网友投稿 649 2022-08-29



​​Perspective inn Psychology

The nervous System:A basic blueprint

neuron: 神经元,神经细胞 basic unit of the brain axon:轴突 microtubule:微导管 microfilament:微细丝 Myelin Sheath:髓鞘 磷脂 (许旺细胞;许旺氏细胞;施万细胞) fatty substances produced by certain glial cells coat the axons of neurons to insulate protect, and speed up the neural impulse

Neuron communication

synaptic vesicles突触小泡 neurotransmitter神经素 receptor synapse突触 synaptic cleft突触间隙

central neural system

Made up of a collection of neurons and supportive tissue running from the base of the brain down the center of the back


brain stemcontrol the vital functions(e.g. breathing)


frontal lobeconsciousnessparietal lobemovement and stimulus perceptionoccipital lobevisiontemporal lobespeech recognitioncerebellummovement co·ordination

spinal cord

peripheral neural system

SNS(somatic Nervous System) connect to sensory receptors and skeletal muscles

ANS(Autonomic Nervous System) Regulates internal organs

somaticautonomic(subconscious, control system)

graph TD A(Nervous system) --> B(Central nervous system) A --> C(Peripheral nervous system) B --> D(Brain) B --> E(Spinal cord) C --> F(Autonomic nervous system) C --> G(Somatic nervous system) F --> H(Parasympathetic division) F --> I(Sympathetic division) G --> J(Sensory system ,afferent ) G --> K(Motor system,efferent)

The Endocrine System

definitionGlands that secrete chemicals called hormones directly into the bloodstream

Pineal gland松果-> biological rhythm Hypothalamus下丘脑 Pituitary gland脑垂体->growth Tinyroid gland 甲状腺->energy regulation Thymus 胸腺-> immune system, T-cells maturation Pancreas 胰腺-> blood sugar adrenal glands 肾上腺->fight and flight Testes (male) Ovaries (female)

a tour to the brain

cerebellum controls and coordinated involuntary, rapid,fine motor movement

pons larger swelling above the medulla that connects the top of the brain to the bottom: plays a part in sleep,dreaming, left-right body coordination, and arousal

medulla first large swelling at the top of the spinal cord forming the lowest part of the brain; responsible for life-sustaining functions such as reathing,swallowing, and heart rate

Reticular Formation(RF) area of neurons running thyrough the middle of the medulla and the pons and slightly beyond;responsible for selective attention

limbic system The limbic system comprises various structures inside the brain: thalamus, hypothalamus,amygdala,hippocampus gateways for emotional responses

Thalamus(丘脑) relays sensory information from the lower part of the brain to the proper areas of the cortex processes some sensory information before sending it to it proper area

occipital lobe The Occipital LolJe is tl1e visual

parietal lobe integrating information from several senses Also processes spatial orientantionm some parts of speech, visual perceptionm and pain and touch sensations

Temporal lobe chief auditory receptive area and contains the hippocampus

frontal lobe cognition and memory ability to concentrate

wernicke’s area: association cortex-speech comprehension condition resulting from damage to wernicke’s area symptoms: inability to understand or produce meaningful language

hemispheric specialization - left and right


controls muscles on right side of body controls language math logic speech analytical intellectual


controls muscles on left side of body spatial abilities facial recognition visual imagery art and music emotion creativity

mapping the brain


Records electric activity of the brain below specific areas of the skull generates low to high resolution activity maps with increasing number of sensors from as few as 2 to 128 or more


using radio waves and magnetic fields of the body to produce detailed images of the brain


generates static images of the brain as well as dynamic image with functional MRO


A brain-imaging method using radio waves and magnetic fields of the body to produce detailed images of the brain is called __ magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) __.

synaptic vesicles 突触泡

The part of the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for reacting to stressful events and bodily arousal is called the ___ sympathetic nervous system.





The two main divisions of the nervous system are the peripheral nervous system; _ and central nervous system.

What part of the brain acts as a relay station for incoming sensory information?


thalamus (correct)


pituitary gland

right/left hemisphere

Left-> logic and mathmetic

Right -> perception recognition

Which of the following neurotransmitters functions as a common inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain?





Which of the following regions contains the primary visual cortex?

frontal lobe

parietal lobe

temporal lobe

occipital lobe

Which part of the nervous system takes the information received from the senses, makes sense out of it, makes decisions, and sends commands out to the muscles and the rest of the body?

spinal cord




Which part of the neuron is responsible for maintaining the life of the cell?




cell membrane

A single long fiber extending from the cell body that carries outgoing messages is called a(n) axon.

The time period after a neural impulse when the neuron cannot fire again is called the

absolute refractory period.

When the electrical charge inside a neuron is negative in relation to the outside, the neuron is said to be in a state of polarization.

Breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure are controlled by the medulla.

The hypothalamus controls feeding, fleeing, fighting, and sex.

Which nervous system is activated in an emergency? sympathetic

The somatic nerve system is the body system.

The synapse is composed of the axon terminal, the synaptic space, and the dendrite of the next neuron.

An injury to the cerebellum results in difficulty maintaining balance and coordinating movements.

The hypothalamus regulates motivational responses and is involved with emotional behavior.

What structure connects the two hemispheres of the brain and coordinates their activities?

corpus callosum

All of the following show structure EXCEPT: PET-scans.

Which nervous system regulates the functions of glands, blood vessels, and the internal organs? Autonomic nervous system

What brain stem structure controls sleeping, waking, and dreaming? Pons

What is the only sense that completely bypasses the thalamus? Smell

What limbic structure is also known as the “gateway to memory?” hippocampus

What area of the cortex receives information about pressure, pain, touch, and temperature from all over the body? Somatosensory cortex

Which of the following functions affects Broca’s area? speech production

Endorphins reduce pain and produce pleasure. True

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