用于创建可以运行在 Docker 云上Django应用程序的模板

网友投稿 567 2022-10-29

用于创建可以运行在 Docker 云上Django应用程序的模板

用于创建可以运行在 Docker 云上Django应用程序的模板

Django template for Docker Cloud

This is a template for Django applications that can be run with Docker Compose locally and Docker Cloud in production.

Getting started

To get started (replace myapp with the name of your app):

$ docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app django django-admin.py startproject --template https://github.com/bfirsh/django-docker-cloud-template/zipball/master myapp$ cd myapp

This readme file is now in your app's directory. You can delete this top bit and everything that follows is the start of your app's readme.

{{ project_name }}

Description of {{ project_name }}.

Running in development

Install Docker for Mac or Windows.

Do the initial database migration:

$ docker-compose run web python manage.py migrate

Then to run the app:

$ docker-compose up

Your app is now available at http://localhost:8000

Running in production

Upload docker-cloud.yml to Docker Cloud, filling in:

SECRET_KEY with a random string (run openssl rand -base64 64 to generate)ALLOWED_HOSTS with the hostname that the app is running on

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