HDU 6208 The Dominator of Strings (SAM)

网友投稿 554 2022-11-09

HDU 6208 The Dominator of Strings (SAM)

HDU 6208 The Dominator of Strings (SAM)


Here you have a set of strings. A dominator is a string of the set dominating all strings else. The string S is dominated by T if S is a substring of T.


The input contains several test cases and the first line provides the total number of cases.For each test case, the first line contains an integer N indicating the size of the set.Each of the following N lines describes a string of the set in lowercase.The total length of strings in each case has the limit of 100000.The limit is 30MB for the input file.


For each test case, output a dominator if exist, or No if not.

Sample Input


Sample Output






我们建立最长串的后缀自动机,然后其他串用来匹配即可,若所有都可以匹配成功,则说明当前串即为结果,否则输出 ​​No​​ 。

AC 代码

#includeusing namespace std;typedef long long LL;const int CHAR = 26;const int MAXN = 1e5+10;struct sam_node{ sam_node *fa,*next[CHAR]; int len; LL cnt; void clear() { fa = NULL; cnt = 0; memset(next,0,sizeof(next)); }} pool[MAXN<<1],*root,*tail;sam_node *newnode(int len){ sam_node *cur = tail++; cur->clear(); cur->len=len; return cur;}void sam_init(){ tail = pool; root = newnode(0);}sam_node *extend(sam_node *last,int x){ sam_node *p=last,*np = newnode(p->len+1); while(p&&!p->next[x]) p->next[x]=np,p=p->fa; if(!p)np->fa=root; else { sam_node *q=p->next[x]; if(q->len==p->len+1)np->fa=q; else { sam_node *nq=newnode(p->len+1); memcpy(nq->next,q->next,sizeof(q->next)); nq->fa = q->fa; q->fa = np->fa = nq; while(p&&p->next[x]==q) p->next[x]=nq,p=p->fa; } } return np;}char str[MAXN];set sk;int maxlen;bool start(){ for(auto s:sk) { int len=s.length(); if(len!=maxlen) { sam_node *t=root; for(int i=0; inext[w]) t = t->next[w]; else return false; } } } return true;}void init(){ maxlen=0; sk.clear();}template inline void scan_d(T &ret){ char c; ret = 0; while ((c = getchar()) < '0' || c > '9'); while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { ret = ret * 10 + (c - '0'), c = getchar(); }}char tt[MAXN];int main(){ int T; scan_d(T); while(T--) { init(); int n; scan_d(n); for(int i=0; i1) { puts("No"); break; } strcpy(tt,s.data()); } } if(toal<=1) { sam_init(); sam_node *now = root; for(int i=0; i

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上一篇:HDU 2064:汉诺塔III
下一篇:Codeforces 839 D. Winter is here (莫比乌斯反演)

