Tuf o :用于Qt之上的C++构建的异步Web框架

网友投稿 589 2022-10-30

Tuf o :用于Qt之上的C++构建的异步Web框架

Tuf o :用于Qt之上的C++构建的异步Web框架

!!! I can no longer maintain this project. If you're interessed, please contact me and I can move the projetct to you !!!

Tufão - an asynchronous web framework for C++ built on top of Qt

Tufão is a web framework for C++ that makes use of Qt's object communication system (signals & slots). It features:

High performance standalone serverCross-plataform supportGood documentationSupport modern HTTP features Persistent streamsChunked entities100-continue statusWebSocket HTTPS supportFlexible request routerStatic file server with support for conditional requests, partial download and automatic mime detectionPlugin-based server to allow change the running code without restart the applicationFlexible and secure session supportQtCreator's plugin to allow create new applications rapidlyLots of testsTimeout supportC++11

You can generate documentation from the source code using Doxygen. The documentation will be put on the doc folder in the html and tex formats. There is also experimental support for Qt compressed help files.


The library is under the LGPLv2 and public header files, documentation and examples are under MIT license.

The Tufão logo is licensed under [Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported] (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).

The library is dynamic linked against Qt and include code from Boost.Http parser. Qt library is licensed under LGPL and Boost.Http is licensed under the Boost Software License.

So, you can create commercial applications (the only restriction is that if you do any modifications to Tufão, these modifications must be redistributed).

Getting dependencies

$ git submodule update --init


Make sure you have Qt and CMake installed and with the PATH to its executables set, then create a folder for the build and, from there, run:

$ cmake OPTIONS path_to_source_dir$ make MAKEOPTIONS

OPTIONS can be null or have a combination of the following values:

-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${INSTALLDIR} sets the directory where to install Tufão.-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel-DLIB_SUFFIX=${LIB_SUFFIX} set the suffix for the install destination. If you are compiling Tufão under a 64 bit system using a 32 bit "environment", maybe you want to set this variable to 32, then Tufão libs will be installed under "${INSTALLDIR}/lib32". This setting is highly dependent on your operating system conventions and I do not try to put any auto magic detection.-DGENERATE_DOC=YES generate documentation using Doxygen-DENABLE_TESTS=YES generate and run tests

OPTIONS available on Windows:

-G"MinGW Makefiles" to generate Makefiles for use with MinGW environment-G"Visual Studio 10" to generate project files for Visual Studio 10

MAKEOPTIONS can be null or have a combination of the following values:

install installs TufãoDESTDIR=${PKGDIR} sets the directory where to install Tufão. This options should be used if you intend to package Tufão to set the package directory. To choose another installation directory, see options in OPTIONS, above.


$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr$ make DESTDIR=pkg install

NOTE: Qt 5.0 or later is required for 1.x series. Qt 4.7 or later is required to 0.x series.

NOTE: If you intend to create a CPack-based installer, just run:

# To create a binary distribution:cpack -C CPackConfig.cmake# To create a source distribution:cpack -C CPackSourceConfig.cmake# To create a Windows NSIS-based installer:cpack -GNSIS


To generate the documentation, just run doxygen using Doxyfile as configuration file and the documentation will be generated in the folder doc. The documentation is available in the following formats:

HTML: Always generated. It should be in the doc/html folder.latex: You can use this format to generate a pdf. Just run make inside the doc/latex folder.Qt Compressed Help file: If you have qhelpgenerator binary tool in the system PATH, then the file is generated when you run doxygen and should be in doc/qch/tufao.qch. If you have qhelpgenerator tool installed, but not configured in the system PATH, but still want to generate the documentation in this format, just run the tool using doc/html/index.qhp as input file.


Tufão also have a lot of code to test its correctness. These codes are based on QTestLib and generate self-contained executables. There is also some CTest rules and integration with the CMake build. To run the tests, just execute:

make tests

Or, if you don't want to use Makefiles:


In Visual Studio, the target RUN_TESTS is created.

CTest integrates with CDash to allow developers to centralize the tests result. You can send the results to CDash running the Experimental target:

make Experimental

You can see the Tufão testing log at Tufao CDash project's page.


The default install prefix is /usr/local, if you don't intend to change it, just run, after build:

# make install

To install to a different prefix, run:

$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${DESTDIR}$ make install

NOTE: You may need to run ldconfig after installation depending on your system.


To use Tufão in your Qt projects, just edit your .pro file and add the line:


You can find some examples in the examples folder.

If you're planning to use OS X, then the following line is also required, as reported by some users:


Tufão has PKG-CONFIG support also. Its module name is 'tufao1'.

If you want use Tufão in other build system, just add the compiler option -ltufao1.

You can also see Tufão documentation integrated in QtAssistant.


Version 1.4

Replaces Ryan Dahl's HTTP parser. Now Boost.Http parser is used.Fixes HTTP pipelining support.

Version 1.3

Added canHandleRequest to HttpFileServer

Version 1.2

New class to handle REST api introduced (thanks to Timothy Reaves) The class has its own plugin system, partly incompatible with Tufão's default Tufão's plugin system improved to better track files deletion. It requires no code changes, but you still need to do a one-line change to the config file, because I was worried about backwards compatibility.See HttpPluginServer::setConfig for details

Version 1.1

Add ability to ignore a set of SSL errors in WebSocketDocumentation updatesBugfix in AbstractHttpServerRequestHandler (thanks to Benjamin Zeller)Updated Ryan Dahl's HTTP parser to version 2.2.1

Version 1.0

The project finally have a logo (made by me in Inkscape)Deprecated API was removedUrl and QueryString removed in favor of QUrlHeaders refactored to inherit from QMultiHash instead of QMultiMapHttpServerResponse Constructor's options argument is optional nowsetOptions method addedConstructor takes a reference to a QIODevice instead a pointer HttpServerRequest Constructor takes a reference to a QAbstractSocket instead a pointersocket method returns a reference instead a pointerurl returns a QUrldata signal was changed and you must use readBody method to access body's content.the upgrade's head data is accessed from the request body from now onnow the object auto-disconnects slots from data and end signals right before emit readysetCustomData and customData methods added Now HttpServerRequestRouter use these methods to pass the list of captured texts HttpServer uses reference instead of pointers in several placesAbstractHttpServerRequestRouter refactored to explore lambdas features.Tufão's plugin system fully refactored It's using JSON files as configuration AbstractHttpServerRequestHandler::handleRequest It uses references instead pointersIt receives 2 arguments instead of 3 One more abstraction to sessions created to explore lambdasWebSocket startServerHandshake is taking references instead pointers LESS POINTERS and MORE REFERENCES This change exposes a model more predictive and naturalI'm caring less about Qt style and more about C++ style But don't worry, I'll maintain a balance Using scoped enumsHttpFileServer uses/sends mime infoInterfaces don't inherit from QObject anymore, so you can use multiple inheritance to make the same class implement many interfacesHttpUpgradeRouter introduced HttpServer::setUpgradeHandler also Updated QtCreator plugin to work with QtCreator 2.7.0 and Qt 5

Version 0.6:

HttpServerRequest setUrl added UrlRewriterHandler addedHttpUpgradeRouter addedheaders can be "streamed" to QDebug objects

Version 0.5:

WebSocket peerAddress() method addedpeerSocket() method added

Version 0.4:

Using CMake build system Changes to allow parallel Tufão installations (if major versions differs)Added PKGCONFIG support Session supportBetter documentation

Version 0.3

More application templates in QtCreator Tufão's pluginClass to serve static files with support for conditional requests and byte-range requestsRobust request router addedHTTP plugin server addedUsing newer version of Ryan Dahl's HTTP parserChanged license from public headers to MITMSVC supportSome minor improvements

Version 0.2:

Code is more stableDocumentation improvedHttpServerResponse is easier to useWebSocket supportTUFAO_VERSION_MAJOR and TUFAO_VERSION_MINOR macros addedQtCreator pluginNew examples


Here is a small roadmap for Tufão:


RPC supportService discovery and description support


Forms and file uploads

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