SwiftPlate:只要几秒钟执行时间,即可生成跨平台框架 Xcode 项目

网友投稿 562 2022-11-04

SwiftPlate:只要几秒钟执行时间,即可生成跨平台框架 Xcode 项目

SwiftPlate:只要几秒钟执行时间,即可生成跨平台框架 Xcode 项目


Easily generate cross platform Swift framework projects from the command line.

SwiftPlate will generate Xcode projects for you in seconds, that support:

CocoaPods Carthage Swift Package Manager iOS macOS watchOS tvOS Linux

Just run swiftplate, and you’ll be presented with a simple step-by-step guide:


Using Homebrew (recommended)

$ brew install swiftplate$ swiftplate

Using Make

$ git clone git@github.com:JohnSundell/SwiftPlate.git$ cd swiftplate$ make

Using Marathon

$ git clone git@github.com:JohnSundell/SwiftPlate.git$ marathon run swiftplate/main

Using the Swift interpreter directly

$ git clone git@github.com:JohnSundell/SwiftPlate.git$ swift swiftplate/main.swift

Using Xcode

$ git clone git@github.com:JohnSundell/SwiftPlate.git$ open swiftplate/SwiftPlate.xcodeproj

Command line arguments

Besides using the guide to input information, SwiftPlate also supports command line arguments when launched. When a certain piece of information is supplied through an argument, SwiftPlate won't ask for that information when run. These are the arguments currently supported:

NameDescriptionLong parameterShort parameter
DestinationWhere the generated project should be saved--destination-d
Project nameThe name of your project--project-p
Author nameYour name--name-n
Author emailYour email (for Podspec)--email-e
GitHub URLAny URL you'll be hosting the project at (for Podspec)--url-u
Organization nameThe name of your organization--organization-o
RepoAny custom SwiftPlate repository that should be used for templates--repo-r
ForcePrevent user prompt at the end (for CIs etc.)--force-f

Questions or feedback?

Feel free to open an issue, or find me @johnsundell on Twitter.

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上一篇:Spektral是一个用Python构建并基于Keras API的关系表示学习框架

