How to request a Pull Request in a correct way on GitHub

网友投稿 603 2022-09-03

How to request a Pull Request in a correct way on GitHub

How to request a Pull Request  in a correct way on GitHub

I think git is a great version control tool. I prefer it more than SVN. Git is popular now. You might be interested in the following topic:​​​Gitflow Workflow​​​​Forking Workflow​​

Today, I want to share some experience about how to request a Pull Request in a correct way on GitHub.

Maybe you have notice that there are many projects on GitHub. You contribute your work for project, and you find that you can not merge you code into codebase, you should request a Pull Request and invited some people who are authorized to review and approval.Why should has these processes here, you could refer to the topic above.Let’s focus on requesting a Pull Request in a correct way.we request a Pull Request is to merge our working branch to some certain branch(such as master or others) on remote server.The following steps are recommended. Given a background:Merge ​​​feature/story/SMB-1234​​​ into ​​develop/v1.2.1​​

Checkout your local working branch and push it to remote server(there is a corresponding branch to the local one on remote server). For example your local working branch is​​feature/story/SMB-1234​​​ ,and there is also a branch named​​feature/story/SMB-1234​​ on remote server.Checkout target branch​​develop/v1.2.1​​ and update it. It need to update it ,because maybe other members merged their code into it before what we are going to do.Checkout back to you local branch​​feature/story/SMB-1234​​​ ,then merge​​develop/v1.2.1​​ into current branch.Maybe you need to handle the conflicts and merge code manual.Push your local branch​​feature/story/SMB-1234​​ again, after merge the code.Now the remote branch​​feature/story/SMB-1234​​ has own your newest code, then you can create a pull request and invite people to review and approval on GitHub.

Thank you.I hope that can help!

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下一篇:Linux 7.9 平台下 Oracle DG 19.3升级至19.12

