ELK logstash json过滤器

网友投稿 700 2022-09-04

ELK logstash json过滤器

ELK logstash json过滤器


This is a JSON parsing filter. It takes an existing field which contains JSON and expands it into an actual data structure within the Logstash event.

这是一个JSON解析过滤器。它采用一个包含JSON的现有字段,并将其扩 展为Logstash事件内的实际数据结构。

By default, it will place the parsed JSON in the root (top level) of the Logstash event, but this filter can be configured to place the JSON into any arbitrary event field, using the ​​target​​ configuration.

默认情况下,它将解析的JSON放置在Logstash事件的根(顶级)中,但是可以使用此配置将该过滤器配置为将JSON放置在任何任意事件字段中 ​​target​​。

This plugin has a few fallback scenarios when something bad happens during the parsing of the event. If the JSON parsing fails on the data, the event will be untouched and it will be tagged with ​​_jsonparsefailure​​​; you can then use conditionals to clean the data. You can configure this tag with the ​​tag_on_failure​​ option.

当在事件解析期间发生不好的情况时,此插件有一些备用方案。如果对数据进行JSON解析失败,则事件将保持不变,并使用标记 ​​_jsonparsefailure​​​;然后,您可以使用条件清理数据。您可以使用​​tag_on_failure​​选项配置此标签 。

If the parsed data contains a ​​@timestamp​​​ field, the plugin will try to use it for the events ​​@timestamp​​​, and if the parsing fails, the field will be renamed to ​​_@timestamp​​​ and the event will be tagged with a ​​_timestampparsefailure​​.

如果解析的数据包含一个​​@timestamp​​​字段,则插件将尝试将其用于事件​​@timestamp​​​,如果解析失败,则将该字段重命名为,​​_@timestamp​​​并使用标记事件 ​​_timestampparsefailure​​。

JSON Filter Configuration Options(JSON过滤器配置选项)

This plugin supports the following configuration options plus the ​​Common Options​​ described later.


Input type















This is a required setting.Value type is​​string​​There is no default value for this setting.

The configuration for the JSON filter:

source => source_field

For example, if you have JSON data in the ​​message​​ field:

filter { json { source => "message" } }

The above would parse the JSON from the ​​message​​ field.


Value type is​​boolean​​Default value is​​false​​

Allows for skipping the filter on invalid JSON (this allows you to handle JSON and non-JSON data without warnings)


Value type is​​array​​Default value is​​["_jsonparsefailure"]​​

Append values to the ​​tags​​ field when there has been no successful match


Value type is​​string​​There is no default value for this setting.

Define the target field for placing the parsed data. If this setting is omitted, the JSON data will be stored at the root (top level) of the event.

For example, if you want the data to be put in the ​​doc​​ field:

filter { json { target => "doc" } }

JSON in the value of the ​​source​​​ field will be expanded into a data structure in the ​​target​​ field.

if the ​​target​​ field already exists, it will be overwritten!

Common Options

The following configuration options are supported by all filter plugins:


Input type
























Value type is​​hash​​Default value is​​{}​​

If this filter is successful, add any arbitrary fields to this event. Field names can be dynamic and include parts of the event using the ​​%{field}​​.


filter { json { add_field => { "foo_%{somefield}" => "Hello world, from %{host}" } } }

# You can also add multiple fields at once: filter { json { add_field => { "foo_%{somefield}" => "Hello world, from %{host}" "new_field" => "new_static_value" } } }

If the event has field ​​"somefield" == "hello"​​​ this filter, on success, would add field ​​foo_hello​​​ if it is present, with the value above and the ​​%{host}​​ piece replaced with that value from the event. The second example would also add a hardcoded field.

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上一篇:Shell 四剑客之 sed s替换内容以及n p

