HZAU 1208 Color Circle (dfs)

网友投稿 538 2022-09-05

HZAU 1208 Color Circle (dfs)

HZAU 1208 Color Circle (dfs)


There are colorful flowers in the parterre in front of the door of college and form many beautiful patterns. Now, you want to find a circle consist of flowers with same color. What should be done ?Assuming the flowers arranged as matrix in parterre, indicated by a N*M matrix. Every point in the matrix indicates the color of a flower. We use the same uppercase letter to represent the same kind of color. We think a sequence of points d1, d2, … dk makes up a circle while:Every point is different.k >= 4All points belong to the same color.For 1 <= i <= k-1, di is adjacent to di+1 and dk is adjacent to d1. ( Point x is adjacent to Point y while they have the common edge).N, M <= 50. Judge if there is a circle in the given matrix.


There are multiply test cases.In each case, the first line are two integers n and m, the 2nd ~ n+1th lines is the given n*m matrix. Input m characters in per line.


Output your answer as “Yes” or ”No” in one line for each case.

Sample Input


Sample Output





找图中的一个环,可以从某个点进入开始 dfs ,标记已经访问过的点,如果遍历过程中遇到它们,则找到一个环,输出 ​​Yes​​​ ,否则输出 ​​No​​ 。

时间复杂度: O(n×m)

AC 代码

#include#include#include#includeusing namespace std;#define MAXX 110000int n,m;int mapp[55][55];bool vis[55][55];int mv[4][2]= {{-1,0},{1,0},{0,-1},{0,1}};bool flag;void dfs(int x,int y,int xa,int ya) // (x,y) 为当前点坐标, (xa,ya) 为它从哪个点来{ for(int i=0; i<4; i++) // 四个方向 { int xi=x+mv[i][0]; int yi=y+mv[i][1]; if(xi<0||xi>=n||yi<0||yi>=m||mapp[xi][yi]!=mapp[x][y])continue; // 要求搜索的点相同 if(!vis[xi][yi]) { vis[xi][yi]=true; dfs(xi,yi,x,y); if(flag)return; } else { if(xi==xa&&yi==ya)continue; // 忽略来的那一点,如果还遇到一个已经访问的点,则是一个环 flag=true; return; } }}void solve(){ for(int i=0; i>n>>m) { string c; memset(vis,false,sizeof(vis)); flag=false; for(int i=0; i>c; for(int j=0; j

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下一篇:HDU 6035 Colorful Tree (树形dp)

