The BioID Face Database

网友投稿 703 2022-09-04

The BioID Face Database

The BioID Face Database


The BioID Face Database

The BioID Face Database has been recorded and is published to give all researchers working in the area of face detection the possibility to compare the quality of their face detection algorithms with others. It may be used for such purposes without further permission. During the recording special emphasis has been placed on “real world” conditions. Therefore the testset features a large variety of illumination, background, and face size. Some typical sample images are shown below.



The BioID Face Database has been recorded and is published to give allresearchers working in the area of face detection the possibility tocompare the quality of their face detection algorithms withothers. During the recording special emphasis has been laid on "realworld" conditions. Therefore the testset features a large variety ofillumination, background and face size.The dataset consists of 1521 gray level images with a resolution of384x286 pixel. Each one shows the frontal view of a face of one out of23 different test persons. For comparison reasons the set alsocontains manually set eye postions. The images are labeled"BioID_xxxx.pgm" where the characters xxxx are replaced by the indexof the current image (with leading zeros). Similar to this, the files"BioID_xxxx.eye" contain the eye positions for the correspondingimages.

Image File Format


The images are stored in single files using the portable gray map(pgm) data format. A pgm file contains a data header followed by theimage data. In our case the header consists of four lines of text.* The first line describes the format of the image data (ASCII/binary). In our files the text "P5" indicates that the data is written in binary form* The second line contains the image width written in text form * The third line keeps the image height also in text form * The fourth line contains the maximum allowed gray value (255 in our images)The header is followed by a data block containing the image data. Thedata is stored line per line from top to bottom using one byte perpixel.











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