
网友投稿 615 2022-10-29




During HTTP request in android development we can found different response code from the server. If we don't handle this error code then our live application can be crashed cause they don't know the response. In this library, I tried to cover all internet response code so that what happened in our server live application will never be crashed. Here I added a custom Toast library to show the response but if you want you can disable this option.


Add this in your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file):

allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url "" } }}


Add this to your module's build.gradle file (make sure the version matches the JitPack badge above):

dependencies { ... implementation 'com.github.paveltech:HttpResponseCodeHandling:1.0.1'}


HttpResponseCode httpResponseCode; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); httpResponseCode = new HttpResponseCode(getApplicationContext() , true); }

Here if you want to show Toast declear it true or make it false for disable it. If response code is 200. This will never show a Toast and your code will working fine.

/** * if response code is 200 then your code will work * if response code is not 200 this will show you a Toast with server error */ if (httpResponseCode.checkResponse(response.code())){ // do what ever you want }

For custom Toast i used this open sourse library.

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上一篇:通过理解全连接神经网络 理解了attention

