
网友投稿 549 2022-11-10




二.思考:首先想到使用"select connectionId()",然后通过"kill query id"语句来删除掉对应的DB进程.后来发现JdbcTemplate里面CallableStatement的cancel()可以关掉存储过程的调用.那么我们可以结合Timer来计时,当超过N分钟后,就执行cancel()即可.



public class CustomTimeTask extends TimerTask { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomTimeTask.class); CallableStatement cs ; int id; public CustomTimeTask(CallableStatement cs, int id) { super(); this.cs = cs; this.id = id; } @Override public void run() { try { logger.info("[Timeout]TimeTask try to cancel the long time procedure query. Connection ID is [{}]", id); cs.cancel(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("[Timeout]TimeTask fail to cancel the long time procedure query. Please check the if the query has been stopped in database. " + "The connection ID is [{}]", id); } }}


logger.debug("-----------Start to call CSV store procedure------------"); Connection conn = null; CallableStatement cs = null; ResultSet rs = null; Timer timer = null; boolean isQuery = false; ...... try{ conn = jdbcTemplate.getDataSource().getConnection(); cs = conn.prepareCall(foo); .... isQuery = true; int queryTimeoutMins = SystemConfig.getQueryTimeout(); if(queryTimeoutMins>0) { logger.debug("Execute the statemnet to call procedure to connection ID [{}]. " + "And start the timer to cancel the timeout query. Timeout setting [{} minutes]" ,conID,queryTimeoutMins); CustomTimeTask customTimeTask = new CustomTimeTask(cs, conID); timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(customTimeTask, queryTimeoutMins * 60 * 1000); }else { logger.debug("Execute the statemnet to call procedure to gen CSV record to connection ID [{}]. " + "But not start the timer to cancel the timeout query because timeout setting is [{} minutes]" ,conID,queryTimeoutMins); } cs.execute(); if(timer != null) { logger.debug("The query for connection ID [{}] is completed. " + "Cancel the timer and begin to get the resultSet. ",conID); timer.cancel(); timer.purge(); }else { logger.debug("The query for connection ID [{}] is completed. Begin to get the resultSet.",conID); } isQuery = false; rs = cs.getResultSet(); ......... ........... rs.close(); }catch (DataAccessException e) { dbLogger.error("DB is down. Exception is [{}]", e.getMessage()); try { if(isQuery && cs!=null && !cs.isClosed()) { logger.info("Program has begun the query. Try to cancel the procedure query for connection ID [{}]" , conID); cs.cancel(); } } catch (MySQLStatementCancelledException e1) { logger.info("Successfully cancel the procedure query for connection ID [{}]" , conID); if(timer != null) { timer.cancel(); timer.purge(); } isQuery = false; } catch (Exception e1) { logger.error("-- Error occur when try to cancel the query for connection ID[{}]. " + "Exception is [{}].",conID, e.getMessage()); } throw e; } catch (MySQLStatementCancelledException e) { logger.info("Successfully cancel the procedure query for connection ID [{}]" , conID); if(timer != null) { timer.cancel(); timer.purge(); } isQuery = false; return null; }catch (Exception e) { logger.error("-- Error occur, exception is [{}]", e.getMessage()); logger.error("DB: error:", e); try { if(isQuery && cs!=null && !cs.isClosed()) { logger.info("Program has begun the query. Try to cancel the procedure query for connection ID [{}]" , conID); cs.cancel(); } } catch (MySQLStatementCancelledException e1) { logger.info("Successfully cancel the procedure query for connection ID [{}]" , conID); if(timer != null) { timer.cancel(); timer.purge(); } isQuery = false; } catch (Exception e1) { logger.error("-- Error occur when try to cancel the query for connection ID[{}]. " + "Exception is [{}].",conID, e.getMessage()); } return null; }finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (cs != null) cs.close(); if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error occurs when close the connection to database. Error:", e); return null; } } logger.debug("-----------End to call store procedure------------"); return resultMap; }





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