
网友投稿 948 2022-11-01



Shieldon is a Web APPlication Firewall (WAF) for PHP. Taking less than 10 minutes only, PHP expert developers will understand how to implement Shiedon Firewall on their Web applications. The goal of this library is to make the PHP community more secure and being extremely easy-to-use.

Website: https://shieldon.ioGitHub repository: plugin:


This is basic concepts about how Shieldon works.

The network-layer firewall such as CloudFlare.The system-layer firewall such as iptables module.To use firewall software in the Web application layer, we are capable of implementing Shieldon in a very early stage of your APP, mostly just after Composer autoloader.Shieldon analyzes all your HTTP and HTTPS requests.Once Shieldon has detected strange behaviors of a request, Shieldon will temporarily ban them and prompt them CAPTCHA for them to unban.If a request fails in a row many times (depends on your setting), they will be permanently banned in current data circle.If a request has been permanently banned, but they still access your page, drop them in System-layer firewall - iptables.


SEO friendlyHttp-type DDOS mitigation.Anti-scraping.Online session control.Cross-site scripting (XSS) protection.Interrupting vulnerability scanning.Eradicating brute force attacks.IP manager.Protecting pages via WWW-Authenticate.Detailed statistics and charts.Send notifications when specific events occurred. Supported modules: TelegramLine NotifyRocket ChatSlackSendGridMailgunMail (Using Native PHP mail function.)SMTP Web UI for System firewall - iptables and ip6tables.


Use PHP Composer:

composer require shieldon/shieldon

Or, download it and include the Shieldon autoloader.

require 'Shieldon/autoload.php';


Here are the guides of integrating with the popular PHP frameworks.


Firewall Panel

Shieldon provides a Firewall Instance, and it's visualization UI called Firewall Panel. By using Shieldon Firewall, you can easily implement it on your Web application.

Click here to view demo.

user: demopassword: demo


Only a few screenshots are listed below.

Firewall Panel

Captcha Stats

Online Session Stats

You can see the real-time data here if Online Session Limit is enabled.

Rule Table

You can temporarily ban a user here.


Shieldon's Firewall Panel is fully responsive, and you can manage it when you are not in front of your computer, using your mobile phone at any time.


Temporarily Ban a User

When the users or robots are trying to view many your web pages in a short period of time, they will temporarily get banned. Get unbanned by solving a Catpcha.

Permanently Ban a User

When a user has been permanently banned.

Online Session Control

When a user has reached the online session limit.


Provided by Messenger library.

Send notification via Telegram API.


Core Function

Welcome to contribute your idea to this project. Before sending your pull request, please make sure everything is tested well without errors.


MySQL or MariaDB installed.Redis installed. (Also require PHP extension php_redis)


Run composer update to install required libraries.composer update Create a writable folder tmp. (same level with src folder.) for temporary testing files.mkdir tmpchmod 777 tmp Create a MySQL database shieldon_unittestmysql -u root -e 'CREATE DATABASE shieldon_unittest;' Create a user shieldon'@'localhost with password taiwan.mysql -u root -e "CREATE USER 'shieldon'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'taiwan';" Grant database permissions on shieldon_unittest to shieldon'@'localhost.mysql -u root -e "GRANT ALL ON shieldon_unittest.* TO 'shieldon'@'localhost';"

Run test

composer test

Help with Transation

Thank you very much for considering contributing to Shieldon Firewall, yet we need your help to translate our webiste, documentation and i18n files in Shieldon library. Here are the links:

WebsiteDocumentationi18n files in Shieldon library


Shieldon library is brought to you by Terry L. from Taiwan.


Shieldon Firewall is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


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上一篇:107+ 编码面试问题,包括详细的解决方案,测试用例和程序分析
下一篇:【leetcode_medium】33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array

