
网友投稿 631 2022-11-02



Simple React Clipboard

A simple and flexible React utility component for copying texts to the clipboard. Demo and sample code here.

Why This?

Existing React clipboard libraries are restrictive (e.g. you can only trigger copy on click / you must render a button or a span). Simple React Clipboard allows you to trigger copy whenever and however you want, with whatever component that fits your use case.

Getting Started

npm i simple-react-clipboard

The component passed in the render prop will have the copy function passed in as a prop. The copy function will copy the text prop to the clipboard.

import React from "react";import Clipboard from "simple-react-clipboard";const Demo = () => ( } />)export default Demo;


renderfunctionA function that returns a React element.Y
textstringThe text to be copied when copy is called.Y
propsobjectprops to pass to the component in renderN
onSuccessfunctionFunction called when copy succeeds.N
onErrorfunctionFunction called when copy fails.N

To Run this Repository

git clone https://github.com/donfour/simple-react-clipboard.gitnpm installnpm run dev

To Test this Repository

npm run test


This package is based on the awesome clipboard.js.

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