HDU 6154 CaoHaha's staff (数学)

网友投稿 472 2022-11-09

HDU 6154 CaoHaha's staff (数学)

HDU 6154 CaoHaha's staff (数学)


“You shall not pass!”After shouted out that,the Force Staff appered in CaoHaha’s hand.As we all know,the Force Staff is a staff with infinity power.If you can use it skillful,it may help you to do whatever you want.But now,his new owner,CaoHaha,is a sorcerers apprentice.He can only use that staff to send things to other place.Today,Dreamwyy come to CaoHaha.Requesting him send a toy to his new girl friend.It was so far that Dreamwyy can only resort to CaoHaha.The first step to send something is draw a Magic array on a Magic place.The magic place looks like a coordinate system,and each time you can draw a segments either on cell sides or on cell diagonals.In additional,you need 1 minutes to draw a segments.If you want to send something ,you need to draw a Magic array which is not smaller than the that.You can make it any deformation,so what really matters is the size of the object.CaoHaha want to help dreamwyy but his time is valuable(to learn to be just like you),so he want to draw least segments.However,because of his bad math,he needs your help.


The first line contains one integer T(T<=300).The number of toys.Then T lines each contains one intetger S.The size of the toy(N<=1e9).


Out put T integer in each line ,the least time CaoHaha can send the toy.

Sample Input


Sample Output



有一个大小为 ​​n​​ 的玩具,我们需要画出面积不小于它的多边形(只能沿着格子边缘或者对角线),每个边缘或者对角线为一步,问最少需要多少步。



假设当前步数为 ​​i​​​ ,则该矩形面积为 ​​2.0 * (i/4) * (i/2 - (i/4))​​ 。

而当步数为奇数时,我们需要在比它小的一个偶数步的基础上,将其最长边拆开,增加一条边使其面积增大 ​​(d * 2 - 1) * 0.5​​ 。


AC 代码

#includeusing namespace std;const int maxn = 1e5+10;typedef __int64 LL;const int mod = 1e9+7;double ans[maxn];void init(){ double lastL,lastR; for(int i=4; i>T; while(T--) { LL n; cin>>n; cout<

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上一篇:Codeforces 839 B. Game of the Rows (贪心)
下一篇:HDU 5988 Coding Contest (最小费用流)

