Kubernetes 资源配额 ResourceQuota

网友投稿 582 2022-11-30

Kubernetes 资源配额 ResourceQuota

Kubernetes 资源配额 ResourceQuota


As you might already know, you can specify pods’ CPU and Memory requests and limits, and as Kubernetes already knows the pod placements, it can properly place your pods into such places that your requests are fulfilled. When a pod has memory requests set, your pod’s QoS (Quality of Service) class is Guaranteed, and when your limit is higher than requests, QoS class is Burstable. In other words, your pod gets at least the resources it desires, if there is space. However, limiting the total requests by namespace can be useful if you have many namespaces used by many projects or people so that namespaces get their fair shares. This is where ResourceQuota helps, and it can be defined as a simple YAML file as follows:

apiVersion: v1kind: ResourceQuotametadata: name: my-cheap-namespacespec: hard: requests.cpu: "4" requests.memory: 8Gi limits.cpu: "16" limits.memory: 16Gi

You can also limit the number of Kubernetes objects that a namespace can use. You can limit the total number of Pods to avoid scheduling overheads, the number of load balancers (which can be tied to a load balancer with an actual cost in a cloud provider, such as AWS Network Load Balancer) or the number of Persistent Volume Claims as they can be costly as well. An example configuration is as follows:

apiVersion: v1kind: ResourceQuotametadata: name: object-quota-demospec: hard: persistentvolumeclaims: "4" services.loadbalancers: "3" services.nodeports: "1"

资源配额 ResourceQuota






limits.cpu/memory          所有Pod上限资源配置总量不超过该值(所有非终止状态的Pod) requests.cpu/memory    所有Pod请求资源配置总量不超过该值(所有非终止状态的Pod)



[root@master ~]# kubectl create ns dev1apiVersion: v1kind: ResourceQuotametadata: name: compute-resources namespace: dev1spec: hard: requests.cpu: "2" requests.memory: 4Gi limits.cpu: "2.5" limits.memory: 4.5Gi[root@master test]# kubectl get quota -n dev1NAME AGE REQUEST LIMITcompute-resources 27s requests.cpu: 0/2, requests.memory: 0/4Gi limits.cpu: 0/2500m, limits.memory: 0/4608Mi[root@master resourcequota]# cat podcpumem.yaml apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata: name: compute-resources namespace: dev1spec: containers: - image: nginx name: nginx resources: requests: cpu: 1 memory: 1Gi limits: cpu: 1 memory: 1Gi [root@master resourcequota]# kubectl apply -f podcpumem.yaml pod/compute-resources created#可以看到已经使用的资源,k8s帮你统计了命名空间使用的资源量[root@master resourcequota]# kubectl get quota -n dev1NAME AGE REQUEST LIMITcompute-resources 8m49s requests.cpu: 1/2, requests.memory: 1Gi/4Gi limits.cpu: 1/2500m, limits.memory: 1Gi/4608Mi[root@master resourcequota]# cat podcpumem1.yaml apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata: name: compute-resources1 namespace: dev1spec: containers: - image: nginx name: nginx resources: requests: cpu: 1.5 memory: 1Gi limits: cpu: 2 memory: 1Gi [root@master resourcequota]# kubectl apply -f podcpumem1.yaml Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "podcpumem1.yaml": pods "compute-resources1" is forbidden: exceeded quota: compute-resources, requested: limits.cpu=2,requests.cpu=1500m, used: limits.cpu=1,requests.cpu=1, limited: limits.cpu=2500m,requests.cpu=2requested: limits.cpu=2,requests.cpu=1500m 这个是我在pod当中的配置used: limits.cpu=1,requests.cpu=1 使用的情况limited: limits.cpu=2500m,requests.cpu=2 限制的情况


当pod当中没有限制,也就是没有配置resources的字段,但是配置了resource quota的时候,在创建pod的时候会报错,因为resources字段没有指定就是默认pod可以无限使用资源。


.storageclass.storage.k8s.io/persistentvolumeclaims 在该命名空间中所有与相关的PVC请求容量总和不超过该值


不管多少个PVC,现在只要pvc总和请求量超过10G,就不会让其创建了[root@master volume]# cat storage-resource.yaml apiVersion: v1kind: ResourceQuotametadata: name: storage-resources namespace: dev1spec: hard: requests.storage: "10G"[root@master volume]# kubectl apply -f storage-resource.yaml resourcequota/storage-resources created[root@master volume]# kubectl get quota -n dev1NAME AGE REQUEST LIMITstorage-resources 12s requests.storage: 0/10G [root@master volume]# cat pvc-nfs-dy.yaml apiVersion: v1kind: PersistentVolumeClaimmetadata: name: nfs-pvc namespace: dev1spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany resources: requests: storage: 11Gi storageClassName: managed-nfs-storage[root@master volume]# kubectl apply -f pvc-nfs-dy.yaml Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "pvc-nfs-dy.yaml": persistentvolumeclaims "nfs-pvc" is forbidden: exceeded quota: storage-resources, requested: requests.storage=11Gi, used: requests.storage=0, limited: requests.storage=10G

hard: requests.storage: "10G" managed-nfs-storage.storageclass.storage.k8s.io/requests.storage: "5G"上面的是基于所有的PVC去统计,下面是基于存储类创建的容量去统计,所以可以基于多维度的统计



apiVersion: v1kind: ResourceQuotametadata: name: object-counts namespace: testspec:hard: pods: "10" count/deployments.apps: "3" count/services: "3"

最后补充  限制namespace可使⽤存储卷资源

使⽤场景: 存储作为有限资源,需要将该资源管控起来,防⽌过度使⽤,造成资源枯竭


注解1:Resource Quotas(资源配额,简称quota)是对namespace进⾏资源配额,限制资源使⽤的⼀种策略。 K8S是⼀个多⽤户架构,当多⽤户或者团队共享⼀个K8S系统时,SA使⽤quota防⽌⽤户(基于namespace的)的资源抢占,定义好资源分配策略。

注解2: Quota应⽤在Namespace上,默认情况下,没有Resource Quota的,需要另外创建Quota,并且每个Namespace最多只能有⼀个Quota对象

Resource Quotas举例: 创建resource qouta资源,需要根据实际情况,进⾏修改

kubectl create -f quota.yamlapiVersion: v1kind: ResourceQuotametadata: name: test01 namespace: test01spec: hard: persistentvolumeclaims: "10" requests.storage: 110Gi

1. 查看Resource Quotas

root@i-o8fh83hu:~# kubectl get resourcequotas -ANAMESPACE NAME CREATED ATtest01 test01 2021-06-03T06:21:02Z

2. 修改Resource Quotas test01的命名空间⼤⼩为110G,修改配置:spec.hard.requests.storage: 110Gi

kubectl -n test01 edit resourcequotas test01 -oyaml

3. 查看是否⽣效

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