
网友投稿 891 2022-09-07



Tables are partitioned in VoltDB by hashing primary key values. Performance is optimized by choosing partitioning keys that match the way the data is most commonly accessed. To further optimize performance, VoltDB allows selected tables to be replicated on all partitions of the cluster. This strategy minimizes cross-partition join operations. For example, a retail merchandising database that uses product codes as the primary key may have one table that simply correlates the product code with the product's category and full name. Since this table is relatively small and does not change frequently (unlike inventory and orders) it can be replicated to all partitions. This way stored procedures can retrieve and return user-friendly product information when searching by product code without impacting the performance of order and inventory updates and searches.

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上一篇:MySQL入门教程1 —— 连接与断开服务器(mysql教程 菜鸟教程)
下一篇:C语言 unsigned long转char*的意义

