一个用于在clj / cljs中开发单页全堆栈Web应用程序的库

网友投稿 624 2022-10-29

一个用于在clj / cljs中开发单页全堆栈Web应用程序的库

一个用于在clj / cljs中开发单页全堆栈Web应用程序的库

Fulcro 2.0 is a library for building data-driven full-stack applications for the web. It uses React, is written in Clojure and Clojurescript (so it has first-class functional abilities with immutable data) which leads to a very clean synchronous story for the UI. The result is a library that dramatically reduces the amount of boilerplate and incidental complexity in your software.

Fulcro 1.0 is still supported but is only getting bug fix releases at this point. Version 1.0 was an add-on library for Om Next. Fulcro 2.0 no longer has a dependency on Om Next, though the surface API is still very similar (though in different namespaces). See README-fulcro-2.0.adoc for porting instructions and the reasoning behind the change.

NOTE: If you are using Java 9, you may need to include "--add-modules java.xml.bind" to your JVM.

1. Writing Applications with FulcroThe website is a great place to read about Fulcro. It has pages describing things in more general terms, and has links to various resources like videos and evaluation guides.If you want to jump and code, read on!1.1. Getting StartedNew users are encouraged to do one or both of the following: Follow along with the YouTube video series. Follow along with the Getting Started chapter of the Developer’s Guide. Do the Fulcro Tutorial. See below. Experienced users that want to dive right in can use the lein template, which emits a bare-bones full-stack app with dev, testing, uberjar, i18n, and devcards support:lein new fulcro my-projectIf you don’t know Clojure, you should at least get comfortable with the basics. I recommend: Clojure for the Brave and True, and doing at least the basic online exercises at 4Clojure. You should also have a passing familiarity with Facebook’s React, though if you understand that we’re using it to get "fast UI updates", that is sufficient to start.1.2. The Fulcro TutorialThe tutorial is an interactive coding tutorial using Devcards. To do it: Clone the main Fulcro repository. Run the tutorial and follow the instructions. There is a shell script in the top-level directory that will start the tutorial:./run-tutorial.shjust follow the instructions it emits.

2. Fulcro Developers GuideYes! There is a book on Fulcro that covers all of the features in detail! You can read it at http://book.fulcrologic.com.

3. ContributorsFulcro is maintained by Fulcrologic, LLC. The primary architect and maintainer is Tony Kay.Fulcro expands on the work of David Nolen’s Om Next, and that code represents about 30% of 2.0’s code base. Much of the core API is similar, but this library is intended to be an easier-to-use alternative that follows the original simplicity of design while eliminating some experimental features of that library, and rounding out the story with a complete concrete implementation that is easy to use.Many people have contributed to this library. Much of the original internal work was part of Om Next and as written by David Nolen. Some of the contributions of Antonio Monteiro have also been incorporated.Fulcro itself originated as an effort of Navis in Bend, Oregon. Tony Kay was the primary architect, and numerous people contributed in that original project (known as Untangled).Fulcro can therefore be considered a fork of Untangled and Om Next.See the github statistics for information on all contributors.

4. Join us on Slack!We have an active and very helpful community on Slack. Please join us!Get an invite from here:https://clojurians.herokuapp.com/Follow the instructions to get into Slack, and find us in the #fulcro channel.

5. Copyright and LicenseSource code obtained from Om Next is:Copyright © 2013-2017 David NolenLicensed under the Eclipse Public License.Fulcro is:Copyright (c) 2017, Fulcrologic, LLC The MIT License (MIT)Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.

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