POJ 3101 Astronomy (数学)

网友投稿 570 2022-08-26

POJ 3101 Astronomy (数学)

POJ 3101 Astronomy (数学)



The first line of the input file contains n — the number of planets (2 ≤ n ≤ 1 000).Second line contains n integer numbers ti — the orbiting periods of planets (1 ≤ ti ≤ 10 000). Not all of ti are the same.


Output the answer as a common irreducible fraction, separate numerator and denominator by a space.

Sample Input

36 2 3

Sample Output

3 1


给出 ​​n​​ 个行星围绕恒星转动的周期,刚开始所有的行星都在恒星的一侧并且排成一条直线。问最少再经过多长时间所有的行星出现在同一条直线上。


我们先来看两个行星的情况,假设 ​​t​​ 时间之后这两个行星会出现在同一条直线上。

则 2πT0t−2πT1t=πk 其中 k

化简得: 2(T1−T0)tT0T1=k ,为使 ​​k​​ 为最小正整数, t=T0T12(T1−T0)t

对于两个行星以上的情况,可以两两计算得到的 ​​t​​ ,然后求出最小公倍数即可。

分式的最小公倍数求法: (分子分母约分到最简形式)

ab cd:lcm(a,c)gcd(b,d)

AC 代码

import java.util.Scanner;import java.math.BigInteger;public class Main private static Scanner cin; public static void main(String[] args) { int N; BigInteger on, lcm = null, gc = null; cin = new Scanner(System.in); N = cin.nextInt(); on = cin.nextBigInteger(); lcm = on; for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) { BigInteger x; x = cin.nextBigInteger(); if (i == 1) { lcm = lcm.multiply(x); gc = (x.subtract(on)).abs().multiply(new BigInteger("2")); BigInteger r = lcm.gcd(gc); lcm = lcm.divide(r); gc = gc.divide(r); } else { BigInteger n1 = on.multiply(x); BigInteger n2 = (x.subtract(on)).abs().multiply(new BigInteger("2")); BigInteger r = n1.gcd(n2); n1 = n1.divide(r); n2 = n2.divide(r); lcm = lcm.divide(lcm.gcd(n1)).multiply(n1); gc = gc.gcd(n2); r = lcm.gcd(gc); lcm = lcm.divide(r); gc = gc.divide(r); } } System.out.println(lcm + " "

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上一篇:POJ 2891 Strange Way to Express Integers (扩展欧几里得)

