python UIA操作浏览器

网友投稿 950 2022-09-07

python UIA操作浏览器

python UIA操作浏览器


pip install uiautomation


1 #!python3 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 # Firefox version must <= 56 or >= 60 4 import os 5 import sys 6 import time 7 8 sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) # not required after 'pip install uiautomation' 9 import uiautomation as automation10 11 12 def main():13 firefoxWindow = automation.WindowControl(searchDepth = 1, ClassName = 'MozillaWindowClass')14 if not firefoxWindow.Exists(0):15 automation.Logger.WriteLine('please run Firefox first', automation.ConsoleColor.Yellow)16 return17 firefoxWindow.ShowWindow(automation.ShowWindow.Maximize)18 firefoxWindow.SetActive()19 time.sleep(1)20 tab = firefoxWindow.TabControl()21 newTabButton = tab.ButtonControl(searchDepth= 1)22 newTabButton.Click()23 edit = firefoxWindow.EditControl()24 # edit.Click()25 edit.SendKeys(' time.sleep(2)27 searchEdit = automation.FindControl(firefoxWindow,28 lambda c, d: (isinstance(c, automation.EditControl) or isinstance(c, automation.ComboBoxControl)) and c.Name == 'Enter your search term'29 )30 # searchEdit.Click()31 searchEdit.SendKeys('Python-UIAutomation-for-Windows{Enter}', 0.05)32 link = firefoxWindow.HyperlinkControl(SubName = 'yinkaisheng/Python-UIAutomation-for-Windows')33 automation.Win32API.PressKey(automation.Keys.VK_CONTROL)34 link.Click() #press control to open the page in a new tab35 automation.Win32API.ReleaseKey(automation.Keys.VK_CONTROL)36 newTab = tab.TabItemControl(SubName = 'yinkaisheng/Python-UIAutomation-for-Windows')37 newTab.Click()38 starButton = firefoxWindow.ButtonControl(Name = 'Star this repository')39 if starButton.Exists(5):40 automation.GetConsoleWindow().SetActive()41 automation.Logger.WriteLine('Star Python-UIAutomation-for-Windows after 2 seconds', automation.ConsoleColor.Yellow)42 time.sleep(2)43 firefoxWindow.SetActive()44 time.sleep(1)45 starButton.Click()46 time.sleep(2)47 else:48 unstarButton = firefoxWindow.ButtonControl(Name = 'Unstar this repository')49 if unstarButton.Exists(0, 0):50 automation.GetConsoleWindow().SetActive()51 automation.Logger.WriteLine('Thank you. You have starred.', automation.ConsoleColor.Yellow)52 53 if __name__ == '__main__':54 main()55 automation.GetConsoleWindow().SetActive()56 input('press Enter to exit')


1 __author__ = 'robin' 2 import subprocess 3 import uiautomation as automation 4 import time 5 6 def main(): 7 subprocess.Popen('test.exe') #启动浏览器 8 time.sleep(1) 9 redWindow = automation.WindowControl(searchDepth = 1, ClassName = 'Chrome_WidgetWin_1') #取浏览器handle 10 if not redWindow.Exists(0): 11 automation.Logger.WriteLine('未找到测试浏览器,请重试!',automation.ConsoleColor.Yellow) 12 return 13 redWindow.ShowWindow(automation.ShowWindow.Maximize) #最大化浏览器 14 redWindow.SetActive() 15 time.sleep(1) 16 17 menuOperation(redWindow) 18 19 20 def menuOperation(redWindow): 21 22 ''' 23 操作浏览器菜单, menuSingleItems包含的项,只操作没有下级菜单的选项 24 Operation test browser mainMenu, only include Level 1 menus 25 ''' 26 menuSingleItems = [u'打开新的标签页(T)',u'-内容(D) Ctrl+J',u'查找(F)... Ctrl+F',u'设置(S)',u'关于 测试企业浏览器(C)',u'打印(P)... Ctrl+P',u'打开新的窗口(N) Ctrl+N',u'退出(X) Ctrl+Shift+Q'] 27 28 for chindMenu in menuSingleItems: 29 time.sleep(1) 30 31 if chindMenu == u'打印(P)... Ctrl+P': 32 redWindow.MenuItemControl(searchDepth=5,searchWaitTime=10,foundIndex = 2,name=u'测试企业浏览器').Click() 33 time.sleep(1) 34 searchEdit = automation.FindControl(redWindow,lambda c, d: (isinstance(c, automation.MenuItemControl) or isinstance(c, automation.MenuControl)) and c.Name == chindMenu) 35 searchEdit.Click() 36 time.sleep(3) 37 redWindow.SendKeys('{Esc}') 38 39 elif chindMenu == u'打开新的窗口(N) Ctrl+N': 40 redWindow.MenuItemControl(searchDepth=5,searchWaitTime=10,foundIndex = 2,name=u'测试企业浏览器').Click() 41 time.sleep(1) 42 searchEdit = automation.FindControl(redWindow,lambda c, d: (isinstance(c, automation.MenuItemControl) or isinstance(c, automation.MenuControl)) and c.Name == chindMenu) 43 searchEdit.Click() 44 time.sleep(2) 45 redWindow.SendKeys('{Alt}{F4}') 46 47 elif chindMenu == u'退出(X) Ctrl+Shift+Q': 48 reredWindow = automation.WindowControl(searchDepth = 1, ClassName = 'Chrome_WidgetWin_1') 49 reredWindow.MenuItemControl(searchDepth=5,searchWaitTime=10,foundIndex = 2,name=u'测试企业浏览器').Click() 50 time.sleep(1) 51 searchEdit = automation.FindControl(reredWindow,lambda c, d: (isinstance(c, automation.MenuItemControl) or isinstance(c, automation.MenuControl)) and c.Name == chindMenu) 52 searchEdit.Click() 53 time.sleep(2) 54 55 56 else : 57 redWindow.MenuItemControl(searchDepth=5,searchWaitTime=10,foundIndex = 2,name=u'测试企业浏览器').Click() 58 time.sleep(1) 59 searchEdit = automation.FindControl(redWindow,lambda c, d: (isinstance(c, automation.MenuItemControl) or isinstance(c, automation.MenuControl)) and c.Name == chindMenu) 60 searchEdit.Click() 61 print("一级菜单循环数据 " + chindMenu) 62 else: 63 print("没有循环数据!") 64 print("一级菜单完成循环!") 65 66 menuMulItems = [u'历史记录(H)',u'书签(B)',u'更多工具(L)',u'退出(X) Ctrl+Shift+Q'] 67 68 for chindMenu in menuMulItems: 69 time.sleep(1) 70 71 if chindMenu == u'历史记录(H)': 72 searchEdit = automation.FindControl(redWindow,lambda c, d: (isinstance(c, automation.EditControl) and c.Name == u'地址和搜索栏')) 73 print(searchEdit) 74 searchEdit.SendKeys('test-{Enter}',0.05) 75 time.sleep(2) 76 redWindow.MenuItemControl(searchDepth=5,searchWaitTime=10,foundIndex = 2,name=u'测试企业浏览器').Click() 77 time.sleep(1) 78 searchEdit = automation.FindControl(redWindow,lambda c, d: (isinstance(c, automation.MenuItemControl) or isinstance(c, automation.MenuControl)) and c.Name == chindMenu) 79 searchEdit.Click() 80 time.sleep(2) 81 searchEdit = automation.FindControl(redWindow,lambda c, d: (isinstance(c, automation.MenuItemControl) or isinstance(c, automation.MenuControl)) and c.Name == u'历史记录(H) Ctrl+H') 82 searchEdit.Click() 83 time.sleep(3) 84 elif chindMenu == u'书签(B)': 85 print("多级菜单循环数据 " + chindMenu) 86 else: 87 print("没有循环数据!") 88 print("多级菜单完成循环!") 89 90 91 92 if __name__ == '__main__': 93 main() 94 automation.GetConsoleWindow().SetActive() 95 input('press Enter to exit') 96 97 98 edit = redWindow.EditControl() 99 edit.SetValue('Hello')100 edit.SendKeys('{Ctrl}{End}{Enter}World'


def WindowControl(self, element = 0, searchDepth = 0xFFFFFFFF, searchWaitTime = SEARCH_INTERVAL, foundIndex = 1, **searchPorpertyDict): return WindowControl(element=element, searchDepth=searchDepth, searchWaitTime=searchWaitTime, foundIndex=foundIndex, searchFromControl = self,**searchPorpertyDict) """ element: integer searchFromControl: Control, if is None, search from root control searchDepth: integer, max search depth from searchFromControl foundIndex: integer, value must be greater or equal to 1 searchWaitTime: float, wait searchWaitTime before every search searchPorpertyDict: a dict that defines how to search, only the following keys are valid ControlType: integer in classClassName: str or unicode AutomationId: str or unicode Name: str or unicode SubName: str or unicode RegexName: str or unicode, supports regex Depth: integer, exact depth from searchFromControl, if set, searchDepth will be set to Depth too """

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