
网友投稿 882 2022-10-30



React Hooks Todo App

A trial to achieve a correct approach. Trying to get rid off using Redux, make contexts more useful with useReducer and make components "easy-to-test simple functions".

A highly decoupled, testable TodoList app that uses React hooks.

This is a training repo to learn about new hooks feature of React and creating a testable environment.

Zero-dependencyNo class componentsUses Context to share a global stateUses useReducer to manage state actionsuseState to create local stateDecoupled state logic (Actions)Testable components (Uses Jest + Enzyme for tests)Custom Hooks for persisting state.

For better approaches please open Pull Requests


1. Context:

The main approach was to get rid off Redux and use React Contexts instead. With the composition of useState, useContext I created a global state. And passed it into a custom hook called useTodos. useTodos curries useState output and generates a state manager which will be passed into TodoContext.Provider to be used as a global state.

function App() { // create a global store to store the state const globalStore = useContext(Store); // `todos` will be a state manager to manage state. const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, globalStore); return ( // State.Provider passes the state and dispatcher to the down );}

2. The Reducer:

The second approach was to seperate the main logic, just as the actions of Redux. But these are fully functional, every function returns whole state.

// Reducer is the classical reducer that we know from Redux.// used by `useReducer`export default function reducer(state, action) { switch (action.type) { case "ADD_TODO": return { ...state, todos: [...state.todos, action.payload] }; case "COMPLETE": return { ...state, todos: state.todos.filter(t => t !== action.payload) }; default: return state; }}

3. State and Dispatcher

I reach out state and dispathcer of context using useContext and I can reach to the actions.

import React, { useContext } from "react";import Store from "../context";export default function TodoForm() { const { state, dispatch } = useContext(Store); // use `state.todos` to get todos // use `dispatch({ type: 'ADD_TODO', payload: 'Buy milk' })`

4. Persistence with custom hooks:

I created custom hooks to persist state on localStorage

import { useEffect } from "react";// Accepts `useContext` as first parameter and returns cached context.export function usePersistedContext(context, key = "state") { const persistedContext = localStorage.getItem(key); return persistedContext ? JSON.parse(persistedContext) : context;}// Accepts `useReducer` as first parameter and returns cached reducer.export function usePersistedReducer([state, dispatch], key = "state") { useEffect(() => localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(state)), [state]); return [state, dispatch];}

The App function will be:

function App () { const globalStore = usePersistedContext(useContext(Store)); // `todos` will be a state manager to manage state. const [state, dispatch] = usePersistedReducer(useReducer(reducer, globalStore));

5. Everything is testable decoupled:

The last but most important part of the approach is to make all the parts testable. They don't tie to eachother which makes me to write tests easily.



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