TopCoder TCO 2018 Round 1A 500 (思维)

网友投稿 616 2022-11-09

TopCoder TCO 2018 Round 1A 500 (思维)

TopCoder TCO 2018 Round 1A 500 (思维)

Problem Statement

The Resistance is a multiplayer board game. During the game each player belongs into one of two groups: some are resistance members, others are spies. In this problem there are P players, and exactly S of them are spies. The players are numbered 0 through P-1.The game is played in rounds. In each round of the game a subset of all players goes on a mission. Each player who goes on the mission casts a secret vote on whether they want it to succeed or to fail. Resistance members always vote for the mission to succeed, and spies may cast either vote. (Sometimes a spy will vote for a mission to succeed in order to gain trust of the other players.) If at least one player on a mission voted for it to fail, the mission fails. If everybody voted for the mission to succeed, it succeeds.You are given the ints P and S. You are also given the vector ​​​​ missions: data on all the missions that already took place. Each mission is described by a string. The first character of that string is ‘F’ for a failed mission or ‘S’ for a successful one. The next P characters describe which players went on the mission: for each valid i, character (i+1) is ‘1’ if player i went on the misson and ‘0’ otherwise.Verify whether the mission history is valid. If there is no assignment of roles (spies / resistance members) to players that would be consistent with the given mission history, return an empty vector ​​​​.If the mission history is valid, assume that each of the matching assignments of roles to players is equally likely. Return a vector ​​​​ containing P elements. For each i, the i-th element of the return value should be the probability that player i is a spy, given the above assumption.


41{"S0110", "F1100", "S0011"}Returns: {0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0}


在 Resistance 这款游戏中,存在 resistance members 与 spies 这两种玩家,已知 resistance members 一定想让任务成功,而 spies 则不一定,所有失败的任务一定是因为 spies 的支持所导致的,求每个人是 spies 的概率。


因为总人数 P 很小,于是我们枚举所有可能性(必须包含 S 个间谍),我们首先判断当前所选择的方案是否合法,因为这 S 个间谍的支持导致出现了失败的任务,也就是说若某个失败的任务没有得到任何当前方案里的间谍支持,则该方案是不合法的。

对于每一个合法的方案,这 S 个人成为间谍的概率是等可能的,因此统计他们所出现的次数,最终将 S×1.0 S × 1.0

AC 代码

#include #define IO \ ios::sync_with_stdio(false); \ cin.tie(0); \ cout.tie(0);using namespace std;typedef long long LL;const int maxn = 1e5 + 10;class Resistance {public: bitset<32> sk; bool judgeX(int P, vector &missions) { unordered_set vis; for (int i = 0; i < P; i++) { if (sk[i]) { for (int k = 0; k < (int)missions.size(); k++) { if (missions[k][i + 1] == '1') { vis.insert(k); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < (int)missions.size(); i++) { if (missions[i][0] == 'F') { if (!vis.count(i)) return false; } } return true; } vector spyProbability(int P, int S, vector missions) { int num[20] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < (1 << P); i++) { sk = i; if (sk.count() != S || !judgeX(P, missions)) continue; for (int i = 0; i < P; i++) { if (sk[i]) { num[i]++; } } } int cut = 0; for (int i = 0; i < P; i++) { cut += num[i]; } if (cut == 0) return vector(); double mis = S * 1.0 / cut; vector ans; for (int i = 0; i < P; i++) { ans.push_back(num[i] * mis); } return

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上一篇:Spring Boot中自动执行sql脚本的方法实例
下一篇:POJ 2562:Primary Arithmetic

