
网友投稿 774 2022-10-29




tf is a microframework for parametrized testing of functions and HTTP in Go.

FunctionsGroupingStruct Functions HTTP TestingClientServer Environment Variables


It offers a simple and intuitive syntax for tests by wrapping the function:

// Remainder returns the quotient and remainder from dividing two integers.func Remainder(a, b int) (int, int) { return a / b, a % b}func TestRemainder(t *testing.T) { Remainder := tf.Function(t, Remainder) Remainder(10, 3).Returns(3, 1) Remainder(10, 2).Returns(5, 0) Remainder(17, 7).Returns(2, 3)}

Assertions are performed with testify. If an assertion fails it will point to the correct line so you do not need to explicitly label tests.

The above test will output (in verbose mode):

=== RUN TestRemainder--- PASS: TestRemainder (0.00s)=== RUN TestRemainder/Remainder#1--- PASS: TestRemainder/Remainder#1 (0.00s)=== RUN TestRemainder/Remainder#2--- PASS: TestRemainder/Remainder#2 (0.00s)=== RUN TestRemainder/Remainder#3--- PASS: TestRemainder/Remainder#3 (0.00s)PASS


Use NamedFunction to specify a custom name for the function/group:

func TestNamedSum(t *testing.T) { Sum := tf.NamedFunction(t, "Sum1", Item.Add) Sum(Item{1.3, 4.5}, 3.4).Returns(9.2) Sum(Item{1.3, 4.6}, 3.5).Returns(9.4) Sum = tf.NamedFunction(t, "Sum2", Item.Add) Sum(Item{1.3, 14.5}, 3.4).Returns(19.2) Sum(Item{21.3, 4.6}, 3.5).Returns(29.4)}

Struct Functions

You can test struct functions by providing the struct value as the first parameter followed by any function arguments, if any.

type Item struct { a, b float64}func (i Item) Add(c float64) float64 { return i.a + i.b + c}func TestItem_Add(t *testing.T) { Sum := tf.Function(t, Item.Add) Sum(Item{1.3, 4.5}, 3.4).Returns(9.2)}

HTTP Testing


Super easy HTTP testing by using the ServeHTTP function. This means that you do not have to run the server and it is compatible with all HTTP libraries and frameworks but has all the functionality of the server itself.

The simplest example is to use the default muxer in the http package:

http.HandleFunc("/hello", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello, World!")})

And now we can write some tests:

func TestHTTPRouter(t *testing.T) { run := tf.ServeHTTP(t, http.DefaultServeMux.ServeHTTP) run(&tf.HTTPTest{ Path: "/hello", Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseBody: strings.NewReader("Hello, World!"), }) run(&tf.HTTPTest{ Path: "/world", Status: http.StatusNotFound, })}

It is compatible with all HTTP frameworks because they must all expose a ServeHTTP which is the entry point for the request router/handler.

There are many more options for HTTPTest. Some HTTP tests require multiple operations, you can use MultiHTTPTest for this:

run(&tf.MultiHTTPTest{ Steps: []*tf.HTTPTest{ { Path: "/save", Method: http.MethodPut, RequestBody: strings.NewReader(`{"foo":"bar"}`), Status: http.StatusCreated, }, { Path: "/fetch", Method: http.MethodGet, Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseBody: strings.NewReader(`{"foo":"bar"}`), }, },})

Each step will only proceed if the previous step was successful.


Sometimes you need to mock HTTP servers where the only option is to provide a URL endpoint through to your test. That is, when you do not have direct access to the router, or it's impractical to inject the behavior.

For case this you can use a HTTPServer:

// 0 means to use a random port, or you can provide your own.server := tf.StartHTTPServer(0). AddHandlers(map[string]http.HandlerFunc{ "/hi": func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Write([]byte(`hello`)) }, "/easy": tf.HTTPJSONResponse(200, []int{1, 2, 3}), })// Always remember to tear down the resources when the test ends.defer server.Shutdown()// Your test code here...server.Endpoint() // http://localhost:61223

Using a real HTTP server has some benefits:

It's isolated. That means it does not interfere in anyway with the global HTTP server. It can be used in parallel. You can either share the same HTTPServer across many tests (such as in TestMain), or create one for each test in parallel. Providing 0 for the port (as in the example above) will ensure that it always selects an unused random port. It mutable. After creating and starting the HTTPServer you can add/remove handlers. This is useful when most tests need a base logic, but some cases need to return special under specific scenarios.

You can create your own handlers, of course, but there are a few common ones that also ship with tf:

HTTPEmptyResponse(statusCode int)HTTPStringResponse(statusCode int, body string)HTTPJSONResponse(statusCode int, body interface{})

Environment Variables

SetEnv sets an environment variable and returns a reset function to ensure the environment is always returned to it's previous state:

resetEnv := tf.SetEnv(t, "HOME", "/somewhere/else")defer resetEnv()

If you would like to set multiple environment variables, you can use SetEnvs in the same way:

resetEnv := tf.SetEnvs(t, map[string]string{ "HOME": "/somewhere/else", "DEBUG": "on",})defer resetEnv()

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上一篇:Express 是一个简洁而快速的 node.js Web开发框架

