BC_DATA_GEN 给航班表造数据

网友投稿 758 2022-11-26

BC_DATA_GEN 给航班表造数据

BC_DATA_GEN 给航班表造数据




The standard utility provided by SAP is a standard program called, 'SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR', which can also be accessed through the standard transaction 'BC_DATA_GEN’.

On the selection screen we can see that there are three radio buttons that are in 'Enabled' mode and two are in 'Disabled' mode. This is due to the way we run this utility. Although we can run this utility in foreground mode using enabled radio buttons, it is advisable that this should be run in background mode. The reason for the same is creation of mass records. The disabled radio buttons can only be run in background mode. There are standard variants available for the same.

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上一篇:WDA select-options
下一篇:WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop

