Perforce查看workspace sync到的changlist

网友投稿 1364 2022-11-13

Perforce查看workspace sync到的changlist

Perforce查看workspace sync到的changlist

一 查看workspace sync到的changelist



p4 changes 命令可以查看workspace中文件集合所对应的最高chagnelist:p4 changes -m1 //...#have 可以使用如下命令查看workspace中是否所有的文件都被sync到了最高changelist:p4 sync -n @如果以上命令显示所有的文件都已经是updated,则表示workspace当前被sync到了最高changelist。 同时使用如下命令来确保没有文件被修改但是还没有提交:p4 opened 注意如下的depot语法是等价的:///...//...@//...#have所以从perforce的官方的knowledgebase中看到的命令是p4 changes -m1 //...@


$ p4 changes -m1 "./...#have" Request too large (over 850000); see 'p4 help maxresults'.$ p4 -G files "./...#have" | python c:/cygwin/usr/local/bin/ Files: 266948 2427657 #! /usr/bin/env pythonimport sys, os, marshalif == "nt": # Disable newline translation in Windows. Other operating systems do not # translate file contents. import msvcrt msvcrt.setmode( sys.stdin.fileno(), os.O_BINARY )lastcl = 0num = 0try: while 1: dict = marshal.load(sys.stdin) num = num + 1 for key in dict.keys(): # print "%s: %s" % (key,dict[key]) if key == "change": cl = int(dict[key]) if cl > lastcl: lastcl = clexcept EOFError: passprint "Files: %s" % numprint lastcl

二 p4 cstat

cstat -- Dump change/sync status for current client p4 cstat [files...]Lists changes that are needed, had or partially synced in the current client. The output is returned in tagged format, similar to the fstat command. The fields that cstat displays are:change changelist number status 'have', 'need' or 'partial'

p4 changes的更多使用

p4 changes -m 5 //depot/project/...

Show the last five submitted changelists that include any file under the project

p4 changes -m 5 -c eds_elm

Show the last five submitted changelists from client workspace eds_elm.

p4 changes -m 5 -u edk

Show the last five submitted changelists from user edk.

p4 changes file.c@2000/05/01,2000/06/01

Show any changelists that include file file.c, as mapped to the depot through the client view, during the month of May 2000.

p4 changes -m 1 -s submitted

Output a single line showing the changelist number of the last submitted changelist.

p4 changes @2001/04/01,@now

Display all changelists submitted from April 1, 2001 to the present.

p4 changes @2001/04/01

Display all changelists submitted before








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