[leetcode] 955. Delete Columns to Make Sorted II

网友投稿 663 2022-11-08

[leetcode] 955. Delete Columns to Make Sorted II

[leetcode] 955. Delete Columns to Make Sorted II


You are given an array of n strings strs, all of the same length.

We may choose any deletion indices, and we delete all the characters in those indices for each string.

For example, if we have strs = [“abcdef”,“uvwxyz”] and deletion indices {0, 2, 3}, then the final array after deletions is [“bef”, “vyz”].

Suppose we chose a set of deletion indices answer such that after deletions, the final array has its elements in lexicographic order (i.e., strs[0] <= strs[1] <= strs[2] <= … <= strs[n - 1]). Return the minimum possible value of answer.length.

Example 1:

Input: strs = ["ca","bb","ac"]Output: 1Explanation: After deleting the first column, strs = ["a", "b", "c"].Now strs is in lexicographic order (ie. strs[0] <= strs[1] <= strs[2]).We require at least 1 deletion since initially strs was not in lexicographic order, so the answer is 1.

Example 2:

Input: strs = ["xc","yb","za"]Output: 0Explanation: strs is already in lexicographic order, so we do not need to delete anything.Note that the rows of strs are not necessarily in lexicographic order:i.e., it is NOT necessarily true that (strs[0][0] <= strs[0][1] <= ...)

Example 3:

Input: strs = ["zyx","wvu","tsr"]Output: 3Explanation: We have to delete every column.


n == strs.length1 <= n <= 1001 <= strs[i].length <= 100strs[i] consists of lowercase English letters.




主意这里面的for else的用法,for里面执行完之后才会调用else语句,如果for通过break跳出来了,则else不会执行的哈。python挺神奇的操作,哈哈。


class Solution: def minDeletionSize(self, strs: List[str]) -> int: res=0 order=[1]*(len(strs)-1) m=len(strs) n=len(strs[0]) for j in range(n): if(sum(order)==0): return res for i in range(m-1): if(order[i]==0): continue if(strs[i][j]>strs[i+1][j]): res+=1 break else: for i in range(m-1): if(strs[i][j]


​​955.Delete Columns to Make Sorted II(删列造序​​​​[LeetCode] 955. Delete Columns to Make Sorted II 删除列使其有序之二​​

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上一篇:[leetcode] 213. House Robber II
下一篇:[leetcode] 1558. Minimum Numbers of Function Calls to Make Target Array

