win10环境下 typora快捷键如何修改

网友投稿 746 2022-09-09

win10环境下 typora快捷键如何修改

win10环境下 typora快捷键如何修改

/** For advanced users. */{ "width" : null, // Integer - Window's width in pixels. Default is null (last window width) "height" : null, // Integer - Window's height in pixels. Default is null (last window height) "defaultFontFamily": { "standard": null, //String - Defaults to "Times New Roman". "serif": null, // String - Defaults to "Times New Roman". "sansSerif": null, // String - Defaults to "Arial". "monospace": null // String - Defaults to "Courier New". }, "autoHideMenuBar": false, //Boolean - Auto hide the menu bar unless the `Alt` key is pressed. Default is false. // Array - Search Service user can access from context menu after a range of text is selected. Each item is formatted as [caption, url] "searchService": [ ["Search with Google", " ], // Custom key binding, which will override the default ones. "keyBinding": { // for example: // "Always on Top": "Ctrl+Shift+P" }, "keyBinding": { "删除当前行/句" :"Ctrl+D" // "Always on Top": "Ctrl+Shift+P" }, "autoSaveTimer" : 5, // default 5 minutes "maxFetchCountOnFileList": 500}或者下面的是删除整行的快捷键.// Custom key binding, which will override the default ones. "keyBinding": { "Delete Line/Sentence" :"Ctrl+D" // for example: // "Always on Top": "Ctrl+Shift+P" },


设置ctrl +d 删除当前行

"keyBinding": { // for example: // "Always on Top": "Ctrl+Shift+P" "Delete Line/Sentence" :"Ctrl+D", "Select Word":"Ctrl+Shift+D" },


这样大纲就是用 ctrl+左箭打开了.

"keyBinding": { // for example: // "Always on Top": "Ctrl+Shift+P" "Delete Line/Sentence" :"Ctrl+D", "Select Word":"Ctrl+Shift+D", "一级标题":"Ctrl+Alt+1", "二级标题":"Ctrl+Alt+2", "三级标题":"Ctrl+Alt+3", "四级标题":"Ctrl+Alt+4", "五级标题":"Ctrl+Alt+5", "六级标题":"Ctrl+Alt+6", "文件树":"Alt+Right", "大纲":"Alt+Left" },

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