Google Play Store Apps(谷歌应用程序相关数据集)

网友投稿 1035 2022-11-11

Google Play Store Apps(谷歌应用程序相关数据集)

Google Play Store Apps(谷歌应用程序相关数据集)


Web scraped data of 10k Play Store apps for analysing the Android market.

While many public datasets (on Kaggle and the like) provide Apple App Store data, there are not many counterpart datasets available for Google Play Store apps anywhere on the web. On digging deeper, I found out that iTunes App Store page deploys a nicely indexed appendix-like structure to allow for simple and easy web scraping. On the other hand, Google Play Store uses sophisticated modern-day techniques (like dynamic page load) using JQuery making scraping more challenging.


网络收集了10k Play Store应用程序的数据,用于分析Android市场。

虽然许多公共数据集(在Kaggle等网站上)提供了苹果应用商店的数据,但在网络上,谷歌Play Store应用的对应数据集并不多。在深入挖掘之后,我发现iTunes应用商店页面部署了一个索引良好的类似附录的结构,以方便简单的网页抓取。另一方面,googleplaystore使用JQuery的复杂的现代技术(比如动态页面加载),使得抓取变得更具挑战性。

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上一篇:QuickDraw Sketches(快速绘制草图相关数据集)
下一篇:New York City Airbnb Open Data(纽约市Airbnb开放数据集)

