ELK Logstash Introduction

网友投稿 901 2022-11-29

ELK Logstash Introduction

ELK Logstash Introduction

Logstash Introduction

Logstash is an open source data collection engine with real-time pipelining capabilities. Logstash can dynamically unify data from disparate sources and normalize the data into destinations of your choice. Cleanse and democratize all your data for diverse advanced downstream analytics and visualization use cases.


While Logstash originally drove innovation in log collection, its capabilities extend well beyond that use case. Any type of event can be enriched and transformed with a broad array of input, filter, and output plugins, with many native codecs further simplifying the ingestion process. Logstash accelerates your insights by harnessing a greater volume and variety of data.


The Power of Logstash

The ingestion workhorse for Elasticsearch and more

Horizontally scalable data processing pipeline with strong Elasticsearch and Kibana synergy


Pluggable pipeline architecture

Mix, match, and orchestrate different inputs, filters, and outputs to play in pipeline harmony


Community-extensible and developer-friendly plugin ecosystem

Over 200 plugins available, plus the flexibility of creating and contributing your own


Logstash Loves Data

Collect more, so you can know more. Logstash welcomes data of all shapes and sizes.

Logs and Metrics

Where it all started.

Handle all types of logging data

Easily ingest a multitude of web logs like​​Apache​​​, and application logs like​​log4j​​ for JavaCapture many other log formats like​​syslog​​, networking and firewall logs, and more

Enjoy complementary secure log forwarding capabilities with​​Filebeat​​Collect metrics from​​Ganglia​​​,​​collectd​​​,​​NetFlow​​​,​​JMX​​​, and many other infrastructure and application platforms over​​TCP​​​ and​​UDP​​

The Web

Unlock the World Wide Web.

Transform​​HTTP requests​​ into events

Consume from web service firehoses like​​Twitter​​ for social sentiment analysisWebhook support for GitHub, HipChat, JIRA, and countless other applicationsEnables many​​Watcher​​ alerting use cases

Create events by polling​​HTTP endpoints​​ on demand

Universally capture health, performance, metrics, and other types of data from web application interfacesPerfect for scenarios where the control of polling is preferred over receiving

Data Stores and Streams

Discover more value from the data you already own.

Better understand your data from any relational database or NoSQL store with a​​JDBC​​ interfaceUnify diverse data streams from messaging queues like Apache​​Kafka​​​,​​RabbitMQ​​​, and​​Amazon SQS​​

Sensors and IoT

Explore an expansive breadth of other data.

In this age of technological advancement, the massive IoT world unleashes endless use cases through capturing and harnessing data from connected sensors.Logstash is the common event collection backbone for ingestion of data shipped from mobile devices to intelligent homes, connected vehicles, healthcare sensors, and many other industry specific applications.

Easily Enrich Everything

The better the data, the better the knowledge. Clean and transform your data during ingestion to gain near real-time insights immediately at index or output time. Logstash comes out-of-box with many aggregations and mutations along with pattern matching, geo mapping, and dynamic lookup capabilities.

​​Grok​​​ is the bread and butter of Logstash filters and is used ubiquitously to derive structure out of unstructured data. Enjoy a wealth of integrated patterns aimed to help quickly resolve web, systems, networking, and other types of event formats.(​​Grok​​是Logstash过滤器的基础,广泛用于从非结构化数据中导出结构。享受多种旨在帮助快速解决Web,系统,网络和其他类型事件格式的集成模式。)Expand your horizons by deciphering​​geo coordinates​​​ from IP addresses, normalizing​​date​​​ complexity, simplifying​​key-value pairs​​​ and​​CSV​​​ data,​​fingerprinting​​​(anonymizing) sensitive information, and further enriching your data with​​local lookups​​​ or Elasticsearch​​queries​​​.(通过从IP地址解密​​地理坐标​​​,标准化​​日期​​​复杂性,简化​​键值对​​​和​​CSV​​​数据,​​对​​​敏感信息进行​​指纹识别​​​(匿名化),以及通过​​本地查找​​​或Elasticsearch​​查询​​进一步丰富数据,来扩展您的视野。)Codecs are often used to ease the processing of common event structures like​​JSON​​​ and​​multiline​​​ events.(编解码器通常用于简化对常见事件结构(如​​JSON​​​ 和​​多行​​事件)的处理。)

See ​​Transforming Data​​ for an overview of some of the popular data processing plugins.

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