
网友投稿 555 2022-11-03




This is a simple JS library to handle paste / drag-drop events in your web app.


Right here

How it works

Include the library in your web app: Add listeners for paste or drop events: document.addEventListener('drop', function(e){}, false)Inside the listener, just call psst(e):

document.addEventListener('drop', function(e){ psst(e) .then(function(result){ console.log(result); // result is a JSON object that contains all data about the file/data that was just dropped/pasted into your app }) .catch(function(error){ console.error(error); });}, false);

What you'll find in result / error

If user pastes / drops an image file

result = { status: "success", type: "image", data: "...", // base64 data of image file time: 154534523423 // unix timestamp}

If user drops a text-based file (like html, md, txt etc)

result = { status: "success", type: "file", data: "....." (truncated text content of the file), time: 154534523423 // unix timestamp}

(psst() uses the HTML 5 File API to read files)

If user drops a file which is not allowed

error = { status: "failure", message: "This filetype is not allowed."}

By default, the filetypes allowed are jpg, png and jpeg but you can add more filetypes.

If you want to add filetypes like md and txt, put them in an array and then, pass that into the psst(e) function like so:

arr = ['md','txt'];psst(e, arr)

If user pastes an image from clipboard

result = { status: "success", type: "image", data: "...", // base64 data of image file time: 154534523423 // unix timestamp}

If user pastes text from clipboard

result = { status: "success", type: "text", data: "...", // clipboard text time: 154534523423 // unix timestamp}

If user pastes but clipboard is empty (or some other issue with clipboard data and therefore can't be read)

error = { status: "failure", message: "No data in the clipboard" // or "Couldn't detect clipboard data."}


Send errors as object to reject() instead of string Handle errors in FileReader Handle text-based files and output content as result.data

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上一篇:UETool 是一个各方人员(设计师、程序员、测试)都可以使用的调试工具

