Linker 一个用 Kotlin 写的轻量级 URL 路由器框架

网友投稿 830 2022-10-29

Linker 一个用 Kotlin 写的轻量级 URL 路由器框架

Linker 一个用 Kotlin 写的轻量级 URL 路由器框架

Linker provides an annotation-based API to handle URI routing for Android. This library is written in kotlin, and the generated codes are also pure kotlin.


Add the following to your build.gradle file:

dependencies { api 'me.twocities:linker:0.0.5' kapt 'me.twocities:linker-compiler:0.0.5'}


There are two parts of Linker: annotations and LinkResolver


@Link for activity

Use annotation @Link indicate which URI was respect:

@Link("link://product/detail{id})class ProductActivity: AppCompatActivity {}

@LinkPath @LinkQuery for parameters

@Link("link://product/detail/{id})class ProductActivity: AppCompatActivity { @LinkPath("id") lateinit var productId: String @LinkQuery("title") lateinit var productTitle: String}

After annotation processing, an extension function bindLinkParams() of ProductActivity will be generated, you can use it to get values of @LinkPath @LinkQuery params:

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) bindLinkParams()}

@LinkModule for module

// generate LinkerExampleLinkModule@LinkModuleclass ExampleLinkModule

After annotation processing, a module class was generated, will contains informations of all defined @Link, @LinkPath, @LinkQuery. The generated class will be used to decided which uri will be routed.

@LinkModule supports multi android's library module.

@LinkResolverBuilder for builder

// generate LinkerExampleLinkResolverBuilder@LinkResolverBuilder(modules = arrayOf(ExampleLinkModule::class, LibraryLinkModule::class))interface ExampleLinkResolverBuilder

This will generate a LinkResolver's builder:

val resolver = LinkerExampleLinkResolverBuilder(context).build()


The definition of LinkResolver is much simpler:

interface LinkResolver { fun resolve(link: String): Result}

Function resolve will parse the given link, and then return a Result, which has a nullable property of Intent, it will be null if no responding activities was found,


val result = resolver.resolve("link//product/detail/123")if (result.success()) startActivity(result.intent)

Thanks to kotlin, we can simplify this by writing extension function like this:


see ObjectGraph for more details.


Linker also provide other mechanisms: Interceptor, FallbackHandler, which you can change the behavior of a link. You can add interceptors or set fallback handler by the generated builder class:

val resolver = LinkerBuilder(context) .addInterceptor(HttpUrlInterceptor(context)) .setFallbackHandler(DefaultUrlHandler(context)) .setListener(ResolverListener()) .build()

the Listener will be notified when an link was resolved.


The interceptor will give you an ability to change a link's intent, or put extra values to activity

// An interceptor handles how http(s) url was resolvedclass HttpUrlInterceptor(private val context: Context) : Interceptor { override fun intercept(link: String, metadata: LinkMetadata?): Intent? { if (link.startsWith("http") or link.startsWith("https")) { // since `LINK` will be passed to intent automatically, we can return the intent directly return Intent(context, } return null }}


If there's no activities match with the given link, or no interceptors has intercepted, the fallback handler be called. The [FallbackHandler] gives you the ability to handle unknown link: start another activity or show an error page.


Generate link's builder when compiling Support multi links for per activity More unit tests




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