107+ 编码面试问题,包括详细的解决方案,测试用例和程序分析

网友投稿 728 2022-11-01

107+ 编码面试问题,包括详细的解决方案,测试用例和程序分析

107+ 编码面试问题,包括详细的解决方案,测试用例和程序分析

116+ Coding Interview Problems with Detailed Solutions

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I am building a database of most frequently appeared coding interview problems that I think are the most valuable and productive to spend time on. For each one, I am including my thoughts of process on how to approach and solve it, adding well-documented solutions with test cases, time and space complexity analysis. My goal is to help you get good algorithms and data structures so that you can prepare better for your next coding interviews.

These resources that I am looking at are:

Interview CakeLeetCodeCracking the Coding InterviewsGrokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding QuestionsElements of Programming Interviews

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Table of Contents

Interview CakeArray and string manipulation Merge meeting timesReverse string in placeReverse wordsMerge sorted arrays Hashing and hash tables In-flight entertainmentPermutation palindromeWord cloud dataTop scores Greedy algorithms Apple stocksHighest product of threeProduct of all other numbersIn-place shuffle Sorting, searching, and logarithms Find rotation point Trees and graphs Balanced binary treeBinary search tree checker2nd largest item in a binary search treeGraph coloring Dynamic programming and recursion Recursive string permutationsCompute nth Fibonacci numberMaking change Queues and stacks Largest stackA queue with two stacksParenthesis matchingBracket validator Linked lists Delete nodeLinked list has a cycleReverse a linked listKth to last node Bit manipulation The stolen breakfast drone LeetCodeArray/String Two sum ITwo sum IIValid palindromeImplement strstr()Reverse words in stringLongest substring without repeating charactersMissing rangesOne edit distance Math Reverse integerPlus onePalindrome number Linked list Merge sorted linked listAdd two numbersSwap nodes in pairs Binary tree Validate binary search treeMaximum depth of binary treeMinimum depth of binary treeBalanced binary treeBinary tree maximum path sum Bit manipulation Single number ISingle number II Misc Spiral matrix Stack Min stackValid parenthesis Dynamic programming Climbing stairs Cracking the Coding InterviewsBit manipulation Bit operationBit insertion Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding QuestionsSliding Window Average of any contiguous subarray of size kMaximum sum of any contiguous subarray of size kSmallest subarray with a given sumLongest substring with k distinct charactersFruits into basketsLongest substring without repeating charactersLongest substring after k replacementsLongest substring after ones replacementsPermutation in stringString anagrams Two pointers Pair with target sumRemove duplicatesSquaring a sorted arrayDutch national flag problem Fast and slow pointers Linked list cycleStart of a linked list cycleHappy numberMiddle of a linked listPalindrome linked listReorder a linked list Merge intervals Merge intervalsInsert intervalIntervals intersectionConflicting appointment Cyclic sort Cyclic sortMissing numberMissing numbersFind duplicateFind duplicatesFind corrupt pair In-place reversal of a linked list Reverse a linked list Tree breath first search Binary tree level order traversalReverse level order traversalZigzag traversalLevel averagesMinimum depthMaximum depthLevel order successor Tree depth first search Binary tree path sumSum of path numbers Two Heaps Find the median of a number stream Subsets SubsetsSubsets with duplicatesPermutations Grokking Dynamic Programming PatternsKnapsack 0/1 KnapsackEqual subset sum partition Fibonacci numbers Fibonacci numbersStaircaseNumber factors Practical Algorithms and Data StructuresElements of Programming InterviewsLab (to experiment with different ideas)Data structures Tree Balanced binary treeBinary tree traversals Priority Queue: TODOBloom filter: TODOLRU cache Sorting Bubble sortSelection sortInsertion sortMerge SortQuicksortHeapsortCounting SortRadix Sort: TODO


Count the number of questions:

make count

Clean up, lint source files, run tests and be ready for a push:

make ready

Test only:

make test

Test and report:

make cover

Test verbose:

make test-verbose


make lint

Clean up:

make clean

For more information:

make help

Stargazers over time

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上一篇:django-simple-task在Django 3中运行后台任务,而无需其他服务和工作程序

