
网友投稿 869 2022-10-30



Agnos - The Agnostic RPC FrameworkAgnos is a cross-platform, cross-language, lightweight RPC framework.============================================================================== Discloure==============================================================================Agnos is being developed at IBM XIV (, at the Host Side Group, and is released as an Open Source project under the Apache 2 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.The following statements was required by our lawyers: * The design of the project had been inspired by Thrift (, although the projects do not share code. Thrift is licensed as Apache 2, which allows deriviative works. * The name "Microsoft" appears several times in the repository, in Visual Studio solution and project files (.sln, .csproj, .vcxproj), as these files reference XML schemas; in paths of some executable tools; and in documentation material. This does not imply that Microsoft is in anyway affiliated with this project.============================================================================== How to run the Agnos Toolchain from a cloned repository:==============================================================================1) Clone this repository2) Install scons ( Create a symlink (on Windows use mklink) to compiler/src/agnos_compiler and place it somewhere in your pythonPATH, e.g.: $ ln -s /absolute/path/of/agnos_toolchain/compiler/src/agnos_compiler /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/agnos_compiler Note: the link should be named "agnos_compiler"4) Create a symlink to libagnos/python/src/agnos and place it somewhere in your PYTHONPATH, e.g: $ ln -s /absolute/path/of/agnos_toolchain/libagnos/python/src/agnos /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/agnos Note: the link should be named "agnos"5) Put compiler/bin/agnosc and compiler/bin/agnosrc-py in your PATH (either by adding them to the PATH or by creating symlinks to /usr/bin, etc.) $ ln -s /absolute/path/of/agnos_toolchain/compiler/bin/agnosc /usr/bin/agnosc $ ln -s /absolute/path/of/agnos_toolchain/compiler/bin/agnosrc-py /usr/bin/agnosrc-py Note: on Windows, create the links to agnos.bat and agnosrc-py.bat6) Build the parts of libagnos that you wish to use: * Java: cd to libagnos/java and run scons * C#: cd to libagnos/csharp/src and run "msbuild Agnos.sln" or "xbuild Agnos.sln" * C++: cd to libagnos/cpp and run scons you may need to tweak the scons file, to define/undefine BOOST_PROCESS_SUPPORTED7) See that everything's working: $ agnosc Usage: agnosc [options] agnosc: error: must specify agnos input file(s) $ agnosrc-py Usage: agnosrc-py [options] agnosrc-py: error: must specify agnos input file(s)

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下一篇:springboot 配置文件配置项前缀为0的数字特殊处理方式

