameters for this interface.1.0.0
UDPSocket.setTTLSet up IP_TTL Socket option to set a IP Maximum number of hops allowed for packet transmission1.0.0
UDPSocket.sendTo the specified IP and port Send a message.1.0.0

7. payment

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.requestPaymentInitiate WeChat Pay1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.requestOrderPaymentCreate a custom version of the transaction component order and initiate payment

8. Data cache

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.setStorageSyncft.setStorage The synchronous version of1.0.0
ft.setStorageTo store data in the local cache key in1.0.0
ft.removeStorageSyncft.removeStorage The synchronous version of1.0.0
ft.removeStorageRemoves the specified item from the local cache key1.0.0
ft.getStorageSyncft.getStorage The synchronous version of1.0.0
ft.getStorageInfoSyncft.getStorageInfo The synchronous version of1.0.0
ft.getStorageInfoGet information about the current storage asynchronously1.0.0
ft.getStorageGets the specified object asynchronously from the local cache key Content1.0.0
ft.clearStorageSyncft.clearStorage The synchronous version of1.0.0
ft.clearStorageClean up the local data cache1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.revokeBufferURLaccording to URL Destroying data in memory
ft.createBufferURLAccording to the incoming buffer Create a unique URL Stored in memory
ft.batchSetStorageSyncStores data in batches in the specified key in the local cache
ft.batchSetStoragethe data batch stored in the key specified in the local cache
ft.batchGetStorageSyncfrom the local cache synchronization in bulk for the contents of the specified key
ft.batchGetStoragefrom the local cache synchronization in bulk for the contents of the specified key

8.1 Periodic update

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.setBackgroundFetchTokenSet the custom login state, in the periodic pull data, to facilitate third-party server verification request legitimacy
ft.onBackgroundFetchDataMonitor received. backgroundFetch Callback at data time
ft.getBackgroundFetchTokenGet the custom login state you set
ft.getBackgroundFetchDataPull backgroundFetch Client cache data

8.2 Cache manager

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.createCacheManagerCreate a cache manager

8.2.1 CacheManager

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
CacheManager.addRuleAdd rules
CacheManager.addRulesbatch add rules, the rules written reference CacheManager. AddRule
CacheManager.clearCachesto empty all cache
CacheManager.clearRulesto empty all the rules, and at the same time all cache to corresponding rules will be deleted
CacheManager.deleteCachedelete cache
CacheManager.deleteCachesbatch delete cache
CacheManager.deleteRuledelete rules, at the same time, all the cache to corresponding rules will be deleted
CacheManager.deleteRulesdelete rules, at the same time, all the cache to corresponding rules will be deleted
CacheManager.matchcaching rules matching accuracy, generally need to be mixed and request events
CacheManager.offcancel event listeners
CacheManager.onto monitor events
CacheManager.startopen cache, only take effect when mode to none, invoke the cache manager after the state will be set to 1
CacheManager.stopclose cache, only take effect when mode to none, invoke the cache manager after the state will be set to 0

9. Data analysis

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.reportMonitorCustom service data monitoring and reporting interface
ft.reportEventIncident reporting
ft.reportAnalyticsCustom Analysis Data Reporting Interface
ft.getExptInfoSyncGiven the experimental parameter array, get the corresponding experimental parameter values

10. canvas

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.createOffscreenCanvasCreate Off Screen canvas Example1.0.0
ft.createCanvasContextcreate canvas Drawing context CanvasContext object1.0.0
ft.canvasToTempFilePathExport the contents of the specified area of the current canvas to generate a specified size picture1.0.0
ft.canvasPutImageDataDrawing pixel data to canvas1.0.0
ft.canvasGetImageDataObtain canvas Area Implied Pixel Data1.0.0

10.1 Canvas

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
Canvas.createImageCreate a picture object. Support in 2D Canvas and WebGL Canvas Under use, But does not support mixing 2D and WebGL The method.1.0.0
Canvas.getContextThis method returns Canvas Drawing context1.0.0
Canvas.createImageDataCreate a ImageData Object. Support only in 2D Canvas Used in1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
Canvas.cancelAnimationFrameCancel by requestAnimationFrame Add an animated frame request to the schedule.
Canvas.createPath2Dcreate Path2D object
Canvas.requestAnimationFrameExecutes on the next redraw.
Canvas.toDataURLReturns a data URI containing the image presentation

10.2 CanvasContext

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
CanvasContext.arcCreate a curve1.0.0
CanvasContext.arcTobased on control point and radius of circular arc path drawing1.0.0
CanvasContext.beginPathbegan to create a path1.0.0
CanvasContext.clearRectRemove the contents of the canvas in the rectangular area1.0.0
CanvasContext.drawImagedrawing to the canvas1.0.0
CanvasContext.createCircularGradientCreate a circular gradient color1.0.0
CanvasContext.createLinearGradientcreate a linear gradient color1.0.0
CanvasContext.createPatternto create the specified image mode, the method of RMB can be repeated at a specified direction image1.0.0
CanvasContext.clipShear arbitrary shape and size from original canvas1.0.0
CanvasContext.bezierCurveTocreate cubic bezier path1.0.0
CanvasContext.drawDraws the previous description (path, deformation, style) in the drawing context to the canvas1.0.0
CanvasContext.fillTo fill the contents of the current path1.0.0
CanvasContext.fillRectfills a rectangle1.0.0
CanvasContext.fillTextTo draw on the canvas is populated text1.0.0
CanvasContext.lineTocreate to add a new, since the last time and then create a specified point to the target point line1.0.0
CanvasContext.setLineDashstyle Settings dotted line1.0.0
CanvasContext.setLineCapSet the endpoint style of line1.0.0
CanvasContext.setGlobalAlphabrush set the global transparency1.0.0
CanvasContext.setFontSizeset font size1.0.0
CanvasContext.setFillStyleset the fill color1.0.0
CanvasContext.scaleafter the call, after creating the path of the horizontal ordinate will be resized1.0.0
CanvasContext.saveSave the drawing context1.0.0
CanvasContext.rotatecentered on the origin clockwise rotation axis current1.0.0
CanvasContext.restoreSave the drawing context before1.0.0
CanvasContext.rectcreate a rectangular path1.0.0
CanvasContext.quadraticCurveTocreate quadratic bezier path1.0.0
CanvasContext.moveTomove the path to the specified point in the canvas, not create line1.0.0
CanvasContext.setStrokeStyleSet the stroke color1.0.0
CanvasContext.setShadowset shadow style1.0.0
CanvasContext.setMiterLimitset the maximum length of the miter1.0.0
CanvasContext.setLineWidthset the width of line1.0.0
CanvasContext.setLineJoinset the intersection of line style1.0.0
CanvasContext.setTransformusing matrix reset (cover) of the current transformation methods1.0.0
CanvasContext.setTextBaselineset the text of the vertical alignment1.0.0
CanvasContext.setTextAlignset text alignment1.0.0
CanvasContext.measureTextMeasure the text size information1.0.0
CanvasContext.strokeRectDraw a rectangle(Unfilled)1.0.0
CanvasContext.strokeTextGiven (x, and) A Method of Text Stroke for Position Drawing1.0.0
CanvasContext.transformMethod for Overlaying the Current Transformation Multiple Times Using Matrices1.0.0
CanvasContext.translateFor the origin of the current coordinate system (0, 0) Transform.1.0.0
CanvasContext.strokedraw the path of the current frame1.0.0

10.3 CanvasGradient

NameFunction explaination
CanvasGradient.addColorStopAdds a gradient point for the color.
ImageDataImageData object

10.4 OffscreenCanvas

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
OffscreenCanvas.createImageCreate a picture object.1.0.0
OffscreenCanvas.getContextThis method returns OffscreenCanvas Drawing context1.0.0

11. Media

11.1 map

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.createMapContextcreate map context MapContext object1.0.0

11.1.1 MapContext

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
MapContext.addArcAdd arc, pass point and Angle must set oneunsupported
MapContext.addCustomLayerAdd the personalization layerunsupported
MapContext.addGroundOverlaycreate custom picture layer, pictures will follow the map zoom zoomunsupported
MapContext.addMarkersadd marker1.0.0
MapContext.fromScreenLocationGets the latitude and longitude of the points on the screen, with the origin of the coordinates being the upper left corner of the map1.0.0
MapContext.getCenterLocationaccess point on the screen corresponding latitude and longitude, origin of coordinates for the left upper corner of the map1.0.0
MapContext.getRegionGets the current map center longitude and latitude1.0.0
MapContext.getRotateGets the current map of sight1.0.0
MapContext.getSkewGets the current map rotation Angle1.0.0
MapContext.getScaleGets the current map of slope Angle1.0.0
MapContext.includePointsGets the current map zoom level1.0.0
MapContext.initMarkerClusterInitializes the configuration of the point aggregation, the default configuration when not invoked.1.0.0
MapContext.moveAlongMove along a specified path markerFor track playback and other scenarios.1.0.0
MapContext.moveToLocationMove the center of the map to the current set position. Needs to be used in coordination with the map component's show-location1.0.0
MapContext.openMapAppPull up the map app and select navigation.1.0.0
MapContext.removeCustomLayerRemove the personalization layerunsupported
MapContext.removeGroundOverlayRemove the custom image layerunsupported
MapContext.removeMarkersto remove marker1.0.0
MapContext.setBoundaryLimit the map display areaunsupported
MapContext.setCenterOffsetSet Map Center Point Offset, Back Down for Growth, Screen Scale Range(0.25~0.75)The default offset is[0.5, 0.5]1.0.0
MapContext.setLocMarkerIconSet anchor icon, support network path, local path, code package path1.0.0
MapContext.toScreenLocationGet the screen coordinates corresponding to latitude and longitude. The origin of the coordinates is the upper left corner of the map.1.0.0
MapContext.translateMarkerTranslation market, animated1.0.0
MapContext.updateGroundOverlayUpdate custom image layersunsupported
MapContext.onMonitor map events.1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
MapContext.addVisualLayerAdd visual layer
MapContext.removeVisualLayerto remove visual layer
MapContext.removeArcdelete arc

11.2 picture

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.saveImageToPhotosAlbumSave pictures to system album1.0.0
ft.previewMediaPreview pictures and videos1.0.0
ft.previewImageFull screen preview image in new page1.0.0
ft.getImageInfoGet picture information1.0.0
ft.compressImageCompression image interface, optional compression quality1.0.0
ft.chooseFileSelect files from client session2.0.32
ft.chooseImageSelect a picture from your local album or take a picture with your camera1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explainationversion
ft.cropImageEdit picture interface
ft.editImageCrop picture interface
ft.chooseMessageFileSelect a file from a client session1.0.0

11.3 video

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.saveVideoToPhotosAlbumSave Video to System Album1.0.0
ft.createVideoContextOpen Video Editor1.0.0
ft.compressVideoCompressed video interface1.0.0
ft.chooseVideoTake a video or select a video from your phone album1.0.0
ft.chooseMediaTake or select pictures or videos from your phone album1.0.0
ft.previewVideoPreview video1.0.0
ft.getVideoInfoGet video info3.1.17

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.openVideoEditorOpen Video Editor

11.3.1 videoContext

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
videoContext.exitBackgroundPlaybackExit background audio playback mode.1.0.0
videoContext.exitFullScreenExit Full Screen1.0.0
videoContext.exitPictureInPictureExit window, which can be called on any page1.0.0
videoContext.hideStatusBarHide the status bar, only available in full iOS screen1.0.0
videoContext.pausePause video1.0.0
videoContext.playPlay the video1.0.0
videoContext.playbackRateSet playback speed1.0.0
videoContext.requestBackgroundPlaybackEnter background audio playback mode1.0.0
videoContext.requestFullScreenGo to full screen1.0.0
videoContext.seekJump to the specified location1.0.0
videoContext.sendDanmuSend barrage1.0.0
videoContext.showStatusBarDisplay status bar, valid for iOS full screen only1.0.0
videoContext.stopStop the video1.0.0

11.4 audio frequency

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.stopVoiceEnd Play Voice1.0.0
ft.setInnerAudioOptionSet up InnerAudioContext Play Options1.0.0
ft.playVoiceStart playing the voice1.0.0
ft.pauseVoicePause a voice that is playing1.0.0
ft.createInnerAudioContextCreate inside audio context InnerAudioContext object1.0.0
ft.createAudioContextcreate audio context AudioContext object1.0.0
ft.getAvailableAudioSourcesObtaining currently supported audio input sources3.1.7In the development tools, the obtained value is a fixed value: "auto."

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.createWebAudioContextcreate WebAudio context
ft.createMediaAudioPlayerCreate Media Audio Player Object MediaAudioPlayer Object that can be used to play a video decoder VideoDecoder Audio output

11.4.1 AudioBuffer

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
AudioBuffer.copyFromChannelCopies from the specified channel of AudioBuffer to the array terminal
AudioBuffer.copyToChannelSpecific channel from the specified array copy sample to audioBuffer
AudioBuffer.getChannelDataReturns a Float32 Array contains PCM data with channels, defined by channel parameters (0 for first channel)

11.4.2 audiocontext

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
audiocontext.setSrcSet the audio address1.0.0
audiocontext.playPlay audio1.0.0
audiocontext.pausePause audio.1.0.0
audiocontext.seekJump to the specified location1.0.0

11.4.3 InnerAudioContext

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
InnerAudioContext.destroyDestroy current instance1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.offCanplayEvent that cancels listening for audio entering playable state1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.offEndedUnlisten for audio natural playback to the end of the event1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.offErrorUnlisten Audio Playback Error Event1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.offTimeUpdateUnlisten audio playback progress update event1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.offSeekingCancel listening audio jump operation event1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.offWaitingUnlistening for Audio Loading Events1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.onEndedListen to events where audio plays naturally to the end1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.offPlayUnlisten Audio Playback Event1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.onCanplayListen for events in which audio enters playable state. But it doesn't guarantee a smooth playback1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.onPauseListening for audio pause events1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.offPauseUnlisten Audio Pause Event1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.offSeekedUnlisten for an event that completes a jump operation with audio1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.offStopCancel listening audio stop event1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.onErrorListen for audio playback error events1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.onPlayListen for audio playback events1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.onSeekedListen for audio events to complete jump operations1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.onSeekingListen to audio jump operation event1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.onStopListen for audio stop events1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.onTimeUpdateListen to audio playback progress update events1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.onWaitingListen for audio loading events1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.pauseTime out1.0.0
InnerAudioContext.seekJump to the specified location1.0.0

11.4.4 MediaAudioPlayer

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
MediaAudioPlayer.addAudioSourceAdd audio source
MediaAudioPlayer.destroyDestroy Player
MediaAudioPlayer.removeAudioSourceRemove audio sources
MediaAudioPlayer.startStart Player
MediaAudioPlayer.stopStop the player

11.4.5 WebAudioContext

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
WebAudioContext.closeClose Web Audio Context
WebAudioContext.createAnalyserCreate an AnalyserNode
WebAudioContext.createBiquadFilterCreate a BiquadFilterNode
WebAudioContext.createBufferCreate an AudioBuffer that represents a short audio segment that resides in memory
WebAudioContext.createBufferSourceCreate a BufferSourceNode instance to play the audio data through the AudioBuffer object.
WebAudioContext.createChannelMergerCreate a Channel MergerNode
WebAudioContext.createChannelSplitterCreate a Channel Splitter Node
WebAudioContext.createConstantSourceCreate a ConstantSourceNode
WebAudioContext.createDelayCreate a DelayNode
WebAudioContext.createDynamicsCompressorCreate a DynamicsCompressorNode
WebAudioContext.createGainCreate a GainNode
WebAudioContext.createIIRFilterCreate an IIRFilterNode
WebAudioContext.createOscillatorCreate a OscillatorNode
WebAudioContext.createPannerCreate a PannerNode
WebAudioContext.createPeriodicWaveCreate a PeriodicWaveNode
WebAudioContext.createScriptProcessorCreate a ScriptProcessorNode
WebAudioContext.createWaveShaperCreate a WaveShaperNode
WebAudioContext.decodeAudioDataAsynchronously decodes a resource as an AudioBuffer
WebAudioContext.resumeSynchronize recovery of a paused WebAudioContext context
WebAudioContext.suspendSynchronize Pause WebAudioContext Context
WebAudioContextNodeA class of audio processing modules, different nodes have different functions, such as GainNode(Volume adjustment)

11.5 Background audio

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.stopBackgroundAudioStop playing the music1.0.0
ft.seekBackgroundAudioControl the progress of the music playback1.0.0
ft.playBackgroundAudioUse a background player to play music.1.0.0
ft.pauseBackgroundAudioPause the music1.0.0
ft.onBackgroundAudioStopListen to the music stop event1.0.0
ft.onBackgroundAudioPlayListen to music playback events1.0.0
ft.onBackgroundAudioPauseListen for music pauses.1.0.0
ft.getBackgroundAudioPlayerStateGets background music playback status1.0.0
ft.getBackgroundAudioManagerObtainGlobally uniqueBackground Audio Manager. Mini Program cut into the background, if the audio is playing state, you can continue to play. But the background state cannot manipulate the playback state of the audio by calling the API.2.12.12

11.5.1 backgroundaudiomanager

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
backgroundaudiomanager.onCanplayListen for background audio to enter a playable state event. But it doesn't guarantee a smooth playback1.0.0
backgroundaudiomanager.onEndedMonitor background audio natural playback end event1.0.0
BackgroundAudioManager.onErrorListen for background audio playback error events1.0.0
backgroundaudiomanager.onNextListen to the user click on the next song event in the system music play panel (iOS only)1.0.0
backgroundaudiomanager.onPauseListen for background audio pause events1.0.0
backgroundaudiomanager.onPlayListen for background audio playback events1.0.0
backgroundaudiomanager.onPrevListen to the user click on the previous event in the system music player panel (iOS only)1.0.0
backgroundaudiomanager.onSeekedListen to background audio to complete jump operation event1.0.0
backgroundaudiomanager.onSeekingListen to background audio start jump operation event1.0.0
backgroundaudiomanager.onStopListen for background audio stop event1.0.0
backgroundaudiomanager.onTimeUpdateListen for background audio playback progress update event, only Mini Program in the foreground will callback1.0.0
backgroundaudiomanager.onWaitingListen for audio loading events.1.0.0
backgroundaudiomanager.pausePause the music1.0.0
backgroundaudiomanager.playPlay music1.0.0
backgroundaudiomanager.seekJump to the specified location1.0.0
backgroundaudiomanager.stopStop the music1.0.0

11.6 Real-time audio and video

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.createLivePusherContextcreate live-pusher context LivePusherContext object1.0.0
ft.createLivePlayerContextcreate live-player context LivePlayerContext object1.0.0

11.6.1 LivePlayerContext

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
LivePlayerContext.exitFullScreenExit Full Screen1.0.0
LivePlayerContext.exitPictureInPictureExit window, which can be called on any page1.0.0
LivePlayerContext.requestFullScreenEnter full screen1.0.0
LivePlayerContext.requestPictureInPictureEnter the small window1.0.0

11.6.2 LivePusherContext

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
LivePusherContext.exitPictureInPictureExit the small window. This method can be called on any page1.0.0
LivePusherContext.pauseSuspended thrust1.0.0
LivePusherContext.pauseBGMPause background1.0.0
LivePusherContext.playBGMPlay background music1.0.0
LivePusherContext.resumeRecovery push-off1.0.0
LivePusherContext.resumeBGMRestore the background sound1.0.0
LivePusherContext.sendMessageSend SEI message1.0.0
LivePusherContext.setBGMVolumeSet the background volume1.0.0
LivePusherContext.setMICVolumeSet microphone volume1.0.0
LivePusherContext.startStart pushing the flow while turning on camera preview1.0.0
LivePusherContext.startPreviewOpen camera preview1.0.0
LivePusherContext.stopStop the push stream while stopping the camera preview1.0.0
LivePusherContext.stopBGMStop background1.0.0
LivePusherContext.stopPreviewTurn off camera preview1.0.0
LivePusherContext.switchCameraSwitch back and forth camera1.0.0
LivePusherContext.toggleTorchSwitch flashlights1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
LivePusherContext.createOffscreenCanvasCreate an off-screen Canvas that can take textures from LivePusher
LivePusherContext.onCustomRendererEventThis method allows developers to subscribe to events when custom rendering is enabled

11.7 Sound recording

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.stopRecordStop recording1.0.0
ft.startRecordStart recording1.0.0
ft.getRecorderManagerObtainGlobally uniqueRecording Manager RecorderManager1.0.0

11.7.1 RecorderManager

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
RecorderManager.onErrorListen for recording error events1.0.0
RecorderManager.onFrameRecordedListens for file events that have finished recording the specified frame size.1.0.0
RecorderManager.onInterruptionBeginThe listening recording was interrupted because the system was in use1.0.0
RecorderManager.onInterruptionEndListening recording interrupt end event. Received.1.0.0
RecorderManager.onPauseListen to Pause Event1.0.0
RecorderManager.onResumeWiretaps continue the event1.0.0
RecorderManager.onStopEnd of Listening Recording Event1.0.0
RecorderManager.pausePause recording1.0.0
RecorderManager.resumeContinue recording1.0.0
RecorderManager.onStartStart of listening recording1.0.0
RecorderManager.stopStop recording1.0.0
RecorderManager.startStart recording1.0.0

11.8 camera

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.createCameraContextcreate camera context CameraContext object1.0.0

11.8.1 CameraContext

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
CameraContext.onCameraFrameObtain Camera Real-time frame data1.0.0
CameraContext.setZoomSet Zoom Level1.0.0
CameraContext.startRecordStart recording1.0.0
CameraContext.stopRecordEnd Video1.0.0
CameraContext.takePhotoTaking photos1.0.0

11.8.2 CameraFrameListener

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
CameraFrameListener.startStart monitoring the frame data1.0.0
CameraFrameListener.stopStop listening for frame data1.0.0

11.9 Rich text

11.9.1 EditorContext

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
EditorContext.blurEditor out of focus while folding keyboard1.0.0
EditorContext.clearClear editor content1.0.0
EditorContext.formatModify Style1.0.0
EditorContext.getContentsGet editor content1.0.0
EditorContext.getSelectionTextGets the plain text content in the selected area of the editor1.0.0
EditorContext.insertDividerInsert split line1.0.0
EditorContext.insertImageInsert Picture1.0.0
EditorContext.insertTextOverwrite the current selection, set a text1.0.0
EditorContext.removeFormatClear the style of the current selection1.0.0
EditorContext.scrollIntoViewScrolls the editor cursor into the viewable area of the window1.0.0
EditorContext.setContentsInitializes editor content, only delta takes effect when html and delta exist together1.0.0

11.10 Audio and video synthesis

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.createMediaContainerCreate an audio and video processing container that will eventually combine the tracks in the container into a video

11.10.1 MediaContainer

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
MediaContainer.addTrackAdd an audio or video track to the container
MediaContainer.destroyDestroy containers, release resources
MediaContainer.exportMerge tracks in container and export video files
MediaContainer.extractDataSourceDetach the incoming video source from the track
MediaContainer.removeTrackRemove an audio or video track from a container
MediaTrackCan be passed MediaContainer.extractDataSource Return

11.11 Real-time speech

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.updateVoIPChatMuteConfigUpdate live voice mute settings
ft.subscribeVoIPVideoMembersSubscription video screen member
ft.setEnable1v1ChatEnable a tandem call
ft.onVoIPVideoMembersChangedMonitor real-time voice call member video state change event
ft.onVoIPChatStateChangedMonitor real-time voice call member video state change event
ft.onVoIPChatSpeakersChangedMonitor real-time voice call member call status change event
ft.onVoIPChatMembersChangedMonitor real-time voice call member online status change event
ft.offVoIPChatSpeakersChangedExample Remove the monitoring function for real-time voice call member call status change events
ft.onVoIPChatInterruptedListen for passive disconnection of real-time voice call event
ft.offVoIPVideoMembersChangedUnmonitor real-time voice call member video status change event
ft.offVoIPChatStateChangedCancel monitoring of room state changes
ft.offVoIPChatMembersChangedUnmonitor real-time voice call member online status change event
ft.offVoIPChatInterruptedCancel Listening Passive Disconnect Real-time Voice Call Event
ft.joinVoIPChatjoin (create) Live voice calls, more info visible Real-time voice guide
ft.exitVoIPChatExit (destroy) live voice calls
ft.join1v1ChatJoin (create) a tandem call

11.12 Picture recorder

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.createMediaRecordercreate WebGL Picture recorder, which can be recorded frame by frame in WebGL And export the video file1.0.0

11.12.1 MediaRecorder

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
MediaRecorder.pausePause recording1.0.0
MediaRecorder.resumeResume recording1.0.0
MediaRecorder.startStart recording1.0.0
MediaRecorder.stopEnd recording1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
MediaRecorder.destroyDestruction recorder
MediaRecorder.offCancels listening recording events.
MediaRecorder.onRegisters callback functions for listening to recorded events
MediaRecorder.requestFrameRequest the next frame recording, in the callback Start recording the current frame after finishing the render

11.13 Video decoder

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.createVideoDecoderCreate a video decoder, frame by frame access to decoded data

11.13.1 VideoDecoder

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
VideoDecoder.getFrameDataGet the decoded data for the next frame
VideoDecoder.offCancels listening recording events
VideoDecoder.onRegisters callback functions for listening to recorded events
VideoDecoder.removeRemove decoder
VideoDecoder.seekJump to a point in time to decode
VideoDecoder.startStart decoding.
VideoDecoder.stopStop decoding

12. position

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.openLocationCheck your location using WeChat's built-in map1.0.0
ft.startLocationUpdateOpen Mini Programs to receive location messages when entering reception1.0.0
ft.getLocationGet current location, speed1.0.0
ft.choosePoiOpen the map to choose the location, support fuzzy positioning (accurate to the city) and accurate positioning mixed election2.12.1
ft.chooseLocationOpen the map and select the location1.0.0
ft.stopLocationUpdateClose monitoring real-time position changes, both the front and the back stop receiving messages3.0.18
ft.startLocationUpdateBackgroundOpen the Mini Program before the background are receiving location messages, you need to guide the user to open3.0.18
ft.onLocationChangeMonitor real-time geo-location change events in conjunction with wx.startLocationUpdateBackground、wx.startLocationUpdateUse3.0.18
ft.offLocationChangeCancel listening for live geo-change events3.0.18
ft.onLocationChangeErrorTriggered when the listening persistent location interface returns a failure3.0.18
ft.offLocationChangeErrorTriggered when the unlisten persistent location interface returns failure3.0.18

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
getFuzzyLocationGets the current fuzzy geographic location

13. file

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.saveFileSave files locally1.0.0
ft.removeSavedFileDelete local cache file1.0.0
ft.openDocumentNew page opens document1.0.0
ft.getSavedFileListGets a list of local cache files saved under the Mini Program1.0.0
ft.getSavedFileInfoGet file information for local files1.0.0
ft.getFileSystemManagerGet the globally unique file manager1.0.0
ft.getFileInfoGet File Information1.0.0
ft.saveFileToDiskSave file system files to the user disk, only in the PC End support1.0.0

13.1 FileSystemManager

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
FileSystemManager.accessSyncFileSystemManager.access The synchronous version of1.0.0
FileSystemManager.accessJudgment file/Directory exists1.0.0
FileSystemManager.appendFileAppend content at the end of the file1.0.0
FileSystemManager.appendFileSyncFileSystemManager.appendFile The synchronous version of1.0.0
FileSystemManager.closeClose file1.0.0
FileSystemManager.closeSyncSynchronize Close Files1.0.0
FileSystemManager.copyFileCopy file1.0.0
FileSystemManager.copyFileSyncFileSystemManager.copyFile The synchronous version of1.0.0
FileSystemManager.getFileInfoUnder the Mini Program Local temporary file or Local cache file information1.0.0
FileSystemManager.getSavedFileListGets a list of local cache files saved under the Mini Program1.0.0
FileSystemManager.mkdirCreate a directory1.0.0
FileSystemManager.mkdirSyncFileSystemManager.mkdir The synchronous version of1.0.0
FileSystemManager.readdirRead list of files in a directory1.0.0
FileSystemManager.readdirSyncFileSystemManager.readdir The synchronous version of1.0.0
FileSystemManager.readFileRead local file content1.0.0
FileSystemManager.readFileSyncFileSystemManager.readFile The synchronous version of1.0.0
FileSystemManager.removeSavedFileDelete the saved local cache file under the Mini Program1.0.0
FileSystemManager.renameRename the file1.0.0
FileSystemManager.renameSyncFileSystemManager.rename The synchronous version of1.0.0
FileSystemManager.rmdirDelete directory1.0.0
FileSystemManager.rmdirSyncFileSystemManager.rmdir The synchronous version of1.0.0
FileSystemManager.saveFileSave temporary files locally.1.0.0
FileSystemManager.saveFileSyncFileSystemManager.saveFile The synchronous version of1.0.0
FileSystemManager.stateGets the file Stats object1.0.0
FileSystemManager.statSyncFileSystemManager.state The synchronous version of1.0.0
FileSystemManager.unlinkDelete file1.0.0
FileSystemManager.unlinkSyncFileSystemManager.unlink The synchronous version of1.0.0
FileSystemManager.unzipDecompress file1.0.0
FileSystemManager.writeFileWrite file1.0.0
FileSystemManager.writeFileSyncFileSystemManager.writeFile The synchronous version of1.0.0
FileSystemManager.writeWrite file1.0.0
FileSystemManager.writeSyncSynchronous write file1.0.0
FileSystemManager.fstatGet status information for files1.0.0
FileSystemManager.fstatSyncSynchronize access to file status information1.0.0
FileSystemManager.ftruncateTruncate file contents1.0.0
FileSystemManager.ftruncateSyncTruncate file contents1.0.0
FileSystemManager.openOpen the file and return the file descriptor1.0.0
FileSystemManager.openSyncOpen file synchronously, return file descriptor1.0.0
FileSystemManager.readRead Files1.0.0
FileSystemManager.readCompressedFileReads the contents of a local file of the specified compression type1.0.0
FileSystemManager.readCompressedFileSyncRead the local file content of the specified compression type synchronously1.0.0
FileSystemManager.readSyncRead Files1.0.0
FileSystemManager.readZipEntryRead the files in the archive1.0.0
FileSystemManager.truncateTruncate file contents1.0.0
FileSystemManager.truncateSyncTruncate file contents (truncate The synchronous version of)1.0.0
ReadResultFile read result1.0.0

13.2 Stats

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
Stats.isDirectoryDetermines if the current file is a directory1.0.0
Stats.isFileDetermines if the current file is a normal file1.0.0
WriteResultFile write result.1.0.0

14. Open interface

14.1 log in

Please note

  • The following APIs require integration with the extension SDK or require the app to implement the corresponding proxy methods.
  • You can click here to learn how to reuse the WeChat login capability in the mini progmini programrams.
NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.loginCall the interface to get the login credentials1.0.0
ft.checkSessionCheck if the login status is expired1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.pluginLoginThis interface is only callable in the mini progmini programrams plug-in. The calling interface obtains the plug-in user identity credential (code).

14.2 Account information

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.getAccountInfoSyncGet current account information1.0.0

14.3 User Information

Please note

  • The following APIs require integration with the extension SDK or require the app to implement the corresponding proxy methods.
  • You can click here to learn how to reuse the WeChat login capability in the mini progmini programrams.
  • You can click here to learn how to implement the getUserInfo iOS proxy method
  • You can click [here](/for-developer/sdk/android/api/api-delegate.html#_1-imini progmini programramshandler) to learn how to implement the getUserInfo android interface method
NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.getUserProfileAccess to user information1.0.0Note that the use of this api requires the integration of the WeChat extension SDK
ft.getUserInfoAccess to user information1.0.0Note that using this api requires the app to implement a proxy method
UserInfoUser Information1.0.0

14.4 To grant authorization

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.authorizeInitiate authorization requests to users in advance1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.authorizeForMiniProgramThis interface can only be called in a Mini Program plug-inUse the same as ft.authorize

14.5 Set up

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.openSettingSet up the client Mini Program settings interface, return the results of user settings1.0.0
ft.getSettingGet the user's current settings1.0.0
AuthSettingUser authorization settings information, refer toJurisdiction1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
SubscriptionsSettingSubscribe message settings

14.6 Receiving address

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.chooseAddressGet user receipt address

14.7 Card coupon

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.openCardCheck the card coupon in the WeChat card package
ft.addCardBatch Add Card Coupons

14.8 invoice

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.chooseInvoiceTitleSelect the user's invoice header
ft.chooseInvoiceSelect an invoice the user already has

14.9 Biometric authentication

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.startSoterAuthenticationstart SOTER Biometric authentication
ft.checkIsSupportSoterAuthenticationGets the natively supported SOTER Biometric authentication method
ft.checkIsSoterEnrolledInDeviceInterface to obtain whether biometric information such as fingerprints is recorded in the device

14.10 WeChat Movement

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.shareToWeRunShare data with WeChat campaign
ft.getWeRunDataGet the user's WeChat movement steps in the past 30 days

14.11 Subscription message

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.requestSubscribeMessageCall up the client Mini Program subscription message interface and return the result of user subscription message
ft.requestSubscribeDeviceMessageSubscribe to the device message interface. The authorization box pops up after the invocation

14.12 WeChat red envelopes

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.showRedPackagePull h5 to receive the red envelope cover page

14.13 Collection

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.addVideoToFavoritesCollection video
ft.addFileToFavoritesCollection of documents

14.14 license plate

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.chooseLicensePlateSelect the license plate.

14.15 Video Number

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.reserveChannelsLiveReservation Video Number
ft.openChannelsUserProfileThe video number home page is displayed
ft.openChannelsEventThe video number active page opens
ft.openChannelsLiveOpen the video number live
ft.getChannelsShareKeyTo obtain the sharing source of video number live card/video card
ft.openChannelsActivityOpen Video Number
ft.getChannelsLiveNoticeInfoGet video number live preview information
ft.getChannelsLiveInfoGet Video Number Live Streaming

14.16 WeChat group

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.getGroupEnterInfoAccess to WeChat group chat scenario of Mini Program startup information

14.17 WeChat customer service

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.openCustomerServiceChatOpen the WeChat customer service

15. Equipment

15.1 Bluetooth - Universal

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.stopBluetoothDevicesDiscoveryStop searching for nearby Bluetooth peripherals1.0.0
ft.startBluetoothDevicesDiscoveryStart searching for nearby Bluetooth peripherals1.0.0
ft.openBluetoothAdapterInitializing Bluetooth Module1.0.0
ft.onBluetoothDeviceFoundListen for events that search for new devices1.0.0
ft.onBluetoothAdapterStateChangeMonitor Bluetooth Adapter State Change Event1.0.0
ft.offBluetoothDeviceFoundCancel listening for events that find new devices1.0.0
ft.offBluetoothAdapterStateChangeUnlisten for Bluetooth adapter state change events1.0.0
ft.makeBluetoothPairBluetooth pairing interface, Android only1.0.0
ft.getConnectedBluetoothDevicesAccording to Master Service UUID Get connected Bluetooth devices1.0.0
ft.getBluetoothDevicesGet all searched Bluetooth devices during Bluetooth module active1.0.0
ft.getBluetoothAdapterStateGet the status of the native Bluetooth adapter1.0.0
ft.closeBluetoothAdapterTurn off the bluetooth module1.0.0

15.2 Bluetooth-Low-Power Central Device

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.writeBLECharacteristicValueWriting Binary Data to Bluetooth Low Power Device Eigenvalues1.0.0
ft.setBLEMTUNegotiating Bluetooth Low Power Maximum Transmission Unit (Maximum Transmission Unit, MAN) (Maximum Transmission Unit, MTU)1.0.0
ft.readBLECharacteristicValueReading Binary Data of Characteristic Value of Bluetooth Low Power Device1.0.0
ft.onBLEConnectionStateChangeMonitor Bluetooth Low Power Connection State Change Event1.0.0
ft.onBLECharacteristicValueChangeMonitor Eigenvalue Change Events of Bluetooth Low Power Devices1.0.0
ft.offBLEConnectionStateChangeCancel listening for Bluetooth low energy connection state change events1.0.0
ft.offBLECharacteristicValueChangeCancel monitoring of eigenvalue change events for Bluetooth low-power devices1.0.0
ft.notifyBLECharacteristicValueChangeEnables a Bluetooth low-power device when its eigenvalue changes notify Features, subscription features1.0.0
ft.getBLEDeviceServicesGet all Bluetooth Low Power Device Services (service) (service)1.0.0
ft.getBLEDeviceRSSIGet the signal strength of a Bluetooth low-power device (Received Signal Strength Indication, RSSI)1.0.0
ft.getBLEDeviceCharacteristicsGet all the features of a service on a Bluetooth low-power device (characteristic)1.0.0
ft.createBLEConnectionConnect to a Bluetooth low-power device1.0.0
ft.closeBLEConnectionDisconnect from a Bluetooth low energy device1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.isBluetoothDevicePairedThis command is used to query whether Bluetooth devices are paired. Supported by Android only
ft.onBLEMTUChangeMonitor Bluetooth low power Max transmission unit change events (Android only)
ft.offBLEMTUChangeObtain Bluetooth low power Max transfer unit Remove the listening function for Bluetooth low power Max transfer unit change events
ft.getBLEMTUObtain Bluetooth low power maximum transmission unit

15.3 Bluetooth - low power peripheral

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.onBLEPeripheralConnectionStateChangedListen for the current peripheral device connection or disconnection event1.0.0
ft.offBLEPeripheralConnectionStateChangedUnlistens for current peripheral connection or disconnection events1.0.0
ft.createBLEPeripheralServerSet up local server as Bluetooth low-power peripheral device, can create multiple1.0.0

15.3.1 BLEPeripheralServer

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
BLEPeripheralServer.addServiceAdd service.1.0.0
BLEPeripheralServer.closeClose the current server1.0.0
BLEPeripheralServer.offCharacteristicReadRequestCancels listening for connected device requests to read current peripheral device eigenvalue events1.0.0
BLEPeripheralServer.offCharacteristicSubscribedUnsubscribe from listening feature1.0.0
BLEPeripheralServer.offcharacteristicUnsubscribedUnlistening Uncharacteristic Subscription Event1.0.0
BLEPeripheralServer.offCharacteristicWriteRequestUnlisten for connected device requests to write current peripheral feature events1.0.0
BLEPeripheralServer.onCharacteristicReadRequestListen to connected devices request to read the eigenvalue events of the current peripheral device.1.0.0
BLEPeripheralServer.onCharacteristicSubscribedListen for feature subscription events, only iOS Support1.0.0
BLEPeripheralServer.onCharacteristicUnsubscribedListen to uncharacteristic subscription events, only iOS Support1.0.0
BLEPeripheralServer.onCharacteristicWriteRequestListen for connected device requests to write the current peripheral's eigenvalue event.1.0.0
BLEPeripheralServer.removeServiceRemove service1.0.0
BLEPeripheralServer.startAdvertisingBegins broadcasting a locally created peripheral1.0.0
BLEPeripheralServer.stopAdvertisingStop broadcasting.1.0.0
BLEPeripheralServer.writeCharacteristicValueWrites a binary data value to the specified feature, notifying the connected host that the slave's characteristic value has changed, and the interface handles whether to walk back to the packet or to subscribe1.0.0

15.4 Bluetooth-Beacons(Beacon)

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.stopBeaconDiscoveryStop searching the area. Beacon equipment1.0.0
ft.startBeaconDiscoveryStart searching nearby. Beacon equipment1.0.0
ft.onBeaconUpdateto monitor Beacon Device update event, only one listener can be registered1.0.0
ft.onBeaconServiceChangeto monitor Beacon Service state change events, only one listener can be registered1.0.0
ft.offBeaconUpdateCancel the wiretap. Beacon Device Update Event1.0.0
ft.offBeaconServiceChangeCancel the wiretap. Beacon Service State Change Event1.0.0
ft.getBeaconsGets all searched Beacon equipment1.0.0
BeaconInfoBeacon equipment1.0.0

15.5 NFC

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.stopHCEStop NFC Modular
ft.startHCEInitialization NFC Modular
ft.sendHCEMessagesend NFC news
ft.onHCEMessageListening reception NFC Device message event, can register only one listener
ft.offHCEMessagereceive NFC Device Message Event, Cancel Event Monitoring
ft.getNFCAdapterObtain NFC Example
ft.getHCEStateDetermines whether the current device supports HCE ability

15.5.1 IsoDep

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
IsoDep.connectConnect NFC label
IsoDep.getHistoricalBytesGet reset information
IsoDep.getMaxTransceiveLengthGet the maximum transmission length
IsoDep.isConnectedCheck if you are connected
IsoDep.setTimeoutSet timeout
IsoDep.transceiveSending data

15.5.2 MifareClassic

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
MifareClassic.connectConnect NFC label
MifareClassic.getMaxTransceiveLengthGet the maximum transmission length
MifareClassic.isConnectedCheck if you are connected
MifareClassic.setTimeoutSet timeout
MifareClassic.transceiveSending data

15.5.2 MifareUltralight

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
MifareUltralight.connectConnect NFC label
MifareUltralight.getMaxTransceiveLengthGet the maximum transmission length
MifareUltralight.isConnectedCheck if you are connected
MifareUltralight.setTimeoutSet timeout
MifareUltralight.transceiveSending data

15.5.3 Ndef

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
Ndef.connectConnect NFC label
Ndef.isConnectedCheck if you are connected
Ndef.offNdefMessageCancel the wiretap. Ndef news
Ndef.onNdefMessageto monitor Ndef news
Ndef.setTimeoutSet timeout
Ndef.writeNdefMessageRewrite Ndef Tag content

15.5.4 NfcA

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
NfcA.connectConnect NFC label
NfcA.getAtqaGet ATQA information
NfcA.getMaxTransceiveLengthGet the maximum transmission length
NfcA.getSakGet SAK information
NfcA.isConnectedCheck if you are connected
NfcA.setTimeoutSet timeout
NfcA.transceiveSending data

15.5.5 NFCAdapter

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
NFCAdapter.getIsoDepGet the IsoDep instance, which supports ISO-DEP (ISO 14443-4)Standard reading and writing
NFCAdapter.getMifareClassicGet a Mifare Classic instance that supports MIFARE Reading and Writing of Classic Tags
NFCAdapter.getMifareUltralightGet the Mifare Ultra instance, which supports MIFARE Read and write of Ultimate tag
NFCAdapter.getNdefGets an instance of Ndef that supports reading and writing NDF data on NFC tags in NDEV format
NFCAdapter.getNfcAGet an instance of NfcA, and the instance supports NFC-A (ISO 14443-3A)Standard reading and writing
NFCAdapter.getNfcBGet an NfcB instance that supports NFC-B (ISO 14443-3B)Standard reading and writing
NFCAdapter.getNfcFGet the NfcF instance, which supports NFC-F (HE 6319-4)Standard reading and writing
NFCAdapter.getNfcVGet an instance of NfcV, which supports NFC-V (ISO 15693)Standard reading and writing
NFCAdapter.offDiscoveredRemove the NFC Tag listener function
NFCAdapter.onDiscoveredThe NFC Tag is monitored

15.5.6 NfcB

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
NfcB.connectConnect NFC label
NfcB.getMaxTransceiveLengthGet the maximum transmission length
NfcB.isConnectedCheck if you are connected
NfcB.setTimeoutSet timeout
NfcB.transceiveSending data

15.5.7 NfcF

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
NfcF.connectConnect NFC label
NfcF.getMaxTransceiveLengthGet the maximum transmission length
NfcF.isConnectedCheck if you are connected
NfcF.setTimeoutSet timeout
NfcF.transceiveSending data

15.5.7 NfcV

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
NfcV.connectConnect NFC label
NfcV.getMaxTransceiveLengthGet the maximum transmission length
NfcV.isConnectedCheck if you are connected
NfcV.setTimeoutSet timeout
NfcV.transceiveSending data

15.6 Wi-Fi

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.stopWifiStop Wi-Fi Modular
ft.startWifiInitialization Wi-Fi Modular
ft.setWifiListSet up wifiList in AP Relevant information
ft.onWifiConnectedListen on the connection. Wi-Fi The incident.
ft.onGetWifiListListen to get Wi-Fi List data event
ft.getWifiListRequest access Wi-Fi list
ft.getConnectedWifiIn the connected Wi-Fi information
ft.connectWifiConnect Wi-Fi
ft.onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfoListen for Wi-Fi connection events
ft.offWifiConnectedWithPartialInfoRemoves the listener function for events connected to Wi-Fi
ft.offWifiConnectedUntap the connection. Wi-Fi The incident
ft.offGetWifiListCancel the wiretap and get Wi-Fi List data event
WifiInfoWifi information

15.7 calendar

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.addPhoneRepeatCalendarAdd Recurring Events to the System Calendar
ft.addPhoneCalendarAdd events to the system calendar

15.8 Contacts

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.addPhoneContactAdd a phone contact1.0.0
ft.chooseContactPull up your phone's address book and select your contacts1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.searchContactsSearch the address book, match the phone number that is similar

15.9 Accessibility

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.checkIsOpenAccessibilityDetection of whether visual accessibility is enabled2.12.1

15.10 Electric quantity

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.getBatteryInfoSyncft.getBatteryInfo The synchronous version of1.0.0
ft.getBatteryInfoGet Device Power1.0.0

15.11 clipboard

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.setClipboardDataSetting the contents of the system clipboard1.0.0
ft.getClipboardDataGet the contents of the system clipboard1.0.0

15.12 network

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.onNetworkStatusChangeMonitor Network State Change Event1.0.0
ft.offNetworkStatusChangeCancel monitoring of network state change events. If the parameter is null, cancel all event monitoring1.0.0
ft.getNetworkTypeGet network type1.0.0

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.onNetworkWeakChangeListens for weak network status change events
ft.getLocalIPAddressGet the LAN IP address
ft.offNetworkWeakChangeRemoves the listener function for weak network state change events

15.13 encryption

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.getRandomValuesGet cryptographic secure random numbers1.0.0

15.14 screen

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.setVisualEffectOnCaptureSet the screen performance during screen capture/recording(Android Only)2.12.16
ft.setScreenBrightnessSet Screen Brightness1.0.0
ft.setKeepScreenOnSet to Remain Always Bright1.3.9
ft.onUserCaptureScreenMonitor user active screen capture event1.0.0
ft.onScreenRecordingStateChangedMonitor user screen-recording events(iOS only)2.12.16
ft.offUserCaptureScreenUser Active Screenshot Event1.0.0
ft.offScreenRecordingStateChangedRemoves the listener function for user screen-recording events2.12.16
ft.getScreenRecordingStateExample Query whether the user is recording a screen2.12.16
ft.getScreenBrightnessGet screen brightness1.0.0

15.15 keyboard

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.onKeyboardHeightChangeMonitor keyboard height changes1.0.0
ft.offKeyboardHeightChangeUnlisten for keyboard height change events1.0.0
ft.hideKeyboardAfter input, textarea, etc., focus pulls up the keyboard, manually invoke this interface to close the keyboard1.0.0
ft.getSelectedTextRangeAfter input, text area, and so on, get the cursor position of the input box1.0.0

15.16 telephone

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.makePhoneCallMake a call1.0.0

15.17 Accelerometer

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.stopAccelerometerStop monitoring the acceleration data1.0.0
ft.startAccelerometerStart listening for acceleration data1.0.0
ft.onAccelerometerChangeListening for acceleration data events1.0.0
ft.offAccelerometerChangeCancel monitoring of the acceleration data event, parameter is null, cancel all event monitoring1.0.0

15.18 Luopan

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.stopCompassStop listening to compass data1.0.0
ft.startCompassStart monitoring compass data1.0.0
ft.onCompassChangeMonitor compass data change events1.0.0
ft.offCompassChangeCancel listening for compass data change events. If the parameter is empty, cancel all event monitoring1.0.0

15.19 Equipment direction

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.stopDeviceMotionListeningStop listening for changes in direction
ft.startDeviceMotionListeningStart listening for changes in device orientation
ft.onDeviceMotionChangeMonitor device direction change event
ft.offDeviceMotionChangeCancel listening device direction change event, the parameter is empty, then cancel all the event listening

15.20 gyroscope

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.stopGyroscopeStop monitoring the gyroscope data
ft.startGyroscopeStart listening for gyro data
ft.onGyroscopeChangeMonitoring gyro data change events
ft.offGyroscopeChangeCancel monitoring of gyro data change events

15.21 Memory

| Name | Function explaination |

ft.onMemoryWarningListening for insufficient memory alarm events
ft.offMemoryWarningRemove the function to listen for low memory alarm events3.1.17

15.22 Scan code

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.scanCodeSet up the client scan interface to scan the code1.0.0

15.23 vibration

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.vibrateShortMake the mobile phone vibrate for a short time (15 ms)1.0.0
ft.vibrateLongMake the phone vibrate for a longer time (400 ms)1.0.0

15.24 Sms

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.sendSmsPull up the SMS sending screen

16. AI

16.1 Visual algorithm

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
wx.isVKSupportJudge supported version
wx.createVKSessionCreate the vision kit session object
VKBodyAnchorHuman anchor

16.2 VKCamera

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
VKCamera.getProjectionMatrixGet projection matrix
VKFaceAnchorFace anchor

16.3 VKFrame

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
VKFrame.getCameraBufferGets the current frame rgba buffer
VKFrame.getCameraTextureGet the current frame texture. Currently only YUV textures are supported
VKFrame.getDisplayTransformGets the texture adjustment matrix
VKMarkerAnchormarker anchor
VKOSDAnchorOSD anchor
VKHandAnchorGesture anchor
VKPlaneAnchorFlat anchor, supported only by version v2

16.4 VKSession

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
VKSession.addMarkerPlane anchor. Only v2 version supports adding a marker for A, which requires that the track.marker passed in wx.createVKSession is true
VKSession.addOSDMarkerAdd a one-shot detection marker (OSD) and set the value of track.OSD passed to wx.createVKSession to true
VKSession.cancelAnimationFrameCancels the animation frame request that was added to the schedule by requestAnimationFrame
VKSession.destroyDestroy session
VKSession.detectFaceFace key point detection in static image
VKSession.getAllMarkerGets all markers and requires that the track.marker passed in wx.createVKSession is true
VKSession.getAllOSDMarkerObtain all OSD markers and set the value of track.OSD passed to wx.createVKSession to true
VKSession.getVKFrameGets the frame object, and each call triggers a frame analysis process
VKSession.hitTestTouch detection: v1 version only supports single plane (that is, after hitTest generates a plane once, subsequent hitTest will not regenerate a plane, but detect based on the previously generated plane)
VKSession.detectHandStatic image gesture key point detection. Available when the wx.createVKSession parameter is passed to {track: {hand: {mode: 2}}}
VKSession.detectBodyStatic image key point detection of human body. Available when the wx.createVKSession parameter is passed to {track: {body: {mode: 2}}}
VKSession.offCancel listening for session events
VKSession.onListening for session events
VKSession.runOCRStatic image OCR detection. Available when the wx.createVKSession parameter is passed to {track: {OCR: {mode: 2}}}.
VKSession.removeMarkerDelete a marker that is passed to wx.createVKSession to be true
VKSession.removeOSDMarkerDelete an OSD marker and set the value of track.OSD passed to wx.createVKSession to true
VKSession.requestAnimationFrameExecutes the next time you redraw
VKSession.startOpen a session
VKSession.stopStop a session
VKSession.updateOSDThresholdUpdate the accuracy of OSD identification. Set track.OSD to true when wx.createVKSession is set

16.5 Face recognition

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time, but you can check the FinClip Financial Scenarios API for information.

NameFunction explaination
ft.stopFaceDetectStop face recognition
ft.initFaceDetectInitializing face recognition
ft.faceDetectFace recognition, you need to pass ft.initFaceDetect Once initialized, frame data returned using the camera interface is recommended

17. Worker

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.createWorkerCreate a Worker Thread

17.1 Worker

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
Worker.getCameraFrameDataGets the current camera frame image and returns ArrayBuffer data
Worker.onMessageMonitor main thread/Worker Event of a message sent by a thread to the current thread
Worker.onProcessKilledMonitor the event that the worker thread is recycled by the system (when iOS system resources are tight, the worker thread may be recycled by the system, the developer can monitor this event and create a new worker)
Worker.postMessageMain thread/Worker The message sent by the thread.
Worker.terminateEnd current Worker Threads. Only in the main thread worker Object.
Worker.testOnProcessKilledto monitor Worker thread is recycled by system event (when iOS system resource is tight, worker thread exists the possibility of system recycling, developer can listen to this event and create a worker again). Only in the main thread worker Object.

18. FXML

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
ft.createSelectorQueryReturns a SelectorQuery Object instance1.0.0
ft.createIntersectionObserverCreates and returns a IntersectionObserver Object instance1.0.0

18.1 IntersectionObserver

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
IntersectionObserver.disconnectStop listening1.0.0
IntersectionObserver.observeSpecify the target node and start listening for changes in the intersection state1.0.0
IntersectionObserver.relativeToUse a selector to specify a node as one of the reference areas1.0.0
IntersectionObserver.relativeToViewportSpecify the page display area as one of the reference areas1.0.0

18.2 MediaQueryObserver

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
MediaQueryObserver.disconnectStop listening1.0.0
MediaQueryObserver.observeStart listening to page media query Changes1.0.0

18.3 NodesRef

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
NodesRef.boundingClientRectQuery request to add layout location of node1.0.0
NodesRef.contextAdd node Context Object query request1.0.0
NodesRef.fieldsGet information about nodes1.0.0
NodesRef.scrollOffsetObtain Node Node instance1.0.0
NodesRef.nodeAdd node scrolling location query request2.12.12

18.4 SelectorQuery

NameFunction explainationVersionsRemarks
SelectorQuery.execExecute all requests1.0.0
SelectorQuery.inChange the selection of a selector to a custom component component within1.0.0
SelectorQuery.selectSelect the first match selector under the current page selector Node1.0.0
SelectorQuery.selectAllSelect the match selector under the current page selector All nodes1.0.0
SelectorQuery.selectViewportSelect display area1.0.0

19. Third party platform

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.getExtConfigSyncft.getExtConfig The synchronous version of
ft.getExtConfigObtainThird party platformCustom data fields

20. Advertising

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
ft.createRewardedVideoAdCreate Incentive Video Advertising Components
ft.createInterstitialAdCreate Splash Advertising Component

20.1 InterstitialAd

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
InterstitialAd.destroyDestroy the screen ad instance
InterstitialAd.loadLoad a screen ad
InterstitialAd.offCloseCancel Listen Clip Ad Close Event
InterstitialAd.offErrorCancel Monitor Plugin Error Event
InterstitialAd.offLoadCancel Monitor Plugin Loading Event
InterstitialAd.onCloseListen to screen ads closing events.
InterstitialAd.onErrorListen for plugin error events.
InterstitialAd.onLoadListen to the plug-in ad loading event.
InterstitialAd.showDisplay ad inserts.

20.2 RewardedVideoAd

Please note

The following APIs are not supported at this time

NameFunction explaination
RewardedVideoAd.destroyDestroy incentive video advertising examples
RewardedVideoAd.loadLoad motivational video ads
RewardedVideoAd.offCloseCancel listening for user clicks Turn off advertising Button event
RewardedVideoAd.offErrorUnlisten Incentive Video Error Event
RewardedVideoAd.offLoadUnlisten Incentive Video Ad Loading Event
RewardedVideoAd.onCloseListening user clicks Turn off advertising Button event
RewardedVideoAd.onErrorListen for incentive video error events
RewardedVideoAd.onLoadListen for motivational video ad loading events
RewardedVideoAd.showDisplay motivational video ads.

21. Other

NameFunction explaination
ft.onCustomEventListens to the onCustomEvent event dispatched natively
ft.offCustomEventUnlisten to the onCustomEvent event dispatched natively
ft.addCustomEventListenerListens to the event dispatched natively
ft.removeCustomEventListenerUnlisten to the onCustomEvent event dispatched natively
ft.getSuperviseInfoGet monitoring information
ft.sendWebviewEventThe mini progmini programrams sends events to H5
ft.reportEventIncident reporting
ft.loadExtApiLoad custom API configuration