CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) Dataset

网友投稿 629 2022-09-02

CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) Dataset

CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) Dataset


CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) Dataset

Over 200k images of celebrities with 40 binary attribute annotations

A popular component of computer vision and deep learning revolves around identifying faces for various applications from logging into your phone with your face or searching through surveillance images for a particular suspect. This dataset is great for training and testing models for face detection, particularly for recognising facial attributes such as finding people with brown hair, are smiling, or wearing glasses. Images cover large pose variations, background clutter, diverse people, supported by a large quantity of images and rich annotations. This data was originally collected by researchers at MMLAB, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (specific reference in Acknowledgment section).


202,599 number of face images of various celebrities10,177 unique identities, but names of identities are not given40 binary attribute annotations per image5 landmark locations

Data Files

imgalignceleba.zip: All the face images, cropped and alignedlistevalpartition.csv: Recommended partitioning of images into training, validation, testing sets. Images 1-162770 are training, 162771-182637 are validation, 182638-202599 are testinglistbboxceleba.csv: Bounding box information for each image. "x1" and "y1" represent the upper left point coordinate of bounding box. "width" and "height" represent the width and height of bounding boxlistlandmarksalign_celeba.csv: Image landmarks and their respective coordinates. There are 5 landmarks: left eye, right eye, nose, left mouth, right mouthlistattrceleba.csv: Attribute labels for each image. There are 40 attributes. "1" represents positive while "-1" represents negative











● imgalignceleba.zip文件:所有面部图像,裁剪并对齐

● ListValPartition.csv文件:建议将图像划分为训练集、验证集和测试集。图片1-162770为培训,162771-182637为验证,182638-202599为测试

● listbboxceleba.csv文件:每个图像的边界框信息。“x1”和“y1”表示边界框的左上角点坐标“宽度”和“高度”表示边界框的宽度和高度


● listattrceleba.csv文件:每个图像的属性标签。共有40个属性。”1“表示正,-1”表示负

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