
网友投稿 800 2022-09-02




The Complete Pokemon Dataset

Data on more than 800 Pokemon from all 7 Generations.

This dataset contains information on all 802 Pokemon from all Seven Generations of Pokemon. The information contained in this dataset include Base Stats, Performance against Other Types, Height, Weight, Classification, Egg Steps, Experience Points, Abilities, etc. The information was scraped from English name of the Pokemonjapanese_name: The Original Japanese name of the Pokemonpokedex_number: The entry number of the Pokemon in the National Pokedexpercentage_male: The percentage of the species that are male. Blank if the Pokemon is genderless.type1: The Primary Type of the Pokemontype2: The Secondary Type of the Pokemonclassification: The Classification of the Pokemon as described by the Sun and Moon Pokedexheight_m: Height of the Pokemon in metresweight_kg: The Weight of the Pokemon in kilogramscapture_rate: Capture Rate of the Pokemonbaseeggsteps: The number of steps required to hatch an egg of the Pokemonabilities: A stringified list of abilities that the Pokemon is capable of havingexperience_growth: The Experience Growth of the Pokemonbase_happiness: Base Happiness of the Pokemonagainst_?: Eighteen features that denote the amount of damage taken against an attack of a particular typehp: The Base HP of the Pokemonattack: The Base Attack of the Pokemondefense: The Base Defense of the Pokemonsp_attack: The Base Special Attack of the Pokemonsp_defense: The Base Special Defense of the Pokemonspeed: The Base Speed of the Pokemongeneration: The numbered generation which the Pokemon was first introducedis_legendary: Denotes if the Pokemon is legendary.



此数据集包含七代口袋妖怪的所有802口袋妖怪信息。此数据集中包含的信息包括基本统计数据、与其他类型的性能、身高、体重、分类、蛋步、经验点、能力等。这些信息是从​​Serebii- - Where Legends Come To Life​​


name: 口袋妖怪的英文名字japanese_name: 口袋妖怪最初的日本名字pokedex_number: 国家Pokedex中Pokemon的条目号percentage_male: 雄性物种的百分比。如果口袋妖怪没有性别,则为空。type1: 口袋妖怪的主要类型type2: 口袋妖怪的第二种类型classification:《太阳与月亮》对口袋妖怪的分类height_m: 口袋妖怪的高度(米)weight_kg: 口袋妖怪的重量(千克)capture_rate: 口袋妖怪的捕获率baseeggsteps: 孵化口袋妖怪蛋所需的步骤数abilities: 口袋妖怪能够拥有的一系列技能experience_growth: 口袋妖怪的成长经验base_happiness: 口袋妖怪的基本快乐against_?: 十八个特征,表示针对特定类型的攻击所受到的伤害hp: 口袋妖怪的基本生命attack: 口袋妖怪的基础攻击defense: 口袋妖怪的基本防御sp_attack: 口袋妖怪的基础特殊攻击sp_defense: 口袋妖怪的基地特殊防御speed: 口袋妖怪的基本速度generation: 口袋妖怪首次出现的编号的一代is_legendary: 表示口袋妖怪是否具有传奇性

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上一篇:LeetCode796. 旋转字符串(从业务思想到算法思想)

