
网友投稿 1028 2022-11-05



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Entitas - The Entity Component System Framework for C# and Unity

Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System Framework (ECS) specifically made for C# and Unity. Internal caching and blazing fast component access makes it second to none. Several design decisions have been made to work optimal in a garbage collected environment and to go easy on the garbage collector. Entitas comes with an optional code generator which radically reduces the amount of code you have to write and makes your code read like well written prose.

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First glimpse

The optional code generator lets you write code that is super fast, safe and literally screams its intent.

public static GameEntity CreateRedGem(this GameContext context, Vector3 position) { var entity = context.CreateEntity(); entity.isGameBoardElement = true; entity.isMovable = true; entity.AddPosition(position); entity.AddAsset("RedGem"); entity.isInteractive = true; return entity;}

var entities = context.GetEntities(Matcher.AllOf(GameMatcher.Position, GameMatcher.Velocity));foreach(var e in entities) { var pos = e.position; var vel = e.velocity; e.ReplacePosition(pos.value + vel.value);}


Entitas is fast, light and gets rid of unnecessary complexity. There are less than a handful classes you have to know to rocket start your game or application:

EntityContextGroupEntity Collector


Code Generator

The Code Generator generates classes and methods for you, so you can focus on getting the job done. It radically reduces the amount of code you have to write and improves readability by a huge magnitude. It makes your code less error-prone while ensuring best performance. I strongly recommend using it!


Unity integration

The optional Unity module integrates Entitas nicely into Unity and provides powerful editor extensions to inspect and debug contexts, groups, entities, components and systems.


Entitas deep dive

Read the wiki or checkout the example projects to see Entitas in action. These example projects illustrate how systems, groups, collectors and entities all play together seamlessly.

Download Entitas

Each release is published with zip files containing all source files you need.

Show releases

Thanks to

Big shout out to @mzaks, @cloudjubei and @devboy for endless hours of discussion and helping making Entitas awesome!


@sschmid | @s_schmid | @entitas_csharp

Different language?

Entitas is available in


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