ezrpc 是一个微服务框架,用于服务器端的 RPC 通讯

网友投稿 1138 2022-11-01

ezrpc 是一个微服务框架,用于服务器端的 RPC 通讯

ezrpc 是一个微服务框架,用于服务器端的 RPC 通讯


ezrpc is a micro service framework for server side rpc communication.

It's based on nats and thrift, using code-gen approach, supporting Go & -(C#).

Service Definition

service Category { list GetIDs(1:i32 offset, 2:i32 limit),}


1 Generate language specified source files by thrift IDL

* C#thrift --gen csharp -o ./sample/ ./sample/HelloWorld.thrift* Gogenerator ./sample/HelloWorld.thrift` ./sample/

2 Genrate source files which will be used for subscribing NATS messages

* C#./ezrpc gen -l csharp -i ./sample/HelloWorld.thrift -o ./sample* Go./ezrpc gen -l go -i ./sample/HelloWorld.thrift -o ./sample

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