
网友投稿 2033 2022-09-16



在操作或维护Windows的过程中,你可能会发现某些文件或文件夹根本无法打开或复制。比如无法打开的硬盘根目录的“​​System Volume Information​​ ”文件夹,或者无法打开System32\Config文件夹中的系统注册表文件。当你打开System32\Config\SAM文件时,会看到这样的提示:另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问:








例子:从正在运行的系统中复制休眠文件并将其保存到 E:\output\hiberfil_c.sys:

RawCopy.exe /FileNamePath:C:\hiberfil.sys /OutputPath:E:\output /OutputName:hiberfil_c.sys



从正在运行的系统中复制 SYSTEM 配置单元:

RawCopy.exe /FileNamePath:C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SYSTEM /OutputPath:E:\output

根据指定的 $MFT 索引号将其提取到程序所在目录,并覆盖输出为 MFT_C.bin:

RawCopy.exe /FileNamePath:C:0 /OutputName:MFT_C.bin

提取 MFT 参考号 30224 和包括 $DATA 在内的所有属性并将其转储到 C:\tmp:

RawCopy.exe /FileNamePath:C:30224 /OutputPath:C:\tmp /AllAttr:1

访问磁盘映像并从卷号 2 中提取 MftRef ($LogFile):

RawCopy.exe /ImageFile:e:\temp\diskimage.dd /ImageVolume:2 /FileNamePath:c:2 /OutputPath:e:\out

访问分区/卷映像并提取 file.ext 并将其转储到 E:\out:

RawCopy.exe /ImageFile:e:\temp\partimage.dd /ImageVolume:1 /FileNamePath:c:\file.ext /OutputPath:e:\out

在 c:\$Extend 中以详细模式制作原始目录列表:

RawCopy.exe /FileNamePath:c:\$Extend /RawDirMode:1

在磁盘映像文件内的 c:\System Volume Information 以基本模式制作原始目录:

RawCopy.exe /ImageFile:e:\temp\diskimage.dd /ImageVolume:1 /FileNamePath:"c:\System Volume Information" /RawDirMode:2


RawCopy.exe /FileNamePath:\\.\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1x\ /RawDirMode:1

从硬盘 1 上的分区 2 中提取 $MFT 并将其转储到 e:\out:

RawCopy.exe /FileNamePath:\\.\Harddisk0Partition2:0 /OutputPath:e:\out

从 PhysicalDrive0 上的第二个卷中提取 $MFT,并将其保存为 E:\out\MFT_Pd0Vol2.bin:

RawCopy.exe /FileNamePath:\\.\PhysicalDrive0:0 /ImageVolume:2 /OutputPath:e:\out /OutputName:MFT_Pd0Vol2.bin

从系统卷中提取 $LogFile 并通过网络发送:

RawCopy.exe /FileNamePath:c:\$LogFile /TcpSend:1 /OutputPath:

RawCopy.exe /FileNamePath:c:\$LogFile /TcpSend:1 /OutputPath: mypublicdomain.com:6666


IntroductionThis a console application that copy files off NTFS volumes by using low level disk reading method. SyntaxRawCopy /ImageFile:FullPath\ImageFilename /ImageVolume:[1,2...n] /FileNamePath:FullPath\Filename /OutputPath:FullPath /AllAttr:[0|1] /RawDirMode:[0|1|2] /WriteFSInfo:[0|1] /TcpSend:[0|1]Explanation of parameters/ImageFile:The full path and filename of an image file to extract from. If this param is used, then /ImageVolume: must be set. Optional./ImageVolume:The volume number to extract from. If volume is not NTFS nothing will be extracted. Only used with /ImageFile:./FileNamePath:The full path and filename of file to extract. Can also be in the form of Volume:MftRef. Mandatory./OutputPath:The output path to extract file to. Optional. If omitted, then extract path defaults to program directory./OutputName:The output filename. Optional. If omitted, then filename be that of the original filename. Only used to override the original filename./AllAttr:Boolean flag to trigger extraction of all attributes. Optional. Defaults to 0./RawDirMode:An optional directory listing mode. 0 is no print. 1 is detailed print. 2 is basic print. If omitted it defaults to 0. Can be used in conjunction with any of the other parameters, however in order for this it is not possible to define FileNamePath with an MftRef./WriteFSInfo:An optional boolean flag for writing a file with some volume information into VolInfo.txt in the defined output directory./TcpSendAn optional boolean flag for indicating that output should be sent over network. If this flag is set, then /OutputPath: value must be IP:PORT or DOMAIN:PORTThis tool will let you copy files that usually are not accessible because the system has locked them. For instance the registry hives like SYSTEM and SAM. Or files inside the "System Volume Information". Or pagefile.sys. Or any file on the filesystem.It supports input file specified either with full file path, or by its $MFT record number (index number). So how do you get the index number of a given file that is not one of the known system files? Since version the functionality of RawDir was ported into RawCopy. That way, one can do a search into directories such as the "System Volume Information" (RawCopy.exe /FileNamePath:"c:\System Volume Information" /RawDirMode:2).For image files the volume letter in the /FileNamePath: parameter is ignored.When specifying device paths in /FileNamePath it is possible to access attached devices that does not have any volumes mounted. Examples are HarddiskVolume1, Harddisk0Partition2, HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1, PhysicalDrive1.In order to extract files from a shadow copy within an image file, you will have to mount the image file beforehand so that Windows will present a symbolic link to the shadow copy such as \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy60. It is recommended to mount the image with a tool such as Arsenal Image Mounter (which is free).The /WriteFSInfo: parameter can be useful when scripting since SectorsPerCluster and MFTRecordSize is used with LogFileParser and Mft2Csv.When using /TcpSend:1 to send output to network you must obviously have something listening on the destination for this to work. For instance netcat. For now, the data is sent as is over network unencrypted.This version is incompatible with Windows 2000 / NTFS 3.0. I have prepared a special build from v1.0.0.19 that can be used there; Earlier versions have not been tested.

​​Download RawCopy​​

2. ShadowSpawn

ShadowSpawn是命令行工具,在使用过程中会调用其它的命令行工具。具体过程是ShadowSpawn使用卷影复制功能(VSS) 将指定的文件夹拷贝到临时 RAM 盘,然后在同一个命令行指定另一个拷贝软件(比如FastCopy),以 RAM 盘作为源盘,把数据拷贝到目标盘符,也就是拷贝过程经过了一次接力。命令行如下:

Shadowspawn C:\windows\system32\config y: fastcopy /open_window y:\ /to=c:\backup

分解上述命令:ShadowSpawn 先把 Config 文件夹的数据复制到临时 RAM 驱动器 (y:),然后调用另一个复制工具 FastCopy 将数据从 y: 复制到备份文件夹c:\backup。 复制完成且复制工具关闭之后,ShadowSpawn 将卸载 RAM 驱动器并退出。


ShadowSpawn C:\windows\system32\config y: cmd /k explorer.exe y:

这会在资源管理器中打开影子驱动器 y: 以查看和复制所需的文件,完成后返回 ShadowSpawn 窗口,按 Ctrl+C 释放 RAM 盘并退出。 该软件有独立的 32 位和 64 位版本,并且需要 Visual C++ 运行时。


3. Shadow Copy

Shadow Copy使用卷影服务,于一个简洁界面将锁定的和正在使用的文件从一个位置复制到另一个位置。虽然该软件只有安装版本,但你可以把程序从安装目录拷贝到其它目录,这就得到了便携版本。



​​Download Shadow Copy​​

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上一篇:Python Re模块(python能做什么)

