边缘检测子综述(A review of classic edge detectors[J]. Image Processing On Line, 2012.)

网友投稿 1058 2022-08-30

边缘检测子综述(A review of classic edge detectors[J]. Image Processing On Line, 2012.)

边缘检测子综述(A review of classic edge detectors[J]. Image Processing On Line, 2012.)

本文主要最12年发表在IPOL上的一篇关于边缘检测子的综述(A review of classic edge detectors [1])做一简单总结和分析。

本文将主流的边缘检测子分为一阶偏导(Sobel, Prewitt and Roberts)和二阶偏导(Marr-Hildreth and Haralick. )两类,并分别从定性(感知)和定量(操作次数,执行时间)的角度对它们分别分析和讨论。





图片 f 强度变化的大小和方向用梯度算子(gradient operator)来衡量:

梯度向量∇f在位置(x,y)的大小magnitude (M) 和方向direction (α) 为:

在图片任意位置(x, y)边的方向正交于梯度向量的方向α(x, y) 。

2.1. Roberts算子(The Roberts Operators)

L.G. Rob erts [2]使用一阶泰勒展开式(the first order Taylor expansion )来近似一阶偏导。

2.2. Prewitt算子(The Prewitt Operators)


The left hand mask can be constructed (up to a scale factor) as the convolution of two filters: a vertical derivative [−1 0 1]T and an horizontal moving average [1 1 1]. The same reasoning could be applied to the right hand mask. Hence, these operators can be interpreted as the consecutive application of an horizontal low pass filter with a vertical derivative filter, and vice versa. Thus, they show smoothing properties in the direction orthogonal to the gradient.

2.3. Sobel算子(The Sobel Operators)


Sobel masks can be seen (up to a scale factor) as the convolution of a vertical derivation mask [−1 0 1]T with an horizontal smoothing filter [1 2 1](closer to a Gaussian response than Prewitt), and vice versa. Hence, these operators have better smoothing properties, as mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

2.4. 边缘的计算(Computation of the Edges)

在获得梯度的近似值后(存储于两个矩阵,分别对应fx和fy),接着通过 式来获得图片强度的大小,最后使用一个阈值(常为最大值的百分比值)来过滤它:

2.5. 伪代码(Pseudo-code)



3.1. Marr-Hildreth算法(The Marr and Hildreth Algorithm)

3.1.1.基本概念 基于寻找图片的二阶导数的零交叉点(zero crossing points)来检测边缘。本文主要实现了两种方法:A1:用一个高斯核 对图片进行卷积然后使用一个3× 3 核来近似二阶导数; A2: 使用一个高斯核的Laplacian算子对图片卷积,接下来在过滤后的图片中搜索零交叉点(zero crossing points)。

3.1.2.Marr-Hildreth 边缘检测算法

A. 通过采样高斯核(如下)获得的n × n高斯低通滤波器过滤图片;

B. 使用如下图所示的3 × 3掩模计算从1所过滤图片的Laplacian;

C. 找到从步骤2所得图片的零交叉点(zero crossing points)。

3.1.3.零交叉(Zero Crossing)

A zero crossing at pixel p implies that the signs of at least two opposite neighboring pixels are different. There are four cases to test: left/right, up/down, and the two diagonals. In this case two conditions must hold: first, the signs of the opposite pixels must differ, and second, their difference in absolute value must be greater than a certain threshold.





3.2. Haralick 算法(The Haralick Algorithm)

In this method, however, the input image is smoothly approximated through local bi-cubic polynomial fitting. Then, when calculating the second derivative analytically, it is possible to find an equivalent expression to find the zeros of the second derivative of the polynomial as a function of its parameters.

3.2.1 双三次多项式拟合(Bi-cubic Polynomial Fitting)


Haralick把当前像素作为坐标中心,即当前像素的邻居中心为(0, 0),有

因为有10个参数,所以我们要求有25(能满足条件的最小奇数矩阵为 5 × 5)个数据的邻居。因此有:


对每个因子ki   (i从1到10)


重排bi为5 × 5矩阵形式并标记为 maski

3.2.2 二阶导数的解析计算(Analytical Calculation of the Second Derivative)

Haralick算法的主要思想是寻找“二阶导数的负斜率零交叉点”(negative slop ed zero crossings of the second derivative),即寻找上升的阶跃型边缘。通过Haralick的定义,一个像素被认为是边缘要求满足下面三个条件: - 一阶导数非零; - 二阶导数为零; - 三阶导数为负。


其中 θ 为梯度向量角。代入(3.5)式,有



3.2.3 算法(Algorithm)

3.2.4 伪代码(Pseudo-code)

参考及延伸材料: [1] ​​​Spontón H, Cardelino J. A review of classic edge detectors[J]. Image Processing On Line, 2012.​​​ [2] W. E. Lorensen and H. E. Cline, Marching cubes: A high resolution 3D surface construction algorithm, in Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, vol. 21, New York, NY, USA, Aug. 1987, ACM, pp. 163–169. [3] R. M. Haralick, Digital step edges from zero crossing of the second directional derivatives, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 6 (1984), pp. 58–68. ​​​http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TPAMI.1984.4767475​​.

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