HDU 1247 Hat's Words (字典树)

网友投稿 641 2022-11-12

HDU 1247 Hat's Words (字典树)

HDU 1247 Hat's Words (字典树)

【题目链接】​​click here~~​​

【题目大意】A hat’s word is a word in the dictionary that is the concatenation of exactly two other words in the dictionary. ,找出由两个子字符串组成的字符串。


#include using namespace std;const int N=5*1e4+100;const int MOD=998244353;#pragma comment(linker,"/STACK:102400000,102400000")int n,m,k,tot;char word[N][27];typedef long long LL;struct dictree{ int count; bool ok; dictree *tree[27]; dictree() { ok=false; memset(tree,0,sizeof(tree)); }};void insert(dictree *head,char str[]){ dictree *p=head; int i=0; while(str[i]) { int k=(int)(str[i++]-'a'); if(p->tree[k]==NULL) p->tree[k]=new dictree(); p=p->tree[k]; } p->ok=true;}bool search(dictree *head,char str[]){ int i=0,top=0,num[N]; dictree *p=head; while(str[i]) { int k=(int)str[i++]-'a'; if(p->tree[k]==NULL) return false; p=p->tree[k]; if(p->ok&&str[i]) num[top++]=i; } while(top) { bool okk=true; i=num[--top]; p=head; while(str[i]) { int k=(int)str[i++]-'a'; if(p->tree[k]==NULL) { okk=false; break; } p=p->tree[k]; } if(okk&&p->ok) return true; } return false;}int main(){ int len=0; dictree *head=new dictree(); while(gets(word[len])) { insert(head,word[len]); len++; } for(int i=0; i


#include using namespace std;int main(){ string str; setsa,sb; while(cin>>str) sa.insert(str); set::iterator be=sa.begin(),en=sa.end(),op,opp; for(; be!=en; be++) { int Count=be->size(); for(op=be,op++; op!=en; op++) { if(be->compare(op->substr(0,Count))==0) { if(sa.count(op->substr(Count,op->size()-Count))) sb.insert(*op); } else break; } } for(opp=sb.begin(); opp!=sb.end(); opp++) cout<<*opp<

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上一篇:Spring @Cacheable注解中key的使用详解
下一篇:CodeForces 550A Two Substrings(模拟)

