Appendix D. Gradle Command Line

网友投稿 539 2022-11-14

Appendix D. Gradle Command Line

Appendix D. Gradle Command Line

​​Command Line

The gradle command has the following usage:

​​gradle​​ [option...] [task...]

The command-line options available for the gradle command are listed below:

​​-?​​​, ​​-h​​​, ​​--help​​

Shows a help message.

​​-a​​​, ​​--no-rebuild​​

Do not rebuild project dependencies.


Shows additional detail in the task listing. See ​​Section 11.6.2, “Listing tasks”​​.

​​-b​​​, ​​--build-file​​

Specifies the build file. See ​​Section 11.5, “Selecting which build to execute”​​.

​​-c​​​, ​​--settings-file​​

Specifies the settings file.


Continues task execution after a task failure.

​​--configure-on-demand (incubating)​​

Only relevant projects are configured in this build run. This means faster builds for large multi-projects. See ​​Section, “Configuration on demand”​​.

​​-D​​​, ​​--system-prop​​

Sets a system property of the JVM, for example ​​-Dmyprop=myvalue​​​. See ​​Section 14.2, “Gradle properties and system properties”​​.

​​-d​​​, ​​--debug​​

Log in debug mode (includes normal stacktrace). See ​​Chapter 18, Logging​​.

​​-g​​​, ​​--gradle-user-home​​

Specifies the Gradle user home directory. The default is the ​​.gradle​​ directory in the user's home directory.


Launches the Gradle GUI. See ​​Chapter 12, Using the Gradle Graphical User Interface​​.

​​-I​​​, ​​--init-script​​

Specifies an initialization script. See ​​Chapter 61, Initialization Scripts​​.

​​-i​​​, ​​--info​​

Set log level to info. See ​​Chapter 18, Logging​​.

​​-m​​​, ​​--dry-run​​

Runs the build with all task actions disabled. See ​​Section 11.7, “Dry Run”​​.


Do not use color in the console output.


Specifies that the build should operate without accessing network resources. See ​​Section 51.9.2, “Command line options to override caching”​​.

​​-P​​​, ​​--project-prop​​

Sets a project property of the root project, for example ​​-Pmyprop=myvalue​​​. See ​​Section 14.2, “Gradle properties and system properties”​​.

​​-p​​​, ​​--project-dir​​

Specifies the start directory for Gradle. Defaults to current directory. See ​​Section 11.5, “Selecting which build to execute”​​.

​​--parallel (incubating)​​

Build projects in parallel. Gradle will attempt to determine the optimal number of executor threads to use. This option should only be used with decoupled projects (see ​​Section 57.9, “Decoupled Projects”​​).

​​--parallel-threads (incubating)​​

Build projects in parallel, using the specified number of executor threads. For example​​--parallel-threads=3​​​. This option should only be used with decoupled projects (see ​​Section 57.9, “Decoupled Projects”​​).


Profiles build execution time and generates a report in the ​​buildDir/reports/profile​​​ directory. See ​​Section 11.6.7, “Profiling a build”​​.


Specifies the project-specific cache directory. Default value is ​​.gradle​​​ in the root project directory. See ​​Section 14.6, “Caching”​​.

​​-q​​​, ​​--quiet​​

Log errors only. See ​​Chapter 18, Logging​​.


Specifies that cached build scripts are skipped and forced to be recompiled. See ​​Section 14.6, “Caching”​​.


Refresh the state of dependencies. See ​​Section 51.9.2, “Command line options to override caching”​​.


Specifies that any task optimization is ignored.

​​-S​​​, ​​--full-stacktrace​​

Print out the full (very verbose) stacktrace for any exceptions. See ​​Chapter 18, Logging​​.

​​-s​​​, ​​--stacktrace​​

Print out the stacktrace also for user exceptions (e.g. compile error). See ​​Chapter 18, Logging​​.

​​-u​​​, ​​--no-search-upwards​​

Don't search in parent directories for a ​​settings.gradle​​ file.

​​-v​​​, ​​--version​​

Prints version info.

​​-x​​​, ​​--exclude-task​​

Specifies a task to be excluded from execution. See ​​Section 11.2, “Excluding tasks”​​.

The above information is printed to the console when you execute ​​gradle -h​​.

D.1. Daemon command-line options:

The ​​Chapter 19, The Gradle Daemon​​​ contains more information about the daemon. For example it includes information how to turn on the daemon by default so that you can avoid using ​​--daemon​​ all the time.


Uses the Gradle daemon to run the build. Starts the daemon if not running or existing daemon busy. ​​Chapter 19, The Gradle Daemon​​ contains more detailed information when new daemon processes are started.


Starts the Gradle daemon in the foreground. Useful for debugging or troubleshooting because you can easily monitor the build execution.


Do not use the Gradle daemon to run the build. Useful occasionally if you have configured Gradle to always run with the daemon by default.


Stops the Gradle daemon if it is running. You can only stop daemons that were started with the Gradle version you use when running ​​--stop​​.

D.2. System properties

The following system properties are available for the gradle command. Note that command-line options take precedence over system properties.


Specifies the Gradle user home directory.

The ​​Section 20.1, “Configuring the build environment via”​​ contains specific information about Gradle configuration available via system properties.

D.3. Environment variables

The following environment variables are available for the gradle command. Note that command-line options and system properties take precedence over environment variables.


Specifies command-line arguments to use to start the JVM. This can be useful for setting the system properties to use for running Gradle. For example you could set​​GRADLE_OPTS="-Dorg.gradle.daemon=true"​​​ to use the Gradle daemon without needing to use the ​​--daemon​​​ option every time you run Gradle. ​​Section 20.1, “Configuring the build environment via”​​ contains more information about ways of configuring the daemon without using environmental variables, e.g. in more maintainable and explicit way.


Specifies the Gradle user home directory (which defaults to “​​USER_HOME/.gradle​​” if not set).


Specifies the JDK installation directory to use.


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