
网友投稿 1019 2022-10-31



Flare is a network analytic framework designed for data scientists, security researchers, and network professionals. Written in Python, it is designed for rapid prototyping and development of behavioral analytics, and intended to make identifying malicious behavior in networks as simple as possible.

Getting Started

Currently supports python 2.7 and python 3

sudo pip install -r requirements.txtpython setup.py install

First Use

Once Flare is installed you may use it via the command line by calling flare_beacon. You can use command line parameters or call a configuration file (recommended). See the configs directory for sample configuration files.

Example command below:

flare_beacon -c /path/to/flare/config/elasticsearch.ini --focus_outbound --whois flare_beacon -json /tmp/flare.json

Core Features

Command and Control Analytics Identify Beaconing in your environment (works with Suricata output and ElasticSearch) Feature Extraction Helper utility functions to filter out the noise. Alexa, Umbrella, and Majestic Million (coming soon)WHOIS IP LookupPre-build machine learning classifiersSo much more...



Designed for elasticsearch and Suricata, elasticBeacon will connect to your elasticsearch server, retrieve all IP addresses and identify periodic activity.

You may need to forward port 9200 to your localhost with ssh -NfL 9200:localhost:9200 user@x.x.x.x

from flare.analytics.command_control import elasticBeaconeb = elasticBeacon(es_host='localhost')beacons = eb.find_beacons(group=True, focus_outbound=True)

Also available in commandline:

CSV OUTPUTflare_beacon --whois --focus_outbound -mo=100 --csv_out=beacon_results.csvHTML OUTPUTflare_beacon --group --whois --focus_outbound -c configs/elasticsearch.ini -html beacons.htmlJSON OUTPUT (for SIEM)flare_beacon --whois --focus_outbound -c /opt/flare-master/configs/selks4.ini -json beacon.json -v

Full writeup here

Domain Features


from flare.tools.alexa import Alexaalexa = Alexa(limit=1000000)print alexa.domain_in_alexa('google.com') # Returns Trueprint alexa.subdomain_in_alexa('www') # Returns Trueprint alexa.DOMAINS_TOP1M #Displays domains (in this case top 100)

IP Utilities

from flare.tools.whoisip import WhoisLookupwhois = WhoisLookup()whois.get_name_by_ip('')OUT: 'GOOGLE - Google Inc., US'from flare.tools.iputils import hex_to_ip, ip_to_hexip_to_hex(''), hex_to_ip('08080808')OUT: (u'08080808', '')

Convert Hex to IP and vice/versaCheck for Private, Multicast, or Reserved domainsIdentify the owner of a public IP address

Data Science Features

from flare.data_science.features import dga_classifierdga_c = dga_classifier()print dga_c.predict('facebook')Legitprint dga_c.predict('39al31ak3')dga

from flare.data_science.features import entropyfrom flare.data_science.features import ip_matcherfrom flare.data_science.features import domain_extractfrom flare.data_science.features import levenshteinfrom flare.data_science.features import domain_tld_extract# Entropy exampleprint entropy('akd93ka8a91a')2.58496250072# IP Matcher Exampleprint ip_matcher('')Trueprint ip_matcher('39.993.9.1')False# Domain Extract Exampledomain_extract('longsubdomain.huntoperator.com')'huntoperator'# Domain TLD Extractdomain_tld_extract('longsubdomain.huntoperator.com')'huntoperator.com'# Levenshtein examplea = ['google.com']b = ['googl3.com']print levenshtein(a, b)'Difference of:' 1

and many more features for data extraction...

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上一篇:Chainer: 一个用于深度学习的神经网络灵活框架

