FZU 2219 StarCraft (哈夫曼树)

网友投稿 580 2022-08-26

FZU 2219 StarCraft (哈夫曼树)

FZU 2219 StarCraft (哈夫曼树)


ZB loves playing StarCraft and he likes Zerg most!One day, when ZB was playing SC2, he came up with an idea:He wants to change the queen’s ability, the queen’s new ability is to choose a worker at any time, and turn it into an egg, after K units of time, two workers will born from that egg. The ability is not consumed, which means you can use it any time without cooling down.Now ZB wants to build N buildings, he has M workers initially, the i-th building costs t[i] units of time, and a worker will die after he builds a building. Now ZB wants to know the minimum time to build all N buildings.


The first line contains an integer T, meaning the number of the cases. 1 <= T <= 50.For each test case, the first line consists of three integers N, M and K. (1 <= N, M <= 100000, 1 <= K <= 100000).The second line contains N integers t[1] … t[N] (1 <= t[i] <= 100000).


For each test case, output the answer of the question.

Sample Input

23 1 11 3 55 2 21 1 1 1 10

Sample Output



有 m 个员工,一共要建 n 个建筑,每个建筑需要 ti 的时间,一个员工只能建一个建筑,对于某个员工可以用 k 的时间将其一分为二,求建完 n 个建筑的最少时间。


当初始员工数目 m 大于等于建筑数目 n ,显然结果是所有建筑建筑时间的最大值。对于其他情况,我们需要工人总共分裂 m-n 次,此时便需要考虑哪两个建筑是由一个工人分裂以后解决的,显然可以像类似于哈夫曼树那样找当前状态下两个建筑时间最小的,然后将较大者 +k 放回树中,较小者去除。(因为较大者 + k > 较小者)


#include #include #include #include #include #include #define IO ios::sync_with_stdio(false);\ cin.tie(0);\ cout.tie(0);using namespace std;const int maxn = 1e6+10;const int mod = 1e9+7;typedef long long LL;int n,m,k;priority_queue,greater > sk;int main(){ IO; int T; cin>>T; while(T--) { while(!sk.empty())sk.pop(); cin>>n>>m>>k; for(int i=0; i>x; sk.push(x); } int some = n - m; while(some>0) { sk.pop(); sk.push(sk-()+k); sk.pop(); some--; } while(sk.size()>1) sk.pop(); cout<

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上一篇:Codeforces 892 D. Gluttony (思维)

