ko - Google开源的工具用于在Kubernetes上构建和部署Go应用程序

网友投稿 726 2022-10-29

ko - Google开源的工具用于在Kubernetes上构建和部署Go应用程序

ko - Google开源的工具用于在Kubernetes上构建和部署Go应用程序


ko is a tool for building and deploying Golang applications to Kubernetes.


ko can be installed and upgraded by running:

GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/google/ko/cmd/ko

The ko Model

ko is built around a very simple extension to Go's model for expressing dependencies using import paths.

In Go, dependencies are expressed via blocks like:

import ( "github.com/google/foo/pkg/hello" "github.com/google/bar/pkg/world")

Similarly (as you can see above), Go binaries can be referenced via import paths like github.com/google/ko/cmd.

One of the goals of ko is to make containers invisible infrastructure. Simply replace image references in your Kubernetes yaml with the import path for your Go binary prefixed with ko:// (e.g. ko://github.com/google/ko/cmd/ko), and ko will handle containerizing and publishing that container image as needed.

For example, you might use the following in a Kubernetes Deployment resource:

apiVersion: apps/v1beta1kind: Deploymentmetadata: name: hello-worldspec: selector: matchLabels: foo: bar replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: foo: bar spec: containers: - name: hello-world # This is the import path for the Go binary to build and run. image: ko://github.com/mattmoor/examples/http/cmd/helloworld ports: - containerPort: 8080

What gets built?

ko will attempt to containerize and build any string within the yaml prefixed with ko://.

The legacy behavior of detecting import paths is deprecated and will be removed in a coming release.


Employing this convention enables ko to have effectively zero configuration and enables very fast development iteration. For warm-image, ko is able to build, containerize, and redeploy a non-trivial Kubernetes controller app in seconds (dominated by two go builds).

$ ko apply -f config/2018/07/19 14:56:41 Using base gcr.io/distroless/static:latest for github.com/mattmoor/warm-image/cmd/sleeper2018/07/19 14:56:42 Publishing us.gcr.io/my-project/sleeper-ebdb8b8b13d4bbe1d3592de055016d37:latest2018/07/19 14:56:43 mounted blob: sha256:57752e7f9593cbfb7101af994b136a369ecc8174332866622db32a264f3fbefd2018/07/19 14:56:43 mounted blob: sha256:59df9d5b488aea2753ab7774ae41a9a3e96903f87ac699f3505960e744f36f7d2018/07/19 14:56:43 mounted blob: sha256:739b3deec2edb17c512f507894c55c2681f9724191d820cdc01f668330724ca72018/07/19 14:56:44 us.gcr.io/my-project/sleeper-ebdb8b8b13d4bbe1d3592de055016d37:latest: digest: sha256:6c7b96a294cad3ce613aac23c8aca5f9dd12a894354ab276c157fb5c1c2e3326 size: 5922018/07/19 14:56:44 Published us.gcr.io/my-project/sleeper-ebdb8b8b13d4bbe1d3592de055016d37@sha256:6c7b96a294cad3ce613aac23c8aca5f9dd12a894354ab276c157fb5c1c2e33262018/07/19 14:56:45 Using base gcr.io/distroless/static:latest for github.com/mattmoor/warm-image/cmd/controller2018/07/19 14:56:46 Publishing us.gcr.io/my-project/controller-9e91872fd7c48124dbe6ea83944b87e9:latest2018/07/19 14:56:46 mounted blob: sha256:007782ba6738188a59bf21b4d8e974f218615ee948c6357535d07e7248b2a5602018/07/19 14:56:46 mounted blob: sha256:57752e7f9593cbfb7101af994b136a369ecc8174332866622db32a264f3fbefd2018/07/19 14:56:46 mounted blob: sha256:7fec050f965d7fba3de4bd19739746dce5a5125331b7845bf02185ff5d4cc3742018/07/19 14:56:47 us.gcr.io/my-project/controller-9e91872fd7c48124dbe6ea83944b87e9:latest: digest: sha256:5a81029bb0cfd519c321aeeea2bc1b7dc6488b6c72003d3613442b4d5e4ed14d size: 5932018/07/19 14:56:47 Published us.gcr.io/my-project/controller-9e91872fd7c48124dbe6ea83944b87e9@sha256:5a81029bb0cfd519c321aeeea2bc1b7dc6488b6c72003d3613442b4d5e4ed14dnamespace/warmimage-system configuredclusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/warmimage-controller-admin configureddeployment.apps/warmimage-controller unchangedserviceaccount/warmimage-controller unchangedcustomresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/warmimages.mattmoor.io configured


ko has four commands, most of which build and publish images as part of their execution. By default, ko publishes images to a Docker Registry specified via KO_DOCKER_REPO.

Note: You'll need to be authenticated with your KO_DOCKER_REPO before pushing images. Run gcloud auth configure-docker if you are using Google Container Registry or docker login if you are using Docker Hub.

However, these same commands can be directed to operate locally as well via the --local or -L command (or setting KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local). See the minikube section for more detail.

ko publish

ko publish simply builds and publishes images for each import path passed as an argument. It prints the images' published digests after each image is published.

$ ko publish github.com/mattmoor/warm-image/cmd/sleeper2018/07/19 14:57:34 Using base gcr.io/distroless/static:latest for github.com/mattmoor/warm-image/cmd/sleeper2018/07/19 14:57:35 Publishing us.gcr.io/my-project/sleeper-ebdb8b8b13d4bbe1d3592de055016d37:latest2018/07/19 14:57:35 mounted blob: sha256:739b3deec2edb17c512f507894c55c2681f9724191d820cdc01f668330724ca72018/07/19 14:57:35 mounted blob: sha256:57752e7f9593cbfb7101af994b136a369ecc8174332866622db32a264f3fbefd2018/07/19 14:57:35 mounted blob: sha256:59df9d5b488aea2753ab7774ae41a9a3e96903f87ac699f3505960e744f36f7d2018/07/19 14:57:36 us.gcr.io/my-project/sleeper-ebdb8b8b13d4bbe1d3592de055016d37:latest: digest: sha256:6c7b96a294cad3ce613aac23c8aca5f9dd12a894354ab276c157fb5c1c2e3326 size: 5922018/07/19 14:57:36 Published us.gcr.io/my-project/sleeper-ebdb8b8b13d4bbe1d3592de055016d37@sha256:6c7b96a294cad3ce613aac23c8aca5f9dd12a894354ab276c157fb5c1c2e3326

ko publish also supports relative import paths, when in the context of a repo on GOPATH.

$ ko publish ./cmd/sleeper2018/07/19 14:58:16 Using base gcr.io/distroless/static:latest for github.com/mattmoor/warm-image/cmd/sleeper2018/07/19 14:58:16 Publishing us.gcr.io/my-project/sleeper-ebdb8b8b13d4bbe1d3592de055016d37:latest2018/07/19 14:58:17 mounted blob: sha256:59df9d5b488aea2753ab7774ae41a9a3e96903f87ac699f3505960e744f36f7d2018/07/19 14:58:17 mounted blob: sha256:739b3deec2edb17c512f507894c55c2681f9724191d820cdc01f668330724ca72018/07/19 14:58:17 mounted blob: sha256:57752e7f9593cbfb7101af994b136a369ecc8174332866622db32a264f3fbefd2018/07/19 14:58:18 us.gcr.io/my-project/sleeper-ebdb8b8b13d4bbe1d3592de055016d37:latest: digest: sha256:6c7b96a294cad3ce613aac23c8aca5f9dd12a894354ab276c157fb5c1c2e3326 size: 5922018/07/19 14:58:18 Published us.gcr.io/my-project/sleeper-ebdb8b8b13d4bbe1d3592de055016d37@sha256:6c7b96a294cad3ce613aac23c8aca5f9dd12a894354ab276c157fb5c1c2e3326

ko resolve

ko resolve takes Kubernetes yaml files in the style of kubectl apply and (based on the model above) determines the set of Go import paths to build, containerize, and publish.

The output of ko resolve is the concatenated yaml with import paths replaced with published image digests. Following the example above, this would be:

# Commandexport PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value core/project)export KO_DOCKER_REPO="gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}"ko resolve -f deployment.yaml# OutputapiVersion: apps/v1beta1kind: Deploymentmetadata: name: hello-worldspec: replicas: 1 template: spec: containers: - name: hello-world # This is the digest of the published image containing the go binary. image: gcr.io/your-project/helloworld-badf00d@sha256:deadbeef ports: - containerPort: 8080

Some Docker Registries (e.g. gcr.io) support multi-level repository names. For these registries, it is often useful for discoverability and provenance to preserve the full import path, for this we expose --preserve-import-paths, or -P for short.

# Commandexport PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value core/project)export KO_DOCKER_REPO="gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}"ko resolve -P -f deployment.yaml# OutputapiVersion: apps/v1beta1kind: Deploymentmetadata: name: hello-worldspec: replicas: 1 template: spec: containers: - name: hello-world # This is the digest of the published image containing the go binary # at the embedded import path. image: gcr.io/your-project/github.com/mattmoor/examples/http/cmd/helloworld@sha256:deadbeef ports: - containerPort: 8080

It is notable that this is not the default (anymore) because certain popular registries (including Docker Hub) do not support multi-level repository names.

ko resolve, ko apply, and ko create accept an optional --selector or -l flag, similar to kubectl, which can be used to filter the resources from the input Kubernetes YAMLs by their metadata.labels.

In the case of ko resolve, --selector will render only the resources that are selected by the provided selector.

See the documentation on Kubernetes selectors for more information on using label selectors.

ko apply

ko apply is intended to parallel kubectl apply, but acts on the same resolved output as ko resolve emits. It is expected that ko apply will act as the vehicle for rapid iteration during development. As changes are made to a particular application, you can run: ko apply -f unit.yaml to rapidly rebuild, repush, and redeploy their changes.

ko apply will invoke kubectl apply under the hood, and therefore apply to whatever kubectl context is active.

ko apply --watch (EXPERIMENTAL)

The --watch flag (-W for short) does an initial apply as above, but as it does, it builds up a dependency graph of your program and starts to continuously monitor the filesystem for changes. When a file changes, it re-applies any yamls that are affected.

For example, if I edit github.com/foo/bar/pkg/baz/blah.go, the tool sees that the github.com/foo/bar/pkg/baz package has changed, and perhaps both github.com/foo/bar/cmd/one and github.com/foo/bar/cmd/two consume that library and were referenced by config/one-deploy.yaml and config/two-deploy.yaml. The edit would effectively result in a re-application of:

ko apply -f config/one-deploy.yaml -f config/two-deploy.yaml

This flag is still experimental, and feedback is very welcome.

ko delete

ko delete simply passes through to kubectl delete. It is exposed purely out of convenience for cleaning up resources created through ko apply.

ko version

ko version prints version of ko. For not released binaries it will print hash of latest commit in current git tree.

Strict Mode

It can be difficult for ko to determine whether a string in a YAML file is intended to be an import path, due to typos, non-package main packages, and conflicts between import paths and common strings (e.g., a package whose import path is busybox). To solve this, ko supports "Strict Mode".

When referencing an import path in the YAML file, prefix the string with the string ko:// (e.g., ko://github.com/my/repo/cmd/foo). Then, when calling ko apply or ko resolve, pass --strict. If a string with the ko:// prefix is not determined to be a valid import path, the command will fail, rather than passing it through to the resolved YAML.

With minikube

You can use ko with minikube via a Docker Registry, but this involves publishing images only to pull them back down to your machine again. To avoid this, ko exposes --local or -L options to instead publish the images to the local machine's Docker daemon.

This would look something like:

# Use the minikube docker daemon.eval $(minikube docker-env)# Make sure minikube is the current kubectl context.kubectl config use-context minikube# Deploy to minikube w/o registry.ko apply -L -f config/# This is the same as above.KO_DOCKER_REPO=ko.local ko apply -f config/

A caveat of this approach is that it will not work if your container is configured with imagePullPolicy: Always because despite having the image locally, a pull is performed to ensure we have the latest version, it still exists, and that access hasn't been revoked. A workaround for this is to use imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent, which should work well with ko in all contexts.

Images will appear in the Docker daemon as ko.local/import.path.com/foo/cmd/bar. With --local import paths are always preserved (see --preserve-import-paths).

Configuration via .ko.yaml

While ko aims to have zero configuration, there are certain scenarios where you will want to override ko's default behavior. This is done via .ko.yaml.

.ko.yaml is put into the directory from which ko will be invoked. One can override the directory with the KO_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.

If neither is present, then ko will rely on its default behaviors.

Overriding the default base image

Notice: the use of :latest will be deprecated in favor of :nonroot in a coming release. See https://github.com/google/ko/issues/160 for more info.

By default, ko makes use of gcr.io/distroless/static:latest as the base image for containers. There are a wide array of scenarios in which overriding this makes sense, for example:

Pinning to a particular digest of this image for repeatable builds,Replacing this streamlined base image with another with better debugging tools (e.g. a shell, like docker.io/library/ubuntu).

The default base image ko uses can be changed by simply adding the following line to .ko.yaml:

defaultBaseImage: gcr.io/another-project/another-image@sha256:deadbeef

Overriding the base for particular imports

Some of your binaries may have requirements that are a more unique, and you may want to direct ko to use a particular base image for just those binaries.

The base image ko uses can be changed by adding the following to .ko.yaml:

baseImageOverrides: github.com/my-org/my-repo/path/to/binary: docker.io/another/base:latest

Why isn't KO_DOCKER_REPO part of .ko.yaml?

Once introduced to .ko.yaml, you may find yourself wondering: Why does it not hold the value of $KO_DOCKER_REPO?

The answer is that .ko.yaml is expected to sit in the root of a repository, and get checked in and versioned alongside your source code. This also means that the configured values will be shared across developers on a project, which for KO_DOCKER_REPO is actually undesirable because each developer is (likely) using their own docker repository and cluster.

Including static assets

A question that often comes up after using ko for a while is: "How do I include static assets in images produced with ko?".

For this, ko builds around an idiom similar to go test and testdata/. ko will include all of the data under /kodata/... in the images it produces.

These files are placed under /var/run/ko/..., but the appropriate mechanism for referencing them should be through the KO_DATA_PATH environment variable. The intent of this is to enable users to test things outside of ko as follows:

KO_DATA_PATH=$PWD/cmd/ko/test/kodata go run ./cmd/ko/test/*.go2018/07/19 23:35:20 Hello there

This produces identical output to being run within the container locally:

ko publish -L ./cmd/test2018/07/19 23:36:11 Using base gcr.io/distroless/static:latest for github.com/google/ko/cmd/test2018/07/19 23:36:12 Loading ko.local/github.com/google/ko/cmd/test:703c205bf2f405af520b40536b87aafadcf181562b8faa6690fd2992084c85772018/07/19 23:36:13 Loaded ko.local/github.com/google/ko/cmd/test:703c205bf2f405af520b40536b87aafadcf181562b8faa6690fd2992084c8577docker run -ti --rm ko.local/github.com/google/ko/cmd/test:703c205bf2f405af520b40536b87aafadcf181562b8faa6690fd2992084c85772018/07/19 23:36:25 Hello there

... or on cluster:

ko apply -f cmd/ko/test/test.yaml2018/07/19 23:38:24 Using base gcr.io/distroless/static:latest for github.com/google/ko/cmd/test2018/07/19 23:38:25 Publishing us.gcr.io/my-project/test-294a7bdc57d85dc6ddeef5ba38a59fe9:latest2018/07/19 23:38:26 mounted blob: sha256:988abcba36b5948da8baa1e3616b94c0b56da814b8f6ff3ae3ac316e375e093a2018/07/19 23:38:26 mounted blob: sha256:57752e7f9593cbfb7101af994b136a369ecc8174332866622db32a264f3fbefd2018/07/19 23:38:26 mounted blob: sha256:f24d43c24e22298ed99ea125af6c1b828ae07716968f78cb6d09d4291a13f2d32018/07/19 23:38:26 mounted blob: sha256:7a7bafbc2ae1bf844c47b33025dd459913a3fece0a94b1f3ced860675be2b79c2018/07/19 23:38:27 us.gcr.io/my-project/test-294a7bdc57d85dc6ddeef5ba38a59fe9:latest: digest: sha256:703c205bf2f405af520b40536b87aafadcf181562b8faa6690fd2992084c8577 size: 7512018/07/19 23:38:27 Published us.gcr.io/my-project/test-294a7bdc57d85dc6ddeef5ba38a59fe9@sha256:703c205bf2f405af520b40536b87aafadcf181562b8faa6690fd2992084c8577pod/kodata createdkubectl logs kodata2018/07/19 23:38:29 Hello there

Enable Autocompletion

To generate an bash completion script, you can run:

ko completion

To use the completion script, you can copy the script in your bash_completion directory (e.g. /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/):

ko completion > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/ko

or source it in your shell by running:

source <(ko completion)

Relevance to Release Management

ko is also useful for helping manage releases. For example, if your project periodically releases a set of images and configuration to launch those images on a Kubernetes cluster, release binaries may be published and the configuration generated via:

export PROJECT_ID=export KO_DOCKER_REPO="gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}"ko resolve -f config/ > release.yaml

Note that in this context it is recommended that you also provide -P, if supported by your Docker registry. This improves users' ability to tie release binaries back to their source.

This will publish all of the binary components as container images to gcr.io/my-releases/... and create a release.yaml file containing all of the configuration for your application with inlined image references.

This resulting configuration may then be installed onto Kubernetes clusters via:

kubectl apply -f release.yaml

Why are my images all created in 1970?

In order to support reproducible builds, ko doesn't embed timestamps in the images it produces by default; however, ko does respect the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable.

For example, you can set this to the current timestamp by executing:

export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(date +%s)

or to the latest git commit's timestamp with:

export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(git log -1 --format='%ct')


This work is based heavily on learnings from having built the Docker and Kubernetes support for Bazel. That work was presented here.

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下一篇:解决在JBoss 下不能找到 Action 问题

