
网友投稿 802 2022-08-27




sed是一个非交互式的文本编辑器,刻意地文本文件和标准输入进行编辑。sed可以一次性处理所有的编辑任务。 sed仅仅编辑源文件的副本,如果要保存编辑的结果则可以输出重定向至另一个文件。 三种使用sed的方法:

sed [option] 'sed command' inputfilesed [option] -f sed_script inputfile./sed_script inputfile

sed option









sed使用定位文本行和sed编辑命令进行文本操作。 编辑编辑命令n的意义是读取下一个输入行。


















更加详细的内容直接man sed.


​​sed '追加位置a\text' file​​​ a\表示换行追加文本。(后面插入) 正则表达式中的$表示行尾,但是在sed中却是最后一行的意思。 x,y!表示不在x,y行号范围内的行,值得注意的是!不能和/pattern/匹配。


​​sed '插入位置i\text' file​​​ i\表示在匹配行的前面插入。 (前面插入)


​​sed '修改位置c\text' file​​


​​sed '删除位置d' file​​


​​sed 's/被替换字符串/新字符串/[option]'​​







w filename


注意:进行替换时如果没有g选项,那么仅仅替换所有匹配行的第一个匹配项。 如果option是数字,那么代表替换第几次出现的匹配项


​​sed 'y/origin text/new text/' file​​​ 变换命令即是逐个字符替换 注意:origin text和new text必须等长




在Bourne shell中可以使用二级命令提示符进行多行命令的输入。Bash shell是Bourne shell的扩展。

sed -n '> 2,3=> 2,3p> ' doc


练习文本doc: 《呼啸山庄》 14 Secret visits

1 1800 The months passed,and soon it was autumn.Mr Edgar caught a bad cold,which seemed to get worse and worse.He stayed indoors the 2 whole winter,so Cathy only had me as a companion on her walks.She had become very quiet and sad since her relationship with Linton had 3 ended,and was very worried about her father's illness.One day when we were walking in the Grange garden,I noticed her crying. ‘Cathy, 4 what's the matter,love?’I ashed. “Oh,Ellen,'she sobbed,‘what shall I do if Father dies? And if you die?I'll be left alone!’ ‘I 5 hope he and I have years more of life ahead of us.All you need do is look after your father,and let him see you're cheerful.But I think 6 he would be really ill if he thought you loved Linton,whose father would like to see Mr Edgar dead.’I'll never,never do anything to 7 worry or annoy Father,'she promised.‘I only want him to recover.I love him more than anyone else in the world,more than myself!’ 8 Just then we reached the gate,and I saw a gentleman on a horse looking over it.It was Heathcliff. ‘Miss Linton!’he called.There's 9 something I must tell


$ sed -n '2,4p' docwhole winter,so Cathy only had me as a companion on her walks.She had become very quiet and sad since her relationship with Linton had ended,and was very worried about her father's illness.One day when we were walking in the Grange garden,I noticed her crying. ‘Cathy,what's the matter,love?’I ashed. “Oh,Ellen,'she sobbed,‘what shall I do if Father dies? And if you die?I'll be left alone!’ ‘I


$ sed -n '/Cathy/p' doc whole winter,so Cathy only had me as a companion on her walks.She had become very quiet and sad since her relationship with Linton had ended,and was very worried about her father's illness.One day when we were walking in the


$ sed -n -e '/Cathy/=' -e '/Cathy/p' doc # 等价于$ sed '/Cathy/{=;p}' doc2whole winter,so Cathy only had me as a companion on her walks.She had become very quiet and sad since her relationship with Linton had 3ended,and was very worried about her father's illness.One day when we were walking in the

在第一行中追加内容”this is append context.”

$ sed -n -e '1a\this is append context' -e '1,2p' doc1800 The months passed,and soon it was autumn.Mr Edgar caught a bad cold,which seemed to get worse and worse.He stayed indoors the this is append contextwhole winter,so Cathy only had me as a companion on her walks.She had become very quiet and sad since her relationship with

在匹配the Grange garden的行下追加两行文本

hello world I love linux. sed脚本:

#!/bin/sed -f


./append.sed doc1800 The months passed,and soon it was autumn.Mr Edgar caught a bad cold,which seemed to get worse and worse.He stayed indoors the whole winter,so Cathy only had me as a companion on her walks.She had become very quiet and sad since her relationship with Linton had ended,and was very worried about her father's illness.One day when we were walking in the Grange garden,I noticed her crying. ‘Cathy, hello world I love linux.what's the matter,love?’I ashed. “Oh,Ellen,'she sobbed,‘what shall I do if Father dies? And if you die?I'll be left alone!’ ‘I hope he and I have years more of life ahead of us.All you need do is look after your father,and

打印匹配the Grange garden的行到最后一行

$ sed -n -e '/the Grange garden/,$=' -e '/the Grange garden/,$p' doc3ended,and was very worried about her father's illness.One day when we were walking in the Grange garden,I noticed her crying. ‘Cathy,4what's the matter,love?’I ashed. “Oh,Ellen,'she sobbed,‘what shall I do if Father dies? And if you die?I'll be left alone!’ ‘I 5hope he and I have years more of life ahead of us.All you need do is look after your father,and let him see you're cheerful.But I think6 he would be really ill if he thought you loved Linton,whose father would like to see Mr Edgar dead.’I'll never,never do anything to 7 worry or annoy Father,'she promised.‘I only want him to recover.I love him more than anyone else in the world,more than myself!’8Just then we reached the gate,and I saw a gentleman on a horse looking over it.It was Heathcliff. ‘Miss Linton!’he called.There's 9something I must tell

在匹配the Grange garden的行上方插入文本

I love linux.

sed -n -e '/the Grange garden/i\I love linux' -e '/the Grange garden/p' docI love linuxended,and was very worried about her father's illness.One day when we were walking in the

注意: 插入内容默认是打印的。

将匹配the Grange garden的行替换成I love linux

$ sed -n -e '1,4=' -e '/the Grange garden/c\I love linux' -e '1,4p' doc11800 The months passed,and soon it was autumn.Mr Edgar caught a bad cold,which seemed to get worse and worse.He stayed indoors the 2whole winter,so Cathy only had me as a companion on her walks.She had become very quiet and sad since her relationship with Linton had3I love linux4what's the matter,love?’I ashed. “Oh,Ellen,'she sobbed,‘what shall I do if Father dies? And if you die?I'll be left alone!’ ‘I


$ cat delete.sed sed -e '4,$d' doc$ chmod +x delete.sed $ ./delete.sed 1800 The months passed,and soon it was autumn.Mr Edgar caught a bad cold,which seemed to get worse and worse.He stayed indoors the whole winter,so Cathy only had me as a companion on her walks.She had become very quiet and sad since her relationship with Linton had ended,and was very worried about her father's illness.One day when we were walking in the


​​sed '/[Ll][Ii][Nn][Tt][Oo][Nn]/d' doc > read​​


​​sed -n -e 's/Cathy/凯西/g' -e 'w read' doc​​​ ​​​cat read​​

1800 The months passed,and soon it was autumn.Mr Edgar caught a bad cold,which seemed to get worse and worse.He stayed indoors the whole winter,so 凯西 only had me as a companion on her walks.She had become very quiet and sad since her relationship with Linton had ended,and was very worried about her father's illness.One day when we were walking in the Grange garden,I noticed her crying. ‘凯西,what's the matter,love?’I ashed. “Oh,Ellen,'she sobbed,‘what shall I do if Father dies? And if you die?I'll be left alone!’ ‘I hope he and I have years more of life ahead of us.All you need do is look after your father,and let him see you're cheerful.But I think he would be really ill if he thought you loved Linton,whose father would like to see Mr Edgar dead.’I'll never,never do anything to worry or annoy Father,'she promised.‘I only want him to recover.I love him more than anyone else in the world,more than myself!’Just then we reached the gate,and I saw a gentleman on a horse looking over it.It was Heathcliff. ‘Miss Linton!’he called.There's something I must tell


$ sed -n 's/Cathy/(&)/pg' docwhole winter,so (Cathy) only had me as a companion on her walks.She had become very quiet and sad since her relationship with Linton had ended,and was very worried about her father's illness.One day when we were walking in the Grange garden,I noticed her crying. ‘(Cathy),$ sed -n 's/Cathy/(cathy)/pg' doc


​​sed -n '5,7 w read' doc​​



this is


this is

​​sed '$r doc2' doc1 > doc3​​


sed -n '/E.*/p' doc1800 The months passed,and soon it was autumn.Mr Edgar caught a bad cold,which seemed to get worse and worse.He stayed indoors the what's the matter,love?’I ashed. “Oh,Ellen,'she sobbed,‘what shall I do if Father dies? And if you die?I'll be left alone!’ ‘I he would be really ill if he thought you loved Linton,whose father would like to see Mr Edgar dead.’I'll never,never do anything to


​​sed 'y/MECA/meca/' doc​​

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上一篇:Tomcat for windows, Chrome for ubuntu
下一篇:概率练习 (16.04.30)

