crawley - 基于非阻塞I/O操作的Pythonic爬虫框架

网友投稿 1092 2022-10-30

crawley - 基于非阻塞I/O操作的pythonic爬虫框架

crawley - 基于非阻塞I/O操作的Pythonic爬虫框架

Pythonic Crawling / Scraping Framework Built on Eventlet


High Speed WebCrawler built on Eventlet.Supports relational databases engines like Postgre, Mysql, Oracle, Sqlite.Supports NoSQL databased like Mongodb and Couchdb. New!Export your data into Json, XML or CSV formats. New!Command line tools.Extract data using your favourite tool. XPath or Pyquery (A Jquery-like library for python).Cookie Handlers.Very easy to use (see the example).


Project WebSite

To install crawley run

~$ python install

or from pip

~$ pip install crawley

To start a new project run

~$ crawley startproject [project_name]~$ cd [project_name]

Write your Models

""" """from crawley.persistance import Entity, UrlEntity, Field, Unicodeclass Package(Entity): #add your table fields here updated = Field(Unicode(255)) package = Field(Unicode(255)) description = Field(Unicode(255))

Write your Scrapers

""" """from crawley.crawlers import BaseCrawlerfrom crawley.scrapers import BaseScraperfrom crawley.extractors import XPathExtractorfrom models import *class pypiScraper(BaseScraper): #specify the urls that can be scraped by this class matching_urls = ["%"] def scrape(self, response): #getting the current document's url. current_url = response.url #getting the html table. table = response.html.xpath("/html/body/div[5]/div/div/div[3]/table")[0] #for rows 1 to n-1 for tr in table[1:-1]: #obtaining the searched html inside the rows td_updated = tr[0] td_package = tr[1] package_link = td_package[0] td_description = tr[2] #storing data in Packages table Package(updated=td_updated.text, package=package_link.text, description=td_description.text)class pypiCrawler(BaseCrawler): #add your starting urls here start_urls = [""] #add your scraper classes here scrapers = [pypiScraper] #specify you maximum crawling depth level max_depth = 0 #select your favourite HTML parsing tool extractor = XPathExtractor

Configure your settings

""" """import os PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))#Don't change this if you don't have renamed the projectPROJECT_NAME = "pypi"PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.join(PATH, PROJECT_NAME)DATABASE_ENGINE = 'sqlite' DATABASE_NAME = 'pypi' DATABASE_USER = '' DATABASE_PASSWORD = '' DATABASE_HOST = '' DATABASE_PORT = '' SHOW_DEBUG_INFO = True

Finally, just run the crawler

~$ crawley run

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