Rosie是遵循Clean Architecture原则创建应用的Android框架

网友投稿 436 2022-10-29

Rosie是遵循Clean Architecture原则创建应用的Android框架

Rosie是遵循Clean Architecture原则创建应用的Android框架


This is a SIMPLE MVP-CLEAN KOTLIN sample of Rosie Implementation Architecture!

This sample includes Application + Activity + Fragment + UseCase + Repository

MVP Clean

Rosie is an Android framework to create applications following the principles of [Clean Architecture][clean]. Rosie divides your application in three layers, view, domain and repository.

View: It contains all your presentation logic, implemented through the [Model-View-Presenter pattern][mvp]. Rosie provides classes to represent the main components of this layer like RosieActivity, RosieFragment or RosiePresenter.Domain: Holding all your business logic, its main component is RosieUseCase that gives you an easy way to define your application use cases and execute them in a background thread using the [command pattern][com].Repository: This layer gives you an abstraction of how to retrieve and store data in your application following the [Repository pattern][rep]. RosieRepository and the multiple DataSource classes gives you the base to start building your own repositories.


Android: Support + AppCompat + DesignConnection: Retrofit + OkHttpGson: Json Reflection + RetrofitConverterImage: Glide + Loader + DownloaderDialogs: Material DialogsRxJava: Reactive + AndroidExtrasRxBluetooth: ReactiveBLEArchitecture: RosieSyntax: KotlinLangInjetion: DaggerDependencies + KotlinCompat

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