
网友投稿 1136 2022-09-11




​​Configfile encoder.cfg...........................................................................................------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input YUV file : foreman_part_qcif.yuv Output H.264 bitstream : test.264 Output YUV file : test_rec.yuv Output log file : log.dat Output statistics file : stat.dat------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frame Bit/pic WP QP SnrY SnrU SnrV Time(ms) MET(ms) Frm/Fld I D-------------------------------------------------------------------------------0000(NVB) 1680000(IDR) 21960 0 28 37.387 41.260 42.850 274 0 FRM 990001(I) 21696 0 28 37.363 41.333 43.079 278 0 FRM 990002(I) 22240 0 28 37.399 41.280 42.818 285 0 FRM 99-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Frames: 3 (3) Leaky BucketRateFile does not have valid entries; using rate calculated from avg. rate Number Leaky Buckets: 8 Rmin Bmin Fmin 658950 22240 21966 823680 22240 21960 988410 22240 21960 1153140 22240 21960 1317870 22240 21960 1482600 22240 21960 1647330 22240 21960 1812060 22240 21960------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Freq. for encoded bitstream : 30 Hadamard transform : Used Image format : 176x144 Error robustness : Off Search range : 16 No of ref. frames used in P pred : 10 Total encoding time for the seq. : 0.837 sec Total ME time for sequence : 0.000 sec Sequence type : IPPP (QP: I 28, P 28) Entropy coding method : CAVLC Profile/Level IDC : (66,30) Search range restrictions : none RD-optimized mode decision : used Data Partitioning Mode : 1 partition Output File Format : H.264 Bit Stream File Format------------------ Average data all frames ----------------------------------- SNR Y(dB) : 37.38 SNR U(dB) : 41.29 SNR V(dB) : 42.92 Total bits : 66064 (I 21960, P 43936, NVB 168) Bit rate (kbit/s) @ 30.00 Hz : 660.64 Bits to avoid Startcode Emulation : 0 Bits for parameter sets : 168-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exit JM 8 encoder ver 8.6请按任意键继续. . .




如上修改工作目录和输出目录为  $(ProjectDir)bin



test.264 ........H.264 coded bitstreamtest_dec.yuv ........Output file, YUV 4:2:0 formattest_rec.yuv ........Ref sequence (for SNR)10 ........Decoded Picture Buffer size0 ........NAL mode (0=Annex B, 1: RTP packets)0 ........SNR computation offset1 ........Poc Scale (1 or 2)500000 ........Rate_Decoder104000 ........B_decoder73000 ........F_decoderleakybucketparam.cfg ........LeakyBucket ParamsThis is a file containing input parameters to the JVT H.264/AVC decoder.The text line following each parameter is discarded by the decoder.



-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decoder config file : decoder.cfg-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input H.264 bitstream : test.264 Output decoded YUV 4:2:0 : test_dec.yuv Output status file : log.dec Input reference file : test_rec.yuv--------------------------------------------------------------------------POC must = frame# or field# for SNRs to be correctFrame POC QP SnrY SnrU SnrV Time(ms) 0(I) 0 28 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 27 1(I) 2 28 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 25 2(I) 4 28 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 22-------------------- Average SNR all frames ------------------------------ SNR Y(dB) : 0.00 SNR U(dB) : 0.00 SNR V(dB) : 0.00 Total decoding time : 0.074 sec-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit JM 8 decoder, ver 8.6请按任意键继续. . .

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上一篇:MDT8456部署Windows系列 (八): 基础篇—自定义Office 365客户端并使用 MDT部署

